******February 2009 WDYWT Vol. NO PIC QUOTING******!

yeah erase that $!%% you probably a grown #!@ man and cant say what you want to a damn 19 year old lol we both men here! Whoever else that has something tosay, say it.....speak!(like i tell my dog to sit)
ProperLive wrote:
yeah erase that $!%% you probably a grown #!@ man and cant say what you want to a damn 19 year old lol we both men here! Whoever else that has something to say, say it.....speak!(like i tell my dog to sit)

oh wow..... well what i originally said was.... Your telling someone to grow up while your hitting the green and "supposedly in College"

and stop posting your horrific face dawg, you sicken me. arent you the guy that scammed another niketalker? shame on you buddy.

and wow at the fact that you actually refresh this page every 5 seconds, i deleted my comment to avoid this...

whiten you teeth dawg.
Originally Posted by never wear them

ProperLive wrote:
yeah erase that $!%% you probably a grown #!@ man and cant say what you want to a damn 19 year old lol we both men here! Whoever else that has something to say, say it.....speak!(like i tell my dog to sit)

oh wow..... well what i originally said was.... Your telling someone to grow up while your hitting the green and "supposedly in College"

and stop posting your horrific face dawg, you sicken me. arent you the guy that scammed another niketalker? shame on you buddy.

and wow at the fact that you actually refresh this page every 5 seconds, i deleted my comment to avoid this...

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]whiten you teeth dawg.[/color]



my gpa is over 4.0, so what are you saying?


"Why are you lying man..."

The highest gpa you can get in college as an undergrad is a 4.0

So how do you have over a 4.0

What makes you so special...

Come on fellas we don't need that here.
Today to class and watch RIC come back and beat UMass Amherst:

RIC Dining Services Trucker, Army Navy Surplus Tee, Levi's 505, CDP AJ XVI
That was a good one "whiten YOU teeth dawg" its YOUR lmao its funny how im high now and correcting your mistakes. But its cool man no feelings hurthere and i had macaroni and cheese at dennys so there white now i just brushed my teeth.

O yeah and another thing for the last time I sold that account and the guy I sold it to scammed the other Ntalker so your wrong on that one brother lol stay innorth hollywood

and im taking five classes one online so therefore my gpa should be like a 4.3 get your facts straight!

asa lama lakem...
Originally Posted by ProperLive

and im taking five classes one online so therefore my gpa should be like a 4.3 get your facts straight!
my momma is gona be sooo proud of me

Sorry S dubl..... i know i know... but just had to do it. but i will stop, I promise.

Nice Nylons... i got the Red pair.
lol i can get my teeth whiten but them clippers got YOU lmao your eyebrow alil F'd up! is that a dent or what man you need to get that fixed asap stopbuying shoes for awhile it might cost alot! hahahaha

now were done

LMAO!!!!!!! wow... damn i look handsome... that was a great laugh. and btw, thats a SCAR... Boxing for 5 years buddy....
thats cool i just started kick boxing and wrestled for two years in hs. lol i gotta stop smoking.
every month there is a e-fight between two Nters on WDYW best one is stil the realhundreds and _____? forgot his name
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