FEMA sources confirm coming Martial Law

Sep 4, 2004
Army prepares America for Martial Law - Updated
Frank Luntz, Ron Paul's messagetranscends politics
[h1]FEMA sources confirm coming martial law, says Wayne Madsen[/h1]
October 8th, 2008 | Breaking News, Constitutional Crisis, Martial Law

By: George @ 6:09 PM - EST

Wayne Madsen a Washington based investigative journalist, author, columnist and former U.S. Naval Officer reported on April 3rd, 2008 the existence of a document called the "C & R" document is being passed around among senior members of Congress and their staff.

Bush planning martial law

FEMA sources have told Madsen today that the Bush administration is putting final touches on a plan that would initiate martial law in the event of continuing economic collapse causing massive social unrest, bank closures resulting in violence against financial institutions and another fraudulent presidential election that would result in rioting in major cities and campuses around the country.

Troops on American streets

In addition to FEMA sources, Army Corps of Engineer sources report that the assignment of the 3rd Infantry Division's 1st Brigade to NorthCom to augment FEMA and federal law enforcement for the purpose of traffic control, crowd control, curfews, enhanced border and port security, and neighborhood patrols in the event a national emergency being declared.

America may default on it's loans

The "C & R" document reportedly states that if the United States defaults on loans and debt underwritten from China, Japan and Russia and America unilaterally cancels the debts, America can expect a war that will have disastrous results for the United States and the world.

"Conflict" is the "C word" in the document.

Washington fears a popular Revolution

The other possibility discussed in the document is that the federal government will be forced to drastically raise taxes in order to pay off debts to foreign countries to the point that the American people will react with a popular revolution against the government.

"Revolution" is the document's "R" word.

Updated: @ 11:48 PM - EST

Wayne Madsen reported the existence of the "C & R" document on April 3rd, 2008. The new information is the contingency plan being finalized by the Bush administration to initiate Continuity of Government by suspending The Constitution and declaring martial law in the event of a "crisis."

Assigning the 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division to NorthCom is a step toward implementation of the "Conflict & Revolution" document.
I gotta be honest, I really don't see this happening. Curfews? C'mon now.
Ha! Is this 'Scare people on NT day'?

ALL I have to say is that it doesn't hurt to be armed. I mean, not just because of what's going on now, but you never know what situations may occurthat will put you and your family in danger. Besides, you can have some fun hunting for deer or ducks or practicing at a gun range. I recommend that youshould at least have a shot gun, a rifle and a pistol. I love Sigs!

I'm just saying... If civil unrest here in the US becomes more of a reality, Do you want to go peacefully in zipstrips cuff. Go down fighting. Resourceswill be very limited. I would not be surprised if they slaughtered us if food supplies became an issue arise.
Originally Posted by devildog1776

too bad the army cant mess with MARINES.... I can have a platoon on deck in 18 hrs....
so you honestly believe that you can have a platoon of MARINES that will fight against the ARMY. i highly doubt that

just yesterday i was taking my sister to radiaton treatment and saw a army humvee driving in the heart of the city just patroling
never in my life have iseen a army humvee in the city

continues to listen to eminem "mosh"
Originally Posted by JAYMATIK

Ha! Is this 'Scare people on NT day'?

ALL I have to say is that it doesn't hurt to be armed. I mean, not just because of what's going on now, but you never know what situations may occur that will put you and your family in danger. Besides, you can have some fun hunting for deer or ducks or practicing at a gun range. I recommend that you should at least have a shot gun, a rifle and a pistol. I love Sigs!

I'm just saying... If civil unrest here in the US becomes more of a reality, Do you want to go peacefully in zipstrips cuff. Go down fighting. Resources will be very limited. I would not be surprised if they slaughtered us if food supplies became an issue arise.

listen to this guy
Rex-84 is the original blueprint. It is a contingency plan� and I don't blame the Feds for being prepared but at its heart it's a plan to keep thestatus quo political system in power.

About 1:00 on...
"they" want you to be afraid...that way "they"stay in control..
we need a "R" (REVOLUTION) to bring goverment back on the side of the people or just put the people in control..
democracy is an illusion..
executive order 10999..google it.
plenty where that came from
Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by devildog1776

too bad the army cant mess with MARINES.... I can have a platoon on deck in 18 hrs....
so you honestly believe that you can have a platoon of MARINES that will fight against the ARMY. i highly doubt that

In reality NO... but we can take out 10 times the amount of the opposition.. after were gone your on ya own
Jesus Christ people.

Life goes on. You guys are acting like this is the goddamn apocalypse. Yeah, it's bad. It'll get better.

*#!#$@$#*##++ scaring these high schoolers like it's gonna be "Mad Max" in two weeks or some %%+*.
Originally Posted by Nolan3001

Jesus Christ people.

Life goes on. You guys are acting like this is the goddamn apocalypse. Yeah, it's bad. It'll get better.

*#!#$@$#*##++ scaring these high schoolers like it's gonna be "Mad Max" in two weeks or some %%+*.
HAVE YOU NOT BEEN LOOKING AT THE NEWS... THERE THE ONES FEEDING THE PROPOGANDA OF A FINANCIAL COLLAPSE , but they say everything will be allright.... NT aint the source of the news we just spread what we hear
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