thats what happens when you run with dudes like Dj Khaled and claim you run New York. Joe tried to rape the game and he failed. Should have stayed humble.
IllPhillip summed it up , read and listen .

Starvin Harlem you knock Joe in every thread you can , yet you ride for 50 like you have some of his DNA , not a good look .... What`s up with that ?

Joe was writing GRAf way before it was "cool " , I dunno where you're coming from wth that talk. TATS is a world famous crew that put in MEGAwork . I doubt you grew up in the late 80`s /early 90`s , graf wasn't the "trendy" thing to do . Then you're going off about a coogi sweater, that`s laughable .
Originally Posted by ChampionHood

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Don't legends sell MILLIONS?

heh...tell that to:


KRS one

juice crew

grandmaster flash and da furious 5


are you implying that fat joe belongs in the same category as those MC's? if so...
What are you talkin about?? When the last time you or ANYone saw Fat Joe with a spray can?? He abondoned that *%*% as soon as he knew it wouldn't advancehis career . . . I don't understand how what years I grew up have to do with Fat Joe being a talentless *!@$# . . . People feel attached to him cause hewas friends with Pun, KRS, Tats Cru or whatever *%*%, that just sounds feminine in itself . . . Why the $#$% should that be a detirmining factor in him being alegend or not?? Should Nike make Robert Horry a shoe cause he played with a lot of great players?? Should he be in the hall of fame??

My whole thing is, you don't need to sit behind a desk to know Fat Joe's music sucks *%%@ . . . If independent life was soo good, why did it take himgetting dropped for him to go that route?? Why wouldn't an artist who actually is capable of selling units go independent and become a billionare?? Youknow why?? Cause those mutha****as don't make as much as they'd like you to believe . . .

I'm 23, how the $#$% didn't I grow up in the late 80s and 90s, that *%*% don't even make sense . . . *%*% I could've been born in the 60s andknow Fat Joe makes GARBAGE . . . Fat Joe makes POP rap, there's nothing street about that fat dude . . . If he's your idea of a street dude

Fat Joe will *%%@ ride ANY trend, he's the guy Guru was describing in "Mass Appeal" . . . He's playin himself. Nobody in the Bronx respectsthat dude unless he's paying them, whatever work he put in on the streets 20 years ago means NOTHING to me . . . What I do know is he makes wack %#! music,and will do a song with ANYone in order to sell records, whatever happened to having integrity?? If Lil Wayne does it yall diss, but if this Fat dude does yallwanna suck his *%%@ because he's been down with this "hip hop" movement, that's just stupid and female like . . . But then again what selfrespecting hip hop fan would defend Fat Joe in the first place??

Fat Joe is a buddy hustler . . . Period. He's what's wrong with hip hop, if anyone else went from workin with KRs One to Ricky Martin, to Lil Wayneyall would clown him, but since its this dude yall wanna defend him?? Shut the $#$% up, you really soundin like a lil *!@$# right now . . . Word to O Dog, KaneAND A Wax . . .
You can't be serious ...

Yes I have seen Joe with paint AFTER he was a rapper . TATS = TA +TS Terrorize all toys ... You're going off on rants you know nothing about . POINT BLANK, stop .

When did i say Fat Joe was nice ? But you're going off on your own lil agenda throwing out bullissh facts about dude, that`s suspect .

Who is calling him a legend ? . Do I respect what he has done for Latinos in the game ? ABSOLUTELY . Do I feel some of his music ? YUP . Does he respect in thegame from Industry cats I know and many dudes who built this game ? YES . Has he put in major work since he was a fat broke kid with ZERO appeal? YUP.

I swear you're living in an another world b . I ain't trying to save Hip Hop , this game is done . Joe could make a song with the CHIPMUNKS and itwouldn't mean $$$$ to me , cuz when it really mattered he held his own , there are hundreds of cat`s I can blame for putting out trash before Joe realizedwhat the game had become .
What's a $**$@#%* fact?? Either its a fact or its not a fact . . .

Fat Joe sucks . . . You're one of the dudes I respect on here, cause 9 times out of 10 you know what you're talkin about . . . In this case, you'redead wrong . . .

