female question + pic for you beasts UPDATE pg 1 10/19

yo a few years back somone posted this matrix and cuddle buddy was on there. its one step below wearing panties. I have been there... but u gota keep itmoving. I know u have mad feelings for this girl.. but u gotta keep it moving.. but ur not gonna listen anyways so whatever.. cuddle away
Originally Posted by VaGixxer

Make a move, if she does't bite then head to the next one. Your wasting your time fam. You stayin over chicks crib to suggle. SMH

it's snuggle time

op: damn all i wanna do is stick this in
jo: tyrone's pipe left me sour down there

jo: are you lisening to me, i had to take my kid to my friends house
op: ohh yea you told me that
how you feel a girl up and still not smash? if you failed at that, then YNS.

you got one more chance fam with this snuggle $+#*, before its time to move on to the next. next time ya snuggle (
) feel her up again. get her horny, thenlet your lil man (nh) touch her butt so you let her know what you working with (nh) thats guaranteed a smash. if you still cant smash either your lil man isreally lil (nh) or YNS
you know what man ... I don't think any form of advice would help you .. if you don't have the basic concept of how to atleast warm her up to the ideaof sex .. . I mean it seems like you're waiting for her to jump on top of you and start grinding, then maybe you'll chance grabbing something

By now you should probably move on, but if by the grace of god she invites you over again its go big or go home time ... There's no in between
All that special friend talk is just her ASD kicking in and so far you've failed, failed and failed again .. I'm surprised she hasn't startedasking you over to get facials and nail painting by now

Man up and go for it, the worse that will happen is she will say no ... Think back to all the girls you've slept with and what did you do to initiate itthe first time (meaning the first time you slept together) and follow a similar pattern with her

Another note I dont know the whole special friend situation with you guys but from you're story and exp what I could infer is it simply means that shewants no strings attached sexy time, while you're sending up relationship smoke signals
Originally Posted by Goldmember



Pretty much this...

I can't stop laughing at snuggle.. Who says that??

OP, I think she's playing you. Smash and dash if you get the opportunity. Which it sounds like you won't. Just saying.. *Kanyeshrug*
have you tried to reach your fingers down her pants while you was "snuggling" with her?

Just move on son, focus on school and find someone that's worth the trouble.
It's over, she's just not having it. She's letting you doeverything but seal the deal and apparently she's content with that
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

you know what man ... I don't think any form of advice would help you .. if you don't have the basic concept of how to atleast warm her up to the idea of sex .. . I mean it seems like you're waiting for her to jump on top of you and start grinding, then maybe you'll chance grabbing something

By now you should probably move on, but if by the grace of god she invites you over again its go big or go home time ... There's no in between
All that special friend talk is just her ASD kicking in and so far you've failed, failed and failed again .. I'm surprised she hasn't started asking you over to get facials and nail painting by now

Man up and go for it, the worse that will happen is she will say no ... Think back to all the girls you've slept with and what did you do to initiate it the first time (meaning the first time you slept together) and follow a similar pattern with her

Another note I dont know the whole special friend situation with you guys but from you're story and exp what I could infer is it simply means that she wants no strings attached sexy time, while you're sending up relationship smoke signals

If she does want a relationship then it'll happen just stop trying to force it upon her.

Like other's have said get your @%#$ hard and rup it up against her.

Start kissing her man... for Christ's sake man you're laying in %!%*+%* bed with her and she's letting you feel her up... just makea move.

If she doesn't want you to kiss her then start by kissing on her arms, move your way up to her shoulders, then her neck, but gentle kisses while turningher towards you (hold her by her arms so she really can't stop you, not forcing or raping though, like in between her elbows and shoulders... herbiceps)... then start kissing her around her jawline, then a couple times on the cheek, and if you've made it all the way to that point and she hasn'tstopped you just go for the kiss on her lips. While you're making out and kissing her start from her stomach and gently and slowly work your way up to herbreasts, but don't grab them roughly and squeeze. Sort of cup them first, gently though, and then caress them ever so nicely and softly then start movingyour mouth and lips towards them, but kissing her neckline and chestplate on your way to giving her breasts some action.

Now you're going to have to start multi-tasking... while you're on her breasts and *ahem Putting In Work, come up a few times and kiss her some moreand kiss her neck and all the while start taking your hands and moving it towards her vagina. Stick your finger in her belly button and rub her stomach andthen put your hands closer and then start gently rubbing her clitoris and sticking you fingers in her at the same time too... all the while you should still bekiss her and gently sucking on her breasts. If by now she doesn't have her hand on your #++* and stroking it while it's hard then you guide her handstowards it and she should know what to do from there.

You're there man, but I don't know why you're not taking the initiative. She wants you, but she's not just going to spell it out for you.

