***Feds Go After Online Poker sites_ 4betJam***

Knew it. Shall we play a hand for her heart?

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Kingtre

havent been around to update but the situation is MUCH more grim than it looked-

US players cant play at all right now- and the case is more focused on money laundering etc and not so much the gray area of online poker being illegal....

to dude with 500k - all i can say is wow and good luck....there's def people out there with those type of amounts so no need to call ducktales...but its def looking grim right now...all the processors are tied up in the schemes and in the indictment so once they start freezing assets and money its gonna be real hard to get at-  of course pokerstars and ft are saying everybodies $ is safe but time will tell....

they are basically making way for regulated and taxed poker...DC and Vegas just passed laws allowing for online poker....PS and full tilt had deals set up with major casino corps and were lobbying to get it all squared away where it would all be legal and they would continue business in a much more transparent and obviously legal way with the branding of the casinos...after all of this broke both casinos have backed out of the deals with the online sites....

everyone knew they were operating with the other foot set to drop at any time but this is how the house of cards fell...

same story as the major drug operations/mafia families etc etc - greed, snitching , money laundering, tax evasion, wire fraud etc
When this all went down, one thing became obvious. PS and FT were set up by the Casinos. They were lulled into thinking that they could keep doing things as usual because the Vegas group would square things away on the legal side. I don't think that was the intention of the Vegas Casino's at all. Why share profits when you could get rid of the competition and keep it all to yourself. Especially knowing the influence/ wealth that the Vegas lobby has accumulated over the decades. 
understandable BUT- the casinos had alot of leverage and the pokersites needed them as much as they needed the pokersites...the branding and software and infrastructure was already all there...of course onece its legalized a bunch of new ones will pop up but its much easier and prob more profitable to partner with someone like pokerstars and grow the business legally than it is to start from ground zero -

also the article i posted above about the snitch was the main reason
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Kingtre

havent been around to update but the situation is MUCH more grim than it looked-

US players cant play at all right now- and the case is more focused on money laundering etc and not so much the gray area of online poker being illegal....

to dude with 500k - all i can say is wow and good luck....there's def people out there with those type of amounts so no need to call ducktales...but its def looking grim right now...all the processors are tied up in the schemes and in the indictment so once they start freezing assets and money its gonna be real hard to get at-  of course pokerstars and ft are saying everybodies $ is safe but time will tell....

they are basically making way for regulated and taxed poker...DC and Vegas just passed laws allowing for online poker....PS and full tilt had deals set up with major casino corps and were lobbying to get it all squared away where it would all be legal and they would continue business in a much more transparent and obviously legal way with the branding of the casinos...after all of this broke both casinos have backed out of the deals with the online sites....

everyone knew they were operating with the other foot set to drop at any time but this is how the house of cards fell...

same story as the major drug operations/mafia families etc etc - greed, snitching , money laundering, tax evasion, wire fraud etc
When this all went down, one thing became obvious. PS and FT were set up by the Casinos. They were lulled into thinking that they could keep doing things as usual because the Vegas group would square things away on the legal side. I don't think that was the intention of the Vegas Casino's at all. Why share profits when you could get rid of the competition and keep it all to yourself. Especially knowing the influence/ wealth that the Vegas lobby has accumulated over the decades. 
understandable BUT- the casinos had alot of leverage and the pokersites needed them as much as they needed the pokersites...the branding and software and infrastructure was already all there...of course onece its legalized a bunch of new ones will pop up but its much easier and prob more profitable to partner with someone like pokerstars and grow the business legally than it is to start from ground zero -

also the article i posted above about the snitch was the main reason
that was my phone background then I thought it looks too much like Giada DeLaurantis but then that gave me a half-chub 'cus I thought maybe Natalie can cook.

that was my phone background then I thought it looks too much like Giada DeLaurantis but then that gave me a half-chub 'cus I thought maybe Natalie can cook.

Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Kingtre

havent been around to update but the situation is MUCH more grim than it looked-

US players cant play at all right now- and the case is more focused on money laundering etc and not so much the gray area of online poker being illegal....

to dude with 500k - all i can say is wow and good luck....there's def people out there with those type of amounts so no need to call ducktales...but its def looking grim right now...all the processors are tied up in the schemes and in the indictment so once they start freezing assets and money its gonna be real hard to get at-  of course pokerstars and ft are saying everybodies $ is safe but time will tell....

they are basically making way for regulated and taxed poker...DC and Vegas just passed laws allowing for online poker....PS and full tilt had deals set up with major casino corps and were lobbying to get it all squared away where it would all be legal and they would continue business in a much more transparent and obviously legal way with the branding of the casinos...after all of this broke both casinos have backed out of the deals with the online sites....

everyone knew they were operating with the other foot set to drop at any time but this is how the house of cards fell...

same story as the major drug operations/mafia families etc etc - greed, snitching , money laundering, tax evasion, wire fraud etc
When this all went down, one thing became obvious. PS and FT were set up by the Casinos. They were lulled into thinking that they could keep doing things as usual because the Vegas group would square things away on the legal side. I don't think that was the intention of the Vegas Casino's at all. Why share profits when you could get rid of the competition and keep it all to yourself. Especially knowing the influence/ wealth that the Vegas lobby has accumulated over the decades. 
understandable BUT- the casinos had alot of leverage and the pokersites needed them as much as they needed the pokersites...the branding and software and infrastructure was already all there...of course onece its legalized a bunch of new ones will pop up but its much easier and prob more profitable to partner with someone like pokerstars and grow the business legally than it is to start from ground zero -

also the article i posted above about the snitch was the main reason
eh, I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the supposed snitch. It does appear that it would be in his interest to divulge info but as with most supposed big snitches, you'll find out when all is said and done that they weren't as important as initially claimed. 
Some websites did still take in US players but used other, legal, methods to process payments. It appears that FT, PS, and AP got ballsy. It may have had something to do with them believing that their partnerships with the Vegas casinos would square things away eventually. Just speculation on my part but it looks like they got played big time by those criminals in Vegas. The major Vegas conglomerates were initially criminal enterprises. It is still cut throat there with anything that dents their profits. Don't put it past them to pull something like this off. 

Also, as it comes to building up venues. That won't be a problem for the Vegas Casinos. The money, both for the winning players and the house, in online poker comes from degen players. Degens will play on whatever venue is available. The barriers to entry for online poker is extremely low. There is nothing revolutionary or innovative about it. It's not capital intensive either. What it does is produce tons of profit ( as a result of relatively low operating costs and high margins) and it'd be a shame for the Vegas casinos to share that with anyone else. Gambling is their domain after all and they've put decades of effort and capital into it. I would guess that this is how they see it. The online poker rooms were piggy backing off of Vegas' multi decade effort and they're just taking back what's rightfully theirs. 

They got played. Maybe they knew it and just made as much money as they could in US util the hammer dropped. Maybe they figured they'll pay small fines/serve short sentences and it'll be worth it in the end.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Kingtre

havent been around to update but the situation is MUCH more grim than it looked-

US players cant play at all right now- and the case is more focused on money laundering etc and not so much the gray area of online poker being illegal....

to dude with 500k - all i can say is wow and good luck....there's def people out there with those type of amounts so no need to call ducktales...but its def looking grim right now...all the processors are tied up in the schemes and in the indictment so once they start freezing assets and money its gonna be real hard to get at-  of course pokerstars and ft are saying everybodies $ is safe but time will tell....

they are basically making way for regulated and taxed poker...DC and Vegas just passed laws allowing for online poker....PS and full tilt had deals set up with major casino corps and were lobbying to get it all squared away where it would all be legal and they would continue business in a much more transparent and obviously legal way with the branding of the casinos...after all of this broke both casinos have backed out of the deals with the online sites....

