My suggestion, buy the shoes. If you don't like it in person, return em. Don't go by what people say on the internet. People have different taste and interpretation of something. Just 'cause somebody on the net say the shoes are this or that, it don't mean it will be like that once you see it in person for yourself. Your own eyes, sense of feeling for the material, how they fit on your foot, etc, etc is the only thing that matters. Not what people say over the internet.

I read what people say here and they are very insightful. But I don't base my decision on what people say. I actually buy the shoes. If I like them in person, nice. If not, I just return it.
^ You have a valid point. But let's be honest--at this point in the game, we all know how disappointing Nike can be with retro quality issues. I EXPECT them to be horrific quality off the top b/c, well, they are 95% of the time. The other 5% is when they throw us a bone here and there with decent materials, but even those don't come close to touching OG quality. And that's just material quality--don't get me started on staying true to OG colorways/form factor.

I hear what you're saying about checking it out for yourself. But why should I have to see shoes I previously owned in person? I already know what they look like. I already know how they should fit. There shouldn't be a need to see shoes in person to see if you can get with the quality level. Like seriously, what other major company consistently gets away with making products like that?! The point is that horrid quality is the norm now. You don't even HAVE to check them out in person. They'll be awful.

And at that point it becomes a matter of spending your $$ on a subpar product or keeping your loot in your pocket for quality purchases. Personally, I won't give Nike a penny for this crap, as bad as I want to. I can't tell you how many times I've ventured to the mall to check out some kicks with the hopes of being satisfied, only to be let down. So we get an inferior product AND have to pay more for them? Naw, I'm good. As a grown %%# man with kids and a wife, I just can't throw my hard earned dollars away on this %*!% anymore. I REALLY want to like the finished product, but I just can't justify it now.

Ok, my rant is over lol.
OG and Retro are totally different things. So even if you owned a pair of OG, 20 years ago, memory is not going to be 100% spot on on how the OG's were. Just because we know how OG looks, it doesn't really mean that much anymore since these shoes were originally released 20 years ago, unless you have a OG DS and flawless to compare the Retros.

As far as fit, something 20 years ago might not be the same fit today for a variety of reason. As an example, a sz 44 Adidas NBA Authentic in 2010 is not the same fit as a sz 44  Adidas NBA Authentic jersey now(2011). I know 'cause I have both jerseys. And for shoes, I owned a pair of OG SC2 back in JR high. Obviously the fit will be a lot different now since I don't wear the same size back then. Best way to see how a shoe fit is trying them on. Every shoes are made differently. You may be able to fit a SZ 9 in a AM95 but would need a SZ 9.5 on a Huarache 'cause of the material used. Theres no substitution for fitting, you just need to try it on instead of going by how they fit before.

For example. the Huarache Retro 2011 has some OG quality and the 2001 Huarache Retro didnt. I have the 2001 and 2011 so I was able to compare. Also, pictures of the OG online was helpful too in seeing what the OG, 2001,2011 had in common and didnt have in common.

Again, I can't tell you or anybody how to spend their money and how to judge a shoe or what not. To me, I buy it so I can see it in person. Pictures from the net or what not does not do 100% justice on the shoes. Seeing it in person does. How many times have we seen that comment, "Pictures don't do these shoes justice. Its nicer in person?" Some monitors are not calibrated properly or what not. But your "own" eyes in person is...haha.

And yes, some of the retros are bad in quality and some are good. Its what we have now. Its sad it has come down to this but its just business. Other companies are putting out inferior products for money reasons. Its a catch 22. People complain 'cause something cost a lot. People complain 'cause a product is cheap quality. Bottom line is, most people will never be happy..haha

Anways, just stating my opinion(not facts). I know most of the people here probably don't agree with me. But thats whats good about the internet, we can have our opinion and people can take it for what its worth.
WallyHopp wrote:

Thanks for the insights SoleAddict34... What would you place these at, price wise? Are their true value more along the lines of $30-50??

Just wanted to follow up on my quick post earlier. Wally, I'd probably at most pay $45-$50 for these.
Also a pic of two of my favorite shoes that remind me of the white/grey SCs that I sooo wanted to like, but ultimately returned. Boring to most, but clean and classic to me. 

I posted that pic also because the Alpha Forces(2004) don't have any high quality, premium leather on them either do the Omni's(last year release). Both I got for dirt cheap cuz you know the kids think they're boring. Just a regular leather that is comfortable and breaks in well. I guess Nike only uses this type of stuff on their "premium" shoes nowadays.

If I could find more of the Alpha Forces in my size I'd buy them all up, such a great shoe, second favorite to my '01 black/cement AJ IIIs

Hell, I would have settled for the synthetic stuff they used on the 2002 and 2008 AT 1s. At least that stuff  flexes well and breaks in decently. The pig leather, if that is what it is, feels so stiff on my feet and really cheap to the touch.

ptngina , I feel ya, although you say we can't have both, but I ask why not? Like Wally said, Nike is just living off their popularity now. I guess its good enough for some, but not me.

