youcould build that bike brand new yourself for 500. maybe a little more. not worth it.

179 frame, axis fork is under 100, DP18s are 130, risers and ourys under 40, cheap crankset 50.

that's around 500 right there, and all you'd need is bb, headset, stem, post, pedals, chain, cog, tires, tubes.
Originally Posted by bustinxjustin

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

sick FTP. i could not imagine riding in the street with that drop though.
Co-sign... That seat-to-bar drop is insane

How's the wrist healing Bana? I flipped over my bars a couple of Summers ago and fractured my wrist too. Waiting for my wrist to heal was such a hassle. I just wanted to be outside and riding

the kid who rides the ftp is really tall (5'11"). ps, hes changing the seat soon too.

my arm is out of the sling and i just started therapy. i tried to ride my bike last week but it was impossible because i can't apply much pressure yet. ina couple weeks ill be riding again.....

it blows not riding... i missed the bicycle film festival and a bunch of fun rides. blahhh

are any of you guys familiar with Keirin cycles in Miami ?
Nice bikes, I just have a Windsor
I wish I could upgrade my frame, but eh I guess I'll ride my windsor till it breaks
Originally Posted by TannerVon

http://itz-rOLLi.u.yuku.comitz rOLLi...
I all ready have myself a bike, I've just always wanted a leader and I know the frames alone arent cheap and it seems decently cheap for a finished bike with the frame i want..

To be completely honest leader frames are decent at best (I used to have a 725). The only exception I can think of are their new steel frames, which areactually really nice. If I were you I would save up a little more money and get a better frame, but that's just my opinion.
My friend got his 725 for $150, frame and headset, on CL.

I've tried it and its fun to ride but it takes some time to get used to the feel of Aluminum.
^Thats a great point, if you've never ridden an aluminum bike, try one before you buy one. Especially if you plan on using it on the street. The ride isvery different and can be quite harsh.
Any of you guys ride with helmets?

My Specialized Echelon came today.

The sound of wind like a vibrating wooosh or wind blowing on a digital camera/corder.
I rock a helmet, gotta be safe out there.
I roll with this one, giro atmos (not my pic)

aw, I wanted the S-Works so badly. But I didn't wanna shed out an extra 170+ for a helmet. The Atmos is really really nice, but Giro helmets hurt my head.
Anyone do any winter riding? Ive been meaning to but I don't think I have the gear for it. Recommendations?
I don't ride fixed, but I just signed up for the Tour de Palm Springs 100 mile ride in February. Any one else doing this?
Originally Posted by eteam o2

Anyone do any winter riding? Ive been meaning to but I don't think I have the gear for it. Recommendations?
light layers. moisture wicking is best, cuz you will sweat and you definitely don't want to be wet in the cold. use a balaclava. wool socks.
Originally Posted by eaalto

I don't ride fixed, but I just signed up for the Tour de Palm Springs 100 mile ride in February. Any one else doing this?

I live out here in Palm Desert and almost rode in it last year but I heard they won't allow you to be in it without brakes.
generally it's not a great idea to ride in big tours like that brakeless anyway.

they include a lot of people who aren't experienced riders in close proximity. they will cut you off suddenly, and not stay in straight lines. Very hard toanticipate their moves, so if not for your safety, think about others.
Originally Posted by yancancook90

i think it would be very difficult to keep up with the roadies riding with one gear for 100 miles.

It all depends on the road type. I did a 100 mile ride back in October, and some of the first people to finish the century were fixed gear riders. Theyabsolutely scream uphill, but don't go as fast on downhills and straightaways. It's all about conditioning. For the most part, roadies will be in onegear anyway on flats at a cruising speed. I generally cruise between 15-20 MPH depending on my cadence and what gear feels most comfortable. Sometimes it'seasier w/ higher cadence and a lower gear, and sometimes I prefer the lower cadence in a stronger gear. If there is a concern about leg fatigue, you can alwaysswitch the rear hub to free coasting.
Originally Posted by Chest Rockwel

Originally Posted by eaalto

I don't ride fixed, but I just signed up for the Tour de Palm Springs 100 mile ride in February. Any one else doing this?

I live out here in Palm Desert and almost rode in it last year but I heard they won't allow you to be in it without brakes.

I'm surprised to hear that there is any kind of enforcement. At my last big ride, I just showed up with my numbers, got into a big group with 2 of myteammates, and we took off in a staggered start. There was no inspection, nothing. Having a brake would be a good idea though, because you definitely don'twant to be skidding while cycling in a group.
so my bike got stolen about two months ago, and I am looking to buy another one. Anyone here selling any parts or full builds? please PM me, thanks.
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