Fat Joe is TRASH . . . Period. Always has been and always will be . . . I'm sure he's done a few things for Latinos in hip hop, but Latinos have beenactive since the late 70s, they came in the same time black dudes was on . . . I'm not sayin he never made good or decent music, but it was more or lesswho he was workin with, and how much they helped him . . . He's ran so far from east coast hip hop, I wouldn't even wanna hear a hardcore street recordfrom Fat Joe, I mean who would??

He's finished . . . He got beat up by the Geico lizard, 4 or 5 bitter rappers from the BX just made a diss track to him . . . His album flopped on EVERYstandard . . . He abondoned the east coast. Its not my fault 50 told him he'd put him on Koch, but they didn't even want him . . . How you go frommakin a song like "Hidden Hand" to screaming "crack" every 2 seconds . . . He's a fraud, he doesn't deserve any respect, he's aactor . . .

They all know how I feel . . . /
When suckas be like playin themselves to have mass appeal/
Originally Posted by Starvin Harlem

What's a $**$@#%* fact?? Either its a fact or its not a fact . . .

Fat Joe sucks . . . You're one of the dudes I respect on here, cause 9 times out of 10 you know what you're talkin about . . . In this case, you're dead wrong . . .

Fat Joe is TRASH . . . Period. Always has been and always will be . . . I'm sure he's done a few things for Latinos in hip hop, but Latinos have been active since the late 70s, they came in the same time black dudes was on . . . I'm not sayin he never made good or decent music, but it was more or less who he was workin with, and how much they helped him . . . He's ran so far from east coast hip hop, I wouldn't even wanna hear a hardcore street record from Fat Joe, I mean who would??

He's finished . . . He got beat up by the Geico lizard, 4 or 5 bitter rappers from the BX just made a diss track to him . . . His album flopped on EVERY standard . . . He abondoned the east coast. Its not my fault 50 told him he'd put him on Koch, but they didn't even want him . . . How you go from makin a song like "Hidden Hand" to screaming "crack" every 2 seconds . . . He's a fraud, he doesn't deserve any respect, he's a actor . . .

They all know how I feel . . . /
When suckas be like playin themselves to have mass appeal/

this man speaks the truth
Do I respect what he has done for Latinos in the game ? ABSOLUTELY .
This here is the ONLY reason why I would ever consider to put Joe and legend in the same sentence.
Yes Latinos have been around since the 70`s but how come the rap game has thrown us into a "category" and has only embraced Joe and Pun on aworldwide level ?

Why you keep biggin up 50 ? That dude is the REAL actor ....

I''ll put up Jealous Ones Envy and Don Cartgena against GRODT and The Massacre ...any day of the week , quality wise .

He abanonded the East Coast ? that`s funny . It doesn't matter anymore , why can't you see that ? Who does make East Coast records anymore other thanthe usual handful ?
Power Of The Dollar >>>>>>> ANY Fat Joe album

GRODT >>>>>> ANY Fat Joe album

Fat Joe sucks, and he has ghostwriters . . . He needs to hook back up with his ghostwriter he had on the 2nd Terror Squad album, he was rippin . . . But heprolly "found Pun's rhymebook" like he hinted . . .

50 Cent >>>>>> Fat Joe . . .

Doesn't being a legend require doin something "Legendary"??
Honestly, does it even matter if people in South Africa or wherever doesnt know who Fat Joe is?
At the end of the day does alot of this stuff really matter??
Fat Joes album is a good album imo.

Illphillips post in here was incredible! Whoever did not read that needs to go back to the first page immediately. one.
I agree Fat Joe sucks plain and simple. He gets no play down here in the South he should of stick to his roots.
Doesn't being a legend require doin something "Legendary"??
You're right we have been around since the beginning, but who really before Joe was shouting it everytime you saw/heard him? The spotlight heput on latins when he first came out was rediculous. And then when he found Pun it was a wrap. Pun and FAC took it worldwide. Too bad Pun died, Iwould've loved to see what would've materialized from the LGP movement.

