No not a FSR but I can see orders getting cancelled from the Japan release and thrown back on the USA site... Just wishful thinking I guess lol
Of course the restock happens while I'm on the road 
The restock tonight wasn't really a FSR. I saw a good bit of different sizes pop up but they were never together. 2 sizes, then a refresh and there were 3 different ones, then 2 diff ones after another refresh and so on. You just had to get lucky and refresh at the right time when your size was available. And then get even luckier by actually being able to check out :lol:. (Shout out to the guy who gave the phantom checkout page tip).
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Is 650 to much to pay for a pair of the black ones in 10 or should I lock them down
Truly not being a jerk, but too much is relative. If you feel like it's too much, then it's too much. I like these foams, but only at retail. I like Corks and Yeezy's, but I'm not paying more than $500 for any shoe and even that would kill me. Could I get the Corks for that much? Maybe. Yeezy's? I'll keep dreaming.  People may think I'm a fool to spend $7k on season tickets, but to me, it's worth it. Besides, I usually can offload them if I don't want to go and make money in the process. At the end of the day if you look at any tangible item and will be full of regret, then it's not for you. If you feel like you'll be kicking yourself in the a** in a week or more, then I suggest you get them.  Long story short, if you feel 650 is worth it, then get them! If not, there's always another shoe around the corner... it's Nike (or Supreme in this case), they know how to take our money and do it quite well.
Truly not being a jerk, but too much is relative. If you feel like it's too much, then it's too much. I like these foams, but only at retail. I like Corks and Yeezy's, but I'm not paying more than $500 for any shoe and even that would kill me. Could I get the Corks for that much? Maybe. Yeezy's? I'll keep dreaming.  People may think I'm a fool to spend $7k on season tickets, but to me, it's worth it. Besides, I usually can offload them if I don't want to go and make money in the process. At the end of the day if you look at any tangible item and will be full of regret, then it's not for you. If you feel like you'll be kicking yourself in the a** in a week or more, then I suggest you get them.  Long story short, if you feel 650 is worth it, then get them! If not, there's always another shoe around the corner... it's Nike (or Supreme in this case), they know how to take our money and do it quite well.
i feel you 100% I have yet to pay more than 350$ for some Sneakers. Looking cool ain't worth wasting $$$ no matter how easy it comes. Its Retail or Bust, at the end of the day Nike is gonna drop an even hotter shoe.
How did you guys have your page monitors set up for the drop. Mine didn't work...
i feel you 100% I have yet to pay more than 350$ for some Sneakers. Looking cool ain't worth wasting $$$ no matter how easy it comes. Its Retail or Bust, at the end of the day Nike is gonna drop an even hotter shoe.
Yep, it's almost a curse they drop so many shoes we want. The worst part is the quality of some of these shoes are complete crap. But, we're the suckers. Show us some shiny new stuff and we're on it like a bum on a bologna sandwich. ;-)
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