female question + pic for you beasts UPDATE pg 1 10/19

You are losing man.

She giving you all the go ahead signs and you're laying there cuddling? F is wrong with you?

She lets you sleep in your bed and feel her up and you still can't smash?

WTH son? Just pull it out next time you're with here. Sheesh. IT ain't that damn hard. You're over-thinking the hell out of this. She probablysnickering to her girlfriends right now about you being gay. Get it together man.
Play her game back at her. Try to get at the girl in the middle. Then girl you're "cuddling" with will want you more because females typically goafter something they think they can't have.
Originally Posted by reener

Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by 18th letter

You in law school doggie. LAW SCHOOL.

How you gonna convince a jury and you can't convince this simple broad?
had me dyin'
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

You are losing man.

She giving you all the go ahead signs and you're laying there cuddling? F is wrong with you?

She lets you sleep in your bed and feel her up and you still can't smash?

WTH son? Just pull it out next time you're with here. Sheesh. IT ain't that damn hard. You're over-thinking the hell out of this. She probably snickering to her girlfriends right now about you being gay. Get it together man.
Seriously what set the ball in motion so to speak is that you confirmed SHE KNOWS you like her. Thats the worst thing a femalecan ever do, is have that POWER over you. See when I say youre her filler. She has you pegged as the guy to give her what she needs right now that her"special friend" back home cant give her and thats = undivided attention - you give her way too much of it and now that she knows it, shes going touse it to her advantage. Shes basically going to keep doing this to you because she knows you will stop at nothing in a sense to meet her needs FIRST, kindalike making her your number priority. The clues are all there my man. You said she seemed noticeable when you were dancing with other girls and she took noteof that..Here some things you can try out if you want further inside questions of yours to be answered

* Definately stop trying to push her into Smashing, and I mean dont even bring it up, it may be hard to resist a kiss but sheknows she can get away with just letting you kiss, feel or whatever and thats her boundries with you. Its okay for her but for us guys it sucks bad. So thefirst thing you need to do is AVOID PHYSICAL CONTACT because in your mind it may be a romanticintimate momment, TO HER its just for play. Resist that kiss or that touch and feel to her. Its okay to go over and spend the night but TRUST ME, try sleepingon the couch or in another room for now, let her get suspicious as to why. IF she asks why not in her bed, just throw it back on her but dont sound like anarss doing it, just simply reply "oh you know I was thinking you were right when you said you dont want to mess things up with us so I completely agreewith you and feel I should sleep out here" thats gonna infurriate her because ONE she isnt getting that physical attention from you, and TWO becauseshes gonna start to wonder WHY

* BE MORE POLITE to her, and by that I mean open up doors, offer to cook a meal or just complimentLIGHTLY with things like "your hair looks good that way but dont go off.. you can always OVERDUE things with saying OHH MY GOD YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY AMAZINGor YOURE SOO BEAUTIFUL,, crap like that will kill what youre trying to accomplish with her and more than likely she knows shes good looking and all, sooverwhelming words can cause a woman to shy away if she knows you may have a hidden agenda or other motives. Just be simple with things when commenting her butthe KEY here is to LIGHTLY be polite to other women as well when youre talking with her or spending time with her. I mean make sure you point out how good herfriend so and so looked with her hair up, or "hey I heard a funny joke that ---- told me last night and I havent stopped smiling all day" it will lether know that you are taking notice of other women in your life and that you can explore those options
^Never agreed with this member, but today will be the first time: EVERYTHING typed by Vidasman is truth.

Play hard to get. She will be all over the D. Sound like she's playing games and wants to bring up the friend so she doesn't feel bad. Seems like yourin.
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