Like I've said before I dont consider dude one, but I cant deny what he did for us. And a few years ago that might have been enough to hold an argumenton his "status", but the route he went on changed alot of opinions on that.
Originally Posted by 8balling

Who cares , Fat Joe was never known to sell mad records ,

If he sold more records would that make his album better ?

Exactly, I don't understand how people think an album is better just because it has sold more.

You listen to the album and see if you enjoy it. You shouldn't equate record sales in your assessment of the quality of the album.
Pretty much , Latinos have had it the roughest in the game . Hip Hop is inner city music that has always been represented in the media as an African-Americanart . Latinos have been stuck in the middle with a thin line on either side . selling out or staying true to what you believe . Try and get a deal being alatino , they'll try to make you Daddy Yankee .
Pun's talent is what got him where he was . . . He just happened to be friends or associates with Fat Joe . . . I don't think we can honestly creditFat Joe for getting ANYone a record deal (maybe Remy Ma??) . . . I don't think any of these dudes got a deal on a label Fat Joe was affiliated with . . .He was on Relativity then they folded, and he ended up on Atlantic . . . But Pun was on Loud, I believe he was there on his own merit . . . Joe may haveintroduced him to a person or 2, but I bet labels have ALWAYS hated Joe . . . I bet the Beatnuts played more of a roll in Pun's deal . . . They were atRelativity, and later made the jump to Loud.

Fat Joe is prolly the reason Latinos have trouble securing deals at majors and releasing @!*! . . . Joell Ortiz should beat his #@+ . . .
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

Originally Posted by ChampionHood

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Don't legends sell MILLIONS?

heh...tell that to:


KRS one

juice crew

grandmaster flash and da furious 5


are you implying that fat joe belongs in the same category as those MC's? if so...

krs cosigns fat joe...look that up...
[h1]Fat Joe…. is Robert Horry![/h1]

Over the past few years I've felt like…and believe me, it's hard to even admit this…that Fat Joe probably hasn't gotten the credit he'sdeserved. I've come to gain a new found respect for Joe. I know, he can truly irritate the hell out of people…me included, but one thing none of us candeny is that somehow…Joe survived! Fat Joe's first album "Represent" came out in 1993. He's from the day when Chris Thomas was the Mayor ofRap City…and he's still relevant. That's a feat within itself…

So to make my argument…I had to think of another person to compare him too. Someone's whose career parallels Fat Joe's, yet everyone will acknowledgethey may not like but do respect…and then it came to me….

For those of you out there that are fans of both hip hop and the NBA…Fat Joe is Robert Horry! I know right now that doesn't make a damn bit of senseright now, but when I'm done…you're going to say to yourself, "you know what Fat Joe ISSSS Robert Horry!"

You may just think about Robert Horry as just being "Big Shot Bob," but if you look at the details and line both of them up next to each other,you can't even deny that Fat Joe is Robert Horry. And if you respect Robert Horry….then you gotta respect Fat Joe!

Robert Horry comes in the NBA in '92 out of Alabama. He wasn't the superstar player any of his years there, James Robinson and Latrell Sprewell hadthose roles. But he was solid and a 1[sup]st[/sup] round pick. Fat Joe…before we heard about Terror Squad, he was a solid member in D.I.T.C…wasn't the ringleader (that was Lord Finesse and Diamond D) and wasn't even close to being the best lyricist (that was Big L). He was just…solid!

Throughout his entire career, every time Robert Horry was no better than the 4[sup]th[/sup] best player on his team…his teams won championships. He knew hislimitations and was ok in living in the space. Set a pick, make a block, take a charge, hit a clutch three…he was good with that! Didn't need to be thestar…but I am going to have one on my team! Olajuwon, Drexler, Shaq, Kobe, Duncan…all going to the Hall of Fame! Yea yea yea yea yea, Big Shot Bob has morerings than all of them! I need to WIN!

Now since we first heard Big Pun destroy the first verse on "Off the Books," Fat Joe's always kept a superstar close by. You gotta give Joecredit for realizing Pun was a bigger star than him and letting him take the reins. He could have kerked out when his man got bigger than him (ie Cam'ron),but he knew he needed a star a win the 7 games series! What do I need to do to win? Old Fat Joe won't work? Want me to loosen up and dance a little? Welllet me jig around with The R in this "We Thuggin" video! I'm dancing with Ashanti you bastards. I'm surviving the times baby!