I'll let you guys judge for yourself on these.

end rant.
Soleaddict34, that was just a sarcastic remark in a way.haha.

Nike has show they can make it right, we have it both way. And Nike has shown they can get CW mostly right but quality not to par, we don't have it both ways.

For me, personally, when I had my OG SC 2s back in Junior High, was I concerned about quality, no. Honestly, how many of us thats old enough to have had these shoes back in 1989 was concerned about quality? Our only concerned back in JR High was to look cool and have a shoe by Bo Jackson...haha..

Nike could've made the OG SC 2s crappier than what it is now and non of us would know(at least not me anyways 'cause I wasn't concerned about quality back in 1989).

Maybe some of us stuck on this "quality" issue 'cause Nike is not putting out the "Exact" CW of this shoes. Maybe if Nike put an "exact" CW out with quality not as great as what we think of the OG, people might be happy. IMO, I think its mostly about the CW not being released to its exact specification than it is Quality issue.

If Nike Release the Infrared or Citron to the EXACT CW or Close to Exact as the OG, I think most will look pass the quality issue for the most part. Just my opinion.  

It goes back to the question I ask previously, if the Infrareds and Citron CW thats suppose to release is close to OG CW wise but similar to the quality of whats been released so far, are you guys buying or passing?  
I'll eventually pull the trigger on the white grey black color way if the infrareds release. I didn't find the quality to be that horrific to keep me from buying the shoe if the color ways were on point.
I see your point ptngina., but now that I'm a grown man I want all the products I buy to be quality especially since its my $$$ I'm spending. Why does Nike use quality leather on say their gimmicky "vintage", piss stain midsole shoes like the recently retroed Sky Force 88? Because they know people are gonna buy it for the materials not necessary the shoes. No one in their 20s really cares about that shoe. They figure if they use good leather they'll have a better chance of selling it. btw, those things are flopping big time. 
So why won't they use that quality leather on models like the SC and SC II? Cuz they know kids aren't gonna buy them for the materials like us old foggies. Suck for us, but I guess thats how they're running business nowadays. I'll switch back to adidas. Pre-ordered me a pair of the white/blue Decade Hi's

And to answer your question, if they drop the infrareds and citrons with those materials...only if I can get them for $45
Soleaddict34, I hear ya man. We all want top quality for our hard earned money. Ive been waiting forever for these SCII's to be retroed since they are my favorite shoes of all time. Yes, Im disappointed a little. But some of these CW, I can't pass up. Sacrifice something to get something back. And Like I said, for me, I don't remember !%*! about the 1989 OGs except that they were the Nike Shoes that did it for me.

I guess when it comes to "Some" things, I can look pass some of the issues and not nitpick every detail. Like I stated before, Im no guru or expert in the shoes/trainer world. I like shoes in general and just buy what I like and consider is good which may not be good to others.
I guess a good question for you NobleKane is, do you have wide feet? I have a wide feet and can wear a 8.5-9 in most shoes. But shoes with Straps, I tend to get a SZ 9 to be sure its not a snug fit 'cause I like to strap the strap.
no i dont have wide feet. im more on the narrow side. shoes that people say are narrow fit me just right

i love all the trainers with removable straps. straps for weight training and light walking. and strapless for just relaxing
Originally Posted by NobleKane

so how do these run? narrow? wide?

Normally for trainers you have to go half a size up, because of the strap. These are true to me.
Originally Posted by ptngina

OG and Retro are totally different things. So even if you owned a pair of OG, 20 years ago, memory is not going to be 100% spot on on how the OG's were. Just because we know how OG looks, it doesn't really mean that much anymore since these shoes were originally released 20 years ago, unless you have a OG DS and flawless to compare the Retros.

As far as fit, something 20 years ago might not be the same fit today for a variety of reason. As an example, a sz 44 Adidas NBA Authentic in 2010 is not the same fit as a sz 44  Adidas NBA Authentic jersey now(2011). I know 'cause I have both jerseys. And for shoes, I owned a pair of OG SC2 back in JR high. Obviously the fit will be a lot different now since I don't wear the same size back then. Best way to see how a shoe fit is trying them on. Every shoes are made differently. You may be able to fit a SZ 9 in a AM95 but would need a SZ 9.5 on a Huarache 'cause of the material used. Theres no substitution for fitting, you just need to try it on instead of going by how they fit before.

For example. the Huarache Retro 2011 has some OG quality and the 2001 Huarache Retro didnt. I have the 2001 and 2011 so I was able to compare. Also, pictures of the OG online was helpful too in seeing what the OG, 2001,2011 had in common and didnt have in common.

Again, I can't tell you or anybody how to spend their money and how to judge a shoe or what not. To me, I buy it so I can see it in person. Pictures from the net or what not does not do 100% justice on the shoes. Seeing it in person does. How many times have we seen that comment, "Pictures don't do these shoes justice. Its nicer in person?" Some monitors are not calibrated properly or what not. But your "own" eyes in person is...haha.

