Fate or Coincidence?

Jun 2, 2007
Which do you believe in more?

This may sound dumb, but i was watching a movie, and as soon as the guy got on his knee to propose, this girl who i have been on and off with for a year now texted me saying Hi. I havent talked to her in a while. And ive never really stopped liking her. But at with that scene and her text outa no where, of all people i was kinda like

Which do you believe in?
Your story is a lil ******ed but I do firmly believe that the next step in human evolution is being a better predictor of the future/mind reading.

We have small doses of it from time to time in all of our lives. You ever think of someone random all day that you haven't see in a while and then you all of of sudden see them in the mall that day or receive a call or facebook invite from them?

We're learning slowly how to utilize this.
Yea i was thinking it was kinda out there that i thought of this when she texted me.
But for how long i liked her, i just sat there was like what the F.

I'll get pics in a little bit.
Hey if you believe that its fate then go through with that man. Make that fake a reality, thus making the fate true? ( Thats sounds so wrong but you %#%$#$* know what I mean.)
A little off topic but, I use to predict what episode of CatDog was ganna come on. No lie.
My question to you is, if she text you "Hi" at that same moment in time while you were debating whether or not to get SB Dunks in Lo or Hi, would you think she was helping you make that decision?

My point is this, every opportunity is exactly that....an opportunity. The opportunity is that you're communicating. Throw that proposal +*%@ out the window, it means nothing. Focus on the real issue here...... Continue the communications

@ this dude getting ready to marry ol' girl because of a damn movie. Best of luck with the divorce 3yrs from now...

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