Rob was given a shot to be a star when the Rockets traded him to Phoenix…and he bugged out! Couldn't handle it! A post Big Pun Terror Squad…with justCuban Link and Remy, Joe was doomed! And what did each of them do? Trade me mutha****as! Trade me to the Lakers! Trade me to the South! Now he's got RickRoss as Tim Duncan, Lil Wayne as Tony Parker, DJ Khaled as Gregg Popovich …and he's…Robert Horry!

If you're not a fan of the Rockets, Lakers, or Spurs, there's a good chance you hate Robert Horry. He's a hack, he's a cheap shot artist, hedoesn't even play during the regular season… and f' him for all those 2.0 seconds left in the game 3's that still pain you to this day! All inall…*@!% Robert Horry! But ask a Houston fan about Rob! Ask a Laker fan about those 3 rings he gave them! Actually…ask a Spurs fan, who've been on bothsides of a "Big Shot Bob" game winner. Do what you gotta do to win the game!

Remember that hip check Rob gave Steve Nash last year in the playoffs, when Amare and Diaw jumped off the bench…that cost the Suns the series. Andthat's what Joe did with Papoose over the weekend. I don't know what happened down at CIAA…but the intended outcome was too rile up 50, Remy andwhoever else already doesn't like him, get us all talking about what the hell happened, help sell these albums, and WIN THE GAME!!!

Will "Big Shot Bob" ever go to the Hall of Fame? Not a chance! But you can't take those rings away from him! And when you're in thebarbershop on Saturday morning, will anyone ever start an argument about Fat Joe being in anyone's top 5? It ain't happening! But somehow…he'sstill on the radio!

Bari the Beautiful
Originally Posted by Starvin Harlem

Power Of The Dollar >>>>>>> ANY Fat Joe album

GRODT >>>>>> ANY Fat Joe album

Fat Joe sucks, and he has ghostwriters . . . He needs to hook back up with his ghostwriter he had on the 2nd Terror Squad album, he was rippin . . . But he prolly "found Pun's rhymebook" like he hinted . . .

50 Cent >>>>>> Fat Joe . . .

Doesn't being a legend require doin something "Legendary"??

get rich>>jealous ones envy, don cartegena, da FIRST terror squad album (wit big pun)>>>>massacre>>>>>>>>>>curtis

so i dunno what u talkin bout b.

starvin harlem got no creditability, i will bet ANYTHING he says all of 50 cent's albums are better then....


come on starvin....come and lose your creditbility in this post...i dare you

starvin harlem love to forget how big pun HATED 50 cent aka

"And to the 50 Cent rapper, very funny, get your nut off
Cause in real life, you don't know
I'll blow your #$@%%$%$!%+@ head off (ooh yeah)

That's my #$@%%$%$!%+@ word, you understand?
Thought we was a %++%!* joke? #$!%
Terror Squad $#%+*, you don't know me
You don't know my name, don't say it, you understand?
Told you before I ain't no #$@%%$%$!%+@ rapper understand?
#$!%, I don't make no songs about rappers I don't like
If I'ma make a song,
it's gon' be how I beat yo' #$@%%$%$!%+@ @%@ understand?
That'll be the name of the !**##@%!$#@$
"That's Why I Had to Beat Your #$@%%$%$!%+@ @%@"
featuring Tony Sunshine
T. Squaders, T. Squaders, T. Squaders"

and u love to try to diss associate fat joe and big pun, which is sad and lame cuz everyone knows big pun LOVED fat joe


hell, he's got this pic of himself and fat joe TATTOOED on his left hand

and you wanna talk about how there was NO way fat joe got him a deal at loud....well here's how it worked for ya slow folk..

funk flex was working on 60 mins of funk VOL. 1�


and fat joe BEGGGED flex to put big pun on da album...which was on LOUD records...here's da story

skip to 2:35 and flex tells fabolous how he first got a glimpse of pun's skills...

and here's da freestyle they did.

starvin harlem =
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