Females with Plastic Surgery- Yay or Nay

Not if it's overblown on some Pebblez (booty), Octomom (face), or Dolly Parton (breasts) tip. Plus, like others said,
theres loads of fine well-built females who don't have/need plastic surgery to go around. I can tell you one thing
though as far as straight up looks: naturally thick & toned >>>>> surgery >>>>> flat mannish
Not if it's overblown on some Pebblez (booty), Octomom (face), or Dolly Parton (breasts) tip. Plus, like others said,
theres loads of fine well-built females who don't have/need plastic surgery to go around. I can tell you one thing
though as far as straight up looks: naturally thick & toned >>>>> surgery >>>>> flat mannish
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