Fender Bender Vol. Liar

Jul 29, 2012
So I was driving in Long beach and there was some construction going on. The car in front of me came to a stop to talk with the construction worker and I stopped behind him.

I was at a complete stop, not moving at all. The car in front of me goes into reverse and I honk my horn, but it's too late, they backed up into me with pretty good pace. I go out calm, and collected, exchange information, call the police (They don't take reports if there are no injuries, so police didn't show). Look for witnesses, no one said they saw it. White dudes car had an indentation in it, and he had two passengers. I made sure everyone was okay. When myself and the other driver exchanged words, he said "I don't know what happened", I said, "I know what happened, I was at a complete stop behind you, and you backed up into me, I was watching the whole time." I texted him afterwards, no response.

I had to get my car inspected for damages, report the claim, talk to my insurance provider, and his to report my "claim", as well as fill out a SR-1 form for the DMV. So basically a huge hassle for sitting behind a car, doing nothing and getting backed up into.

I talked to his insurance provider today and the provider said there is a "difference in stories"... I'm fuming now because I was literally minding my own business doing nothing, this guy backs up into me and is going to try and screw me, raise my rates considerably...

All I have is my word vs his, and I'm about to get irrational with this situation.

Anyone been in a similar situation? What can I do NT?
Damn. I always thought of what would happen in thus situation. Just plead your case to the best of your ability. Your insurance company will understand and not raise your rate if your a loyal customer with a good record.
The law isn't in your favor on this. Something similar happened to me on Monday, as in wasn't my fault not exact same situation ,talked to a lawyer and he said the law states no matter what I'm at fault.
Always stress the fact that "he hit you" and that "he backed in to me". Never say things like "my car hit his" or "we collided".

Good luck with the claim, they'll probably just rule it as neutral. Isn't the best possible situation since you literally didn't do anything, but it's better than being rule in his favor.

People suck.
damn bruh... pepper your angus on this one 

jus kiddin.. best of luck..

maybe you should invest in a dash cam.. never thought there was need for a everyday driver.. but after something like this.. i sure would
did you take any pictures of the scene of the accident when it happened? Also if there was a store across the street or near the accident go see if they have cameras that monitoring that area and ask to see them. explain to the situation. pretty sure they will let you watch it if they have it cause at my job some lady hit a co workers car and took off and the security department allowed her to watch the video and get the plate numbers.
damn bruh... pepper your angus on this one >D

jus kiddin.. best of luck..

maybe you should invest in a dash cam.. never thought there was need for a everyday driver.. but after something like this.. i sure would

I'm thinking about getting dash cam myself...I swear, Norcal has some of the stupidest drivers concentrated here
did you take any pictures of the scene of the accident when it happened? Also if there was a store across the street or near the accident go see if they have cameras that monitoring that area and ask to see them. explain to the situation. pretty sure they will let you watch it if they have it cause at my job some lady hit a co workers car and took off and the security department allowed her to watch the video and get the plate numbers.
I'm going to check this out right now. Good idea
did you take any pictures of the scene of the accident when it happened? Also if there was a store across the street or near the accident go see if they have cameras that monitoring that area and ask to see them. explain to the situation. pretty sure they will let you watch it if they have it cause at my job some lady hit a co workers car and took off and the security department allowed her to watch the video and get the plate numbers.
this was a good post
It's sad how easy and common insurance fraud is.

Unless someone admits to guilt, or you can actually prove their fault, there's nothing else that can be done.
Man insurance company aint gunna believe you.

I was in a fender bender last august.
I was behind a car
The car pulled over and stopped
So i decide to pass the car
I see the car turning back into my lane and attempting a uturn
I step on brakes and stop since i was only going like five mile an hour and honked
Dumb girl still hit me

At first my insurance company put me at blane

I had to fight them to get 30% blame on me and 70% on her

I swear insurance copanies are garbage
You hit someone in the back, you're always at fault.

They only checked the security cam for that one lady because she worked there.

Good luck on that one OP.
If you dont find anything with the cams, get irrational like you want to lol
you messed up by saying there were no injuries. i would have at least said i feel like i have a concussion or my toes hurt :lol:
^ haha, seriously.

This whole situation has been grinding my gears. I went to the spot, saw a camera, but it's one of those round ones where you can't tell where it's focused. Talked to the manager of the building, he said he doesn't have access to the cameras and I'll have to talk to the police dept.

Went to the police department, They gave me a # for a "accident detective" and to talk to them about my case.

faith in humanity lost
^ haha, seriously.

This whole situation has been grinding my gears. I went to the spot, saw a camera, but it's one of those round ones where you can't tell where it's focused. Talked to the manager of the building, he said he doesn't have access to the cameras and I'll have to talk to the police dept.

Went to the police department, They gave me a # for a "accident detective" and to talk to them about my case.

faith in humanity lost

My faith in humanity has been gone for a long time...

With that being said, good luck... You'll need it...
Good luck with the claim. It'll be hard to provide proof.

I had a woman reverse and t-bone me and then tried to claim she and her mother were injured and it was my fault. Of course it went no where cause I was parked and they t-boned me.
damn sorry to hear man, but youre probably SOL. insurance companies dont care, its all a scam.

my coworker got a brand new benz and as she was getting into her parked car another car hit her. ole girl lied to her insurance company, and they said they werent paying out because my coworker was at fault. LOLWUT? her car wasnt even turned on.

thats just the way it goes.
Good luck with this OP, hopefully he ends up admitting it. 

I am a claims liability adjuster and this is going to likely end in word vs word though. That means his insurance company is going to deny your claim and your company is going to deny his claim. If there is no witness or policy report than each insurance company is going to side with their insured. Unfortunately, you can only go off of facts and what you can prove. 

Let me know if you have any questions though about the claim. 
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I always hear of people doing this for a "living". But isn't there a record of all these incidents happening to the same people? If someone is in an accident once a month, something is up.. Even if they are deemed not at fault, couldn't the insurance company drop them or raise their rates?

Not that I want to become a scam artist but is it really that easy?

I would've told him straight up, I have a dash cam that recorded everything. All the while my phone is on record
I always hear of people doing this for a "living". But isn't there a record of all these incidents happening to the same people? If someone is in an accident once a month, something is up.. Even if they are deemed not at fault, couldn't the insurance company drop them or raise their rates?

Not that I want to become a scam artist but is it really that easy?

I would've told him straight up, I have a dash cam that recorded everything. All the while my phone is on record

There is a lot of fraud with insurance, but it is much harder these days. I work for one of the major insurance companies and we use a program called ISO. Most of the major insurance companies use it although some of the smaller ones do not. Whenever you have a claim submitted through your policy, it gets sent to the ISO database allowing all of the insurance companies that participants to see all of the claims you have been involved in.

Much of the fraud gets caught, I know I send atleast 3-4 referrals a day to our fraud department. However, there are still a few that make it through the cracks or that can not be proven.
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