female question + pic for you beasts UPDATE pg 1 10/19

what law school?

curious cuz i'm a fellow member of the bar...

girl's cute btw. good luck.
Originally Posted by bkroc915

who sleeps over?
i commute to school & she lives near campus, and after going out, i don't feel like driving 20+ miles
Originally Posted by WJG23G

Originally Posted by bkroc915

who sleeps over?
i commute to school & she lives near campus, and after going out, i don't feel like driving 20+ miles
You're doin fine dude. You've crashed at her pad, you could most likely smash. It is really up to you at this point though like manyothers stated. Obviously don't just whip it out and expect her to S the D. It is up to you and only you to man up and put a move on her though. Thesooner the better. Just take her to a bar on campus, have a few drinks, grind dance on her a little bit, then crash at her pad again. The magic will happenbro
Originally Posted by piczon1983

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

there's no special advice for this

you just need to make a move on her
You must make a move NOW!!!!. Youve already struck out by not putting the moves on her on the sleepover. Now you just gotta go for it homie
ask me why i did this exact same thing in middle school? feels like grew up too fast or something.

just kiss her when your in the bed with her. i cant believe you slept over and didnt make a move tho.

Next time you sleep over when you guys are cuddling. . Say you need to go to the bathroom. . . Go to the bathroom take off all your clothes, then return backto the bed. . . If you don't know what to do from here then YNS. .
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

have you kissed her?
Seriously if you haven't kissed her your probably friendzoned by now, she might think your gay, or really shy and insecure. Anyway if youwant to know if she likes your its simple KISS her. If she responds well problem solved, after that whip it out.
as funny as it sounds you seriously nee to whip it out let her know that you don't wana be in the friend zoned...
Originally Posted by WJG23G

in law school together.
few dates, i've slept over twice, only "snuggling" though. since she found out i'm interested, i've slept over once. she's got a "special friend" back home, not overly serious.

i know i've messed up to be at this point, but can i get some advice where to go from here?

here you are, beasts. on the right
What's happening with the pointy headed chap in the background? Is that some sort of hat or napkin trick?
so you made a choice to go to law school ( grown up choice )
and you cant decide what to do with a grown woman ( kid Issues )
A very wise man once told me, "When in doubt, whip it out. And remember, its your duty to please that booty."
Originally Posted by biggatree

Originally Posted by WJG23G

in law school together.
few dates, i've slept over twice, only "snuggling" though. since she found out i'm interested, i've slept over once. she's got a "special friend" back home, not overly serious.

i know i've messed up to be at this point, but can i get some advice where to go from here?

here you are, beasts. on the right
What's happening with the pointy headed chap in the background? Is that some sort of hat or napkin trick?
That's what I was wondering, too. That guy is probably smashing it as we speak.
Originally Posted by jaysonmytoes713

so you made a choice to go to law school ( grown up choice )
and you cant decide what to do with a grown woman ( kid Issues )
Exactly my sentiments regarding this topic. The recent "girl problems" have hit an all time low. Some of this @@*# is just elementary.Girl lets you in the bed, she wants to have sex. To that other numskull, if a girl texts you at 2:30 AM, she wants to have sex. Too many dumb cats on NT whenit comes to stuff like sex.
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