And yes, some of the retros are bad in quality and some are good. Its what we have now. Its sad it has come down to this but its just business. Other companies are putting out inferior products for money reasons. Its a catch 22. People complain 'cause something cost a lot. People complain 'cause a product is cheap quality. Bottom line is, most people will never be happy..haha

Anways, just stating my opinion(not facts). I know most of the people here probably don't agree with me. But thats whats good about the internet, we can have our opinion and people can take it for what its worth.
Nice discussion going on here. Without rambling on too much. I got into these trainers a couple years back not because of some nostalgia driven childhood, but because of the then current quality. So it took me by surprise when quality started to change in late 2005. I soon reverted back to looking for more late 90 retros and attempt to play catchup. For  me' its only ever been about quality. The design of the shoes help and the colors bring that total package, but it all stemmed from quality...

Now I own some non trainers that are totally substandard and I dont seem to care much about that, so I see the viewpoint of ptngina. I wouldn't say trainers specifically hold a special place in my heart, but I've touched and felt "GREATNESS", mentally I have hit a block where it's a real challenge to accept what I currently see.

I wouldnt even really call it spoiled but if you're raised on prime rib, there is just no going back to the cheap stuff. Sure you are thankful you have food to eat (or Nike deciding to retro a product 22 years later). But it's just a tough road block to get past. Plus they are only shoes so this doesnt eat away at me. We like these shoes. We're talking about them.. thats how I see it.

I was introduced to some of the best quality trainers around with truly reasonable retail prices. So my stance on trainers may be a bit different from others. Without the quality, I may as well not even be a trainer fan. Heck even Nike as a whole.

Regarding what's bolded. or me, there is no memory block from decades past. Many of us own the originals and we get that true comparison. There is simply no debate. Some of these retros are beyond terrible quality. You can't dress up a pig and call it a beauty queen.
I own enough pigskin leather (nice term btw.) shoes in the 09 med balls and auburns and the 08 zoom tennis trainers, so these teal limes and infrareds need to be easy to obtain without a hassle for me to even sniff at the chance to buy them. With almost zero nostalgia holding me onto these models, it's much easier to pass and wear 99 cent flip flops on a hot summers day..

I don't hate others for them liking these. I voice my displeasure at Nike. I can see right through to what their tactics are. Shoe retails at $90 in 2004 with real leather and suede. At some point Nike realizes they can give us less for the same price and they themselves make more money. Quality decreases. Designers state that synthetics are more durable, lighter, and more Eco friendly.. Lighter, they are, by a mere 2 oz. The big factor, comfort is thrown out. They realized retros with old technology were being sold for more than current performance shoes. And the rest is history.

btw with all the "hatred" thrown out for pig leather (which I own enough of), these white black greys will be had for below $60 shipped. If the suburns can reach outlets in two years @ $39.99, these have great potential for a sleeper outlet pickup. As far as the infrared and teal/limes, if I can get a pair of each, trouble free without much work, they're mine at retail. I already paid retail for the 06 trainer max 91 grey yellows, 09 med balls, and 09 auburns. Why not finish out a mediocre quality bo collection.
Originally Posted by SoleAddict34

I see your point ptngina., but now that I'm a grown man I want all the products I buy to be quality especially since its my $$$ I'm spending. Why does Nike use quality leather on say their gimmicky "vintage", piss stain midsole shoes like the recently retroed Sky Force 88? Because they know people are gonna buy it for the materials not necessary the shoes. No one in their 20s really cares about that shoe. They figure if they use good leather they'll have a better chance of selling it. btw, those things are flopping big time. 
So why won't they use that quality leather on models like the SC and SC II? Cuz they know kids aren't gonna buy them for the materials like us old foggies. Suck for us, but I guess thats how they're running business nowadays. I'll switch back to adidas. Pre-ordered me a pair of the white/blue Decade Hi's

And to answer your question, if they drop the infrareds and citrons with those materials...only if I can get them for $45
Decade Hi's are definitely 
I admit I didn't think about quality 20 years ago. But I also didn't have to. Because it was good. Why because I really trashed my shoes back then and wore one pair for months on end. I even passed down my Jordan Bordeaux OG down to my brother and he wore em for ages. So even if I don't remember quality. I conlude it must have been good because shoes lasted that long. And seeing the leather on the Banned Jordans 1 and the stuff used on my ACG huaraches from 2007, why cant we get that on all shoes? I'll pay extra!
Originally Posted by ptngina

Materials is similiar to the white/neon green and white/purple SCII's. I'll be keeping these. Close to OG CW, can't have em both, quality and OGness..haha..
As far as comfort wise,this is my 3rd pair, so far they are fine. Cushioning is good. Leather don't hurt my feet. I can wear these the whole day without a problem.

god i cant wait to get these!!!! its like im in elementary school again. these were at big 5 back in the day for like 39.99 but decided to get the air trainer sc white royal instead. damn lookin back i kinda feel bad that i made moms get me a shoe that cost 80 dollars more
  now ima pay 100 for these
Does anybody have the OG's in their possession? Maybe they can post a clear picture of the material used in the OG's. Im looking at some pictures of the OG's in the internet and can't really tell how the material is compared to these retros.
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