female question + pic for you beasts UPDATE pg 1 10/19

I looked at the pic and read the responses before reading OP's story.

And from the way some of you were making it sound, I thought she damn near threw herself at him and he passed or something.

How is he in the friend zone??

He's in cruise control and he can definitely still smash.

Stay the course and I'm pretty sure he'll smash next time over (provided he makes that attempt).
Next time you're cuddling/snuggling/whatever the F you wanna call it... just start lightly kissing on her neck... she'll know wassup.
What you got to lose man... I mean, you've already slept over. Would she let some random guy sleep over and "snuggle". Do us proud.
you just need to make a move and you should be good.

now go get it....
I dont know if your in the friend zone yet but you are getting close. Im assuming you're around at least 22 or 23 to be in law school, because women donthave sleepovers. if she just wanted to be friends and what not, she wouldnt let you sleep in her bed you'd be on the couch.
How can dudes sleep over and all that jazz without losing it...

I know if I were in that position something is getting penetrated
You still have a chance, dudes acting like since you didn't hit that its the end of the world. Next time, you know what to do and its simple as that.Sometime you have to start from somewhere with certain chicks.
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