FAT Shaming

Unfortunately we live in a society where science and medicine is part of a capitalistic system. Hundreds of years of scientific research hasn't stopped a society from advertising sugar to kids. We still have fast food and happy meals lol. Can't disregard the conflict of interest in the medical/science world when nutrition is involved. Soda is legal....which science shows has ZERO benefit and a world of detriment.
1) Whether science/medicine is capitalistic, medical advancement and breakthroughs still take place pretty frequently.

2) The medical world can't control companies from putting out unhealthy products and it has nothing to do with scientific research.

3) I don't how you correlate unhealthy food with the scientific/medical world, they don't dictate the products getting out to customers.

I think you're viewing the medical world as one big entity when in reality, there are countless medical facilities, universities, pharms, scientists, doctors, organizations, etc. that operate and conduct their own research.
Also would you want to live in a world where there are strict regulations placed on junk food?

Should it be the job of the government to protect us from ourselves?
The way you'd do that is by getting the proper credentials and establishing a body of ACTUAL research in order to get said backing. The same way every person before him has contributed to scientific research.

...which you'd think you'd be willing to do if you thought you had the cure for cancer. Dude is writing books and dedicating his life to this cause, but when it comes time to ACTUALLY put in the work, get the education, and prove it scientifically he throws up his hands and says "nah that's too much"?

Sorry, but I'm not buying it.

Genetic Fallacy: an attempt to prove a conclusion false by condemning its source. This is a fallacy because how an idea originated is irrelevant to its validity

Fallacy of Personal Attack: an argument that diverts attention away from the question being argued... by instead focusing on on those arguing it.

Fallacy of Appeal to Authority: an argument that attempts to overawe an opponent into accepting a conclusion by playing on his or her reluctance to challenge famous people, time honored customs, or widely held beliefs.


You are attempting to convince everyone to commit to the fallacy of appealing to authority.... by simultaneously committing a genetic fallacy and a fallacy of personal attack.


Is conceptualizing and testing a method not work?
Do you need a source to analyze the results of before and after pictures and videos?

If I couldn't walk while I had cancer... but I a can do anything athletic after... do you need someone with social hierarchical power to confirm that I improved and what i did to improve worked?

You are sitting here calling me dude, saying I have done nothing. and totally disrespecting me... like I posted no videos or pictures... did not have cancer... and I am not trying to help anyone.

If I was wrong and you were right... wouldn't my conclusion be death?

If I was wrong and you were right... wouldn't my condition at least be worse?
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^You sad that, then replied to another one of my posts.

Whether you stay or leave is fine with me.

The truth isn't going anywhere.
Also would you want to live in a world where there are strict regulations placed on junk food?

Should it be the job of the government to protect us from ourselves?

I struggle with this.

I don't think most of us have the discipline NOT to protect ourselves but we have free will and should be allowed to exercise that free will.

The government will end up having to pay for sick individuals in the long run so I could see why they would want to get in the way of us making poor food choices.

I don't know.

I was in favor of this and would have liked to see it in other states.

The New York City soda ban explained - The Washington Post
Anyway... I guess heath shaming... is a thing.

How can healthy people fight health shaming?

How can talking about exercising, diet, and showing results... not be a slippery slope... and not be a negative thing... around unhealthy people?

Should healthy people just be quiet and do their thing... and not trigger the low self esteem of the consciously and visually unhealthy... by not trying to help them?
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I’m completely anti-gov. But I keep it consistent, so if you feel that way no gun laws, no police, social services, etc. so to answer Comparison Ford Comparison Ford , no I wouldn’t want that world BUT we’re in a society where there is governance and regulation…. Soda should be outlawed and weed shouldn’t based on science within a society that governs and regulates
combo gd combo gd look at ingredient list. It’s highly processed item that contains soy. Has potatoes too which I don’t eat, but overall it’s not a natural whole food. I feel like eating that will make someone sick just as your average burger would. A lot of vegan items that I would consider worse than say individually hunted game meat (still bad)
Just saw this guy with an ascitic/beer belly using the ab machine. I wanna tell him it doesn't work that way. He needs to eat right and do some cardio. :lol:
Homie would sad face the thread as a whole rn if he could I just know it
You dunno DC then

Its more like

I’m completely anti-gov. But I keep it consistent, so if you feel that way no gun laws, no police, social services, etc. so to answer Comparison Ford Comparison Ford , no I wouldn’t want that world BUT we’re in a society where there is governance and regulation…. Soda should be outlawed and weed shouldn’t based on science within a society that governs and regulates

If we eat from the earth.. we are fueled by the earth... and let the emotions of our open hearts control us.

If you take the letter H from the word eartH... and move it from the end to the beginning... it spells Heart.

If we drink soda and eat genetically modified food... we are fueled by man made creations... and let the emotions of people attempting to "govern our mental" control our minds... and close our hearts.

To your point... the people who "govern our mental" want to maintain "govern-mental" control over us and our minds.... and do not want us to live from our open and healthy hearts.
Also would you want to live in a world where there are strict regulations placed on junk food?

Should it be the job of the government to protect us from ourselves?
That’s what they do in Canada.

One of the reasons their healthcare is free. They have restrictions on they foods/fast foods. If I’m not mistaken their cigarettes are more than ours too.
Lol Comparison Ford Comparison Ford na keep the whole context. Should be outlawed in the current state of society where there is government and regulation lol. In a vacuum, no it shouldn’t be
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