Father With Autistic Son Sends His Kid to School With a Wire, Exposes Bullying by Teachers

Absolutely terrible 
yngSIMBA wrote:
One thing I never understood, even with normal teachers, if you want to teach, or in this case work with students who require special education, why are they so miserable? This is what you wanted to do.. 
Why would you take up this profession if you're not a compassionate person who can deal with this kind of stuff? 

"Those who can't do, teach."
But I agree with you. Having some teacher *%$$@ about his salary when I'm in class. I'm 12, guy, what do you want me to do?
I dont even understand how teachers or even a regular adult could bully or talk down to kids like this; "normal" or not, special needs or not. How is an adult going to use such language to a child. Now I know it MAY seem like the actual words are not that vuglur but understand the situation. She is saying this to kids, not an adult who has heard far worst in a movie. To these kids this is EASILY the harshest, most vulgur words theyve EVER heard. And on a daily basis at that? I respect the father here for his stance and the postion he has taken but more so the methods he took. I cant say I know what I wouldve done but I know it would take every fiber in my being to not go and handle this myself. And I am not even close to being a violent person.

What scares me is my daughter who is now 10 months old has microtia, we call it her little fin. Her outer ear is deformed and her ear canal is narrow reducing her hearing capacity in that ear by roughly 30-40% as of her most recent tests. Now that is a fluid number as it is hard to identify it now. But that said she will be in special education classes and at the very least have an adapted curriculum to addressee her issues as she goes forward. On ALL I love if an adult makes fun of the way her ear the way looks or her hearing loss I would like to think I would handle it in the manner this dad did. But god knows me and he must know that wont happen.

On another note w/out a ton of excess personal crap I was born with horrible ear infections and as a result was deaf till I was around 5 years old and since my first words at 6 I have had a speech in pediment in the form of a stutter. Now w/ age it was decreased but when I was in elementary to middle school the teasing was horrible to the point I would cry at times when I got home to my Nana. I cant even begin to fathom that feeling but from a teacher...the thoughts these kids must have the emotions they must have. It upsets me to think about it....

I hope the best for all those kids, and there parents may they find peace w/ all of this in due time.
Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Sadly nothing is going to come out of this that has not already happened. He does not have full names so he doesn't have any real sway. No one is going to out themselves and quit their jobs over this.

How does he not have the full names? I'm pretty sure he does but he wants to teachers to come out themselves and resign.
The full names are all over the internet now.  It was two people involved - an aide and a teacher.  The aide was fired on the spot but the teacher was just assigned to teach a different class - in the same building, in the same school.

Tenure policies and the weight they hold



what school is this?
Originally Posted by IronChef

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

This guy is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too calm.

The day you call MY child a "bastard" is a day you'll regret for the rest of your life and I mean that @@!%.
i bet dude is calm cuz he was probably told by his lawyers he would have to be if he wanted anything to come of it...who knows though. 
at the beginning he said some of it was recorded in february...maybe he was livid the first month and just thought better of being angry by trying to get this thing to go viral. 

sad in any case...
 smh. i commend dude for not being to excitied while recording the vid. who knows how he reacted upon first listen. prolly was angry to tears.
Terrible story and as a teacher myself..I would never call a child a bastard..let alone to a student with special needs..I am in a masters program for Special Education and I eventually want to teach special needs student but I can assure this parent and every other parent that this will not happen in my classroom..
Sickening. Hes right, those people should be revoked of their right to be an educator forever.

They take advantage of the fact that the child cannot communicate and use it as their shield as they abuse him.
Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

Originally Posted by swendro88

How does he not have the full names? I'm pretty sure he does but he wants to teachers to come out themselves and resign.
The full names are all over the internet now.  It was two people involved - an aide and a teacher.  The aide was fired on the spot but the teacher was just assigned to teach a different class - in the same building, in the same school.

Tenure policies and the weight they hold



what school is this?
Horace Mann Elementary School - Cherry Hill, NJ

I don't know how dude kept his composure during the video. I would've been trembling with murderous rage.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I would've been in prison. Like I would've been so mad I wouldn't have even took steps to be secretive about what I would do to those ppl for that kind of abuse. Straight black out episode of rage.
Pretty much..
One thing I never understood, even with normal teachers, if you want to teach, or in this case work with students who require special education, why are they so miserable? This is what you wanted to do.. 

Why would you take up this profession if you're not a compassionate person who can deal with this kind of stuff? 
Because most school systems don't allow you to teach, it doesn't take away from the point that I would say these days there are many teachers only in it for the pay check. Anyways if you haven't already watched you should check out Waiting for Superman and you'll see if the best of teachers, with the greatest of intentions can find themself with their head in their hands because of the school system
this def is deep for people with sibling in special ed, my sister is enrolled in that due to her learning disability

for that teacher to still be teaching is blasphemy but life isn't fair
this needs to go viral

i see it has over 200 000 views, but it NEEDS to go over a couple million
Originally Posted by Physicx

this needs to go viral

i see it has over 200 000 views, but it NEEDS to go over a couple million

it was just at 5,000 when i posted this last night, i hope the pace picks up.
I work with individuals with autism..and this just makes me sick to my stomach 
I almost could not even watch the whole thing.

I bet now because of this, it will make it harder for the ones that want to be a special ed teacher, like myself
he's a good one...

you couldn't call my kid (especially if he/she is as emotionally fragile as this one) and think i won't raise hell

i'd own that lady's house by the time i was done

Props to the father for making the vid. Those teachers should be banned from teaching.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

My mom works with special needs children, and I have a high respect for her for that. Teachers and students always love my mom because she has a real care and love for her kids

That's disgusting, if I were that kid's father I definitely wouldn't
have been able to keep my composure like that.

But i think
teachers need to be paid more (and screened better) so they actually give a damn
about their jobs..       
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