If you want me to keep going from where I left off then let me know.
she might be an indecisive one or she might just me waiting for you to really take charge. either way, you'll never know unless you try. so you need toactually make a move (don't come off too aggressive or awkward) and see where it takes you. don't be afraid of rejection and the worst thing that canhappen is her saying "no" and at that point, you know not to try anymore.
leave it alone...Shes talking about a "special friend" while in bed with you? Do want to play seesaw with this broad and her other man?

Keep it moving. Easier said than done, I know, but youll thank yourself later.

drop this broad for a bit and put in work on the other girls that were "all over you." once she sees that, she'll give you the panties. girlslike things they cant have.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

you know what man ... I don't think any form of advice would help you .. if you don't have the basic concept of how to atleast warm her up to the idea of sex .. . I mean it seems like you're waiting for her to jump on top of you and start grinding, then maybe you'll chance grabbing something

By now you should probably move on, but if by the grace of god she invites you over again its go big or go home time ... There's no in between
All that special friend talk is just her ASD kicking in and so far you've failed, failed and failed again .. I'm surprised she hasn't started asking you over to get facials and nail painting by now

Man up and go for it, the worse that will happen is she will say no ... Think back to all the girls you've slept with and what did you do to initiate it the first time (meaning the first time you slept together) and follow a similar pattern with her

Another note I dont know the whole special friend situation with you guys but from you're story and exp what I could infer is it simply means that she wants no strings attached sexy time, while you're sending up relationship smoke signals

If she does want a relationship then it'll happen just stop trying to force it upon her.

Like other's have said get your @%#$ hard and rup it up against her.

Start kissing her man... for Christ's sake man you're laying in %!%*+%* bed with her and she's letting you feel her up... just make a move.

If she doesn't want you to kiss her then start by kissing on her arms, move your way up to her shoulders, then her neck, but gentle kisses while turning her towards you (hold her by her arms so she really can't stop you, not forcing or raping though, like in between her elbows and shoulders... her biceps)... then start kissing her around her jawline, then a couple times on the cheek, and if you've made it all the way to that point and she hasn't stopped you just go for the kiss on her lips. While you're making out and kissing her start from her stomach and gently and slowly work your way up to her breasts, but don't grab them roughly and squeeze. Sort of cup them first, gently though, and then caress them ever so nicely and softly then start moving your mouth and lips towards them, but kissing her neckline and chestplate on your way to giving her breasts some action.

Now you're going to have to start multi-tasking... while you're on her breasts and *ahem Putting In Work, come up a few times and kiss her some more and kiss her neck and all the while start taking your hands and moving it towards her vagina. Stick your finger in her belly button and rub her stomach and then put your hands closer and then start gently rubbing her clitoris and sticking you fingers in her at the same time too... all the while you should still be kiss her and gently sucking on her breasts. If by now she doesn't have her hand on your #++* and stroking it while it's hard then you guide her hands towards it and she should know what to do from there.

You're there man, but I don't know why you're not taking the initiative. She wants you, but she's not just going to spell it out for you.

If you want me to keep going from where I left off then let me know.

TRUTH! Seriously after you guide a chicks hand to your genitals, its usually a wrap.
when in doubt whip it out.

be like that dude in the "whiip it out stories" thread. son didnt get any with a mormon chick so he just whipped it out and started beating it andthe girl was obligated to blow. iono how true that was but it doesnt hurt to try.
I think its at the point where she isnt just gonna give it to you. Just continue to be friends and hangout and do your thing. Try to show that yourmoving on from trying to get with her, this will make her jealous...eventually she will come to you and then you pretend like you dont want to mess the"friend" thing up, but give her the bizz anyway--that way if things go sour--tell her she wanted it not you.
Originally Posted by WJG23G

UPDATE- 10/19
thanks for all your advice so far. at a crossroads, sort of:

last monday, after our 1st exam, we were at the bar and i told her i was done w/ playing games & that i wanted her. we went back to her place, later went to another bar & then i stayed over. all festivities except smashing occur.

last friday, we're out with a group of friends. go to a couple bars. she pays me no attention while out, i lose track of her, eventually i notice her, she's dancing with other guys, meanwhile ive been dancing with other women. she eventually comes over, says i'm ready to leave, we leave. on way back to her place, she says wow "steph and brittany were all over you" (not at same time). I said, oh, I didn't think anyone would notice. She says you're 6'5." We get into bed, and she says: "I don't want to mess things up with Brian" (her special friend). I respond "ah, you even said it yourself, he's just your special friend, not your boyfriend." she acknowledges this. Yet, she then refuses to give me any. We *sigh* only snuggle, but she lets me feel her up.
gg, you blew it. You took the simp route--when she hit you with the "girls were all over you", you should have flipped the script andhit her with the same line. Instead, you punked out and came with something even weaker than anyone could imagine--"I didn't think anyone wouldnotice"? Come on, man.

Conclusion: YNS.
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