Favorite '07 album

Originally Posted by solesavage


and I enjoyed the cool. I am not a huge Lupe fan, but I felt this album more than Food & Liquor.

no way the cool was better then food and liquor...

come on... hurt me soul, sunshine, the cool, he say she say, day dreaming, i got ya...

so many great songs...
"EARDRUM" ...I know a lot of people said this album was ok or weak, But I think this album can be considered a classic, if not a classic i would rateit a solid 4.5/5. Lyrics on point , beats on point, plus i can listen to it from beginning to end.
Originally Posted by iLLscan

I thought El-P's I'll Sleep When You're Dead was by far the best hip hop album of the year. But I know most dudes don't eff with duke, so this opinion will be dismissed.

I concur. I listened to that album like i was getting paid to do so. His live performances were equally as dope. The only hip hop album i feel is effinwith ISWYD, is "Below The Heavens".
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