everyone knew they were operating with the other foot set to drop at any time but this is how the house of cards fell...

same story as the major drug operations/mafia families etc etc - greed, snitching , money laundering, tax evasion, wire fraud etc
When this all went down, one thing became obvious. PS and FT were set up by the Casinos. They were lulled into thinking that they could keep doing things as usual because the Vegas group would square things away on the legal side. I don't think that was the intention of the Vegas Casino's at all. Why share profits when you could get rid of the competition and keep it all to yourself. Especially knowing the influence/ wealth that the Vegas lobby has accumulated over the decades. 
understandable BUT- the casinos had alot of leverage and the pokersites needed them as much as they needed the pokersites...the branding and software and infrastructure was already all there...of course onece its legalized a bunch of new ones will pop up but its much easier and prob more profitable to partner with someone like pokerstars and grow the business legally than it is to start from ground zero -

also the article i posted above about the snitch was the main reason
eh, I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the supposed snitch. It does appear that it would be in his interest to divulge info but as with most supposed big snitches, you'll find out when all is said and done that they weren't as important as initially claimed. 
Some websites did still take in US players but used other, legal, methods to process payments. It appears that FT, PS, and AP got ballsy. It may have had something to do with them believing that their partnerships with the Vegas casinos would square things away eventually. Just speculation on my part but it looks like they got played big time by those criminals in Vegas. The major Vegas conglomerates were initially criminal enterprises. It is still cut throat there with anything that dents their profits. Don't put it past them to pull something like this off. 

Also, as it comes to building up venues. That won't be a problem for the Vegas Casinos. The money, both for the winning players and the house, in online poker comes from degen players. Degens will play on whatever venue is available. The barriers to entry for online poker is extremely low. There is nothing revolutionary or innovative about it. It's not capital intensive either. What it does is produce tons of profit ( as a result of relatively low operating costs and high margins) and it'd be a shame for the Vegas casinos to share that with anyone else. Gambling is their domain after all and they've put decades of effort and capital into it. I would guess that this is how they see it. The online poker rooms were piggy backing off of Vegas' multi decade effort and they're just taking back what's rightfully theirs. 

They got played. Maybe they knew it and just made as much money as they could in US util the hammer dropped. Maybe they figured they'll pay small fines/serve short sentences and it'll be worth it in the end.
Originally Posted by Destination Kicks

that was my phone background then I thought it looks too much like Giada DeLaurantis but then that gave me a half-chub 'cus I thought maybe Natalie can cook.



It does kinda look like Giada,


@ the avy change.
Originally Posted by Destination Kicks

that was my phone background then I thought it looks too much like Giada DeLaurantis but then that gave me a half-chub 'cus I thought maybe Natalie can cook.



It does kinda look like Giada,


@ the avy change.
Originally Posted by Hyper

Originally Posted by Destination Kicks

that was my phone background then I thought it looks too much like Giada DeLaurantis but then that gave me a half-chub 'cus I thought maybe Natalie can cook.



It does kinda look like Giada,


@ the avy change.

Wait did my avy change?
I made it a Natalie one like a minute ago but I still see Joe Flacco as mine.

Originally Posted by Hyper

Originally Posted by Destination Kicks

that was my phone background then I thought it looks too much like Giada DeLaurantis but then that gave me a half-chub 'cus I thought maybe Natalie can cook.



It does kinda look like Giada,


@ the avy change.

Wait did my avy change?
I made it a Natalie one like a minute ago but I still see Joe Flacco as mine.

Hyper goodluck with you money. I used to be huge into online poker but then when the bill passed attached to the port bill it scared me off and made things too difficult to fool around with. Hopefully i can get back what i have left there but if I dont i wont be in near the situation you will
Hyper goodluck with you money. I used to be huge into online poker but then when the bill passed attached to the port bill it scared me off and made things too difficult to fool around with. Hopefully i can get back what i have left there but if I dont i wont be in near the situation you will
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