FL Homeowner Shoots, Kills Teen Burglary Suspect. Now His Family Is Mad

I'm curious to know, what "property" do you guys own that is more valuable than a life?

Apparently to the burglar, the property was more valuable than his life, no?

You assume the risk of engaging in such activity. It's a shame that the lil homie lost his life but it happens.

We can argue about letting homie get away, but then what about the next time, because if not him, then he'll tell somebody and they'll go and attempt burglarize the home as well, and they may have a weapon to shoot the homeowner.

Always a slippery slope.
Apparently to the burglar, the property was more valuable than his life, no?

You assume the risk of engaging in such activity. It's a shame that the lil homie lost his life but it happens.

We can argue about letting homie get away, but then what about the next time, because if not him, then he'll tell somebody and they'll go and attempt burglarize the home as well, and they may have a weapon to shoot the homeowner.

Always a slippery slope.

You still didn't answer the question. He didn't shoot himself, she pulled the trigger. You pay local taxes, which pay for a police force, judge, jury,...etc. That's not your lane.
I'm curious to know, what "property" do you guys own that is more valuable than a life?

I dont think anyone is saying their property is worth more then a life.

Its the principle of taking something that belongs to me.

Its called being a mark.

But once again, you still cant just go around murkin anyone who tries you.
I dont think anyone is saying their property is worth more then a life.

Its the principle of taking something that belongs to me.

Its called being a mark.

But once again, you still cant just go around murkin anyone who tries you.

I'm responding to a handful of post where people are quoting policy on "protecting property". Shooting someone for being a mark, is on the same idiotic wavelength, as people who injure and kill over road rage.
We're talking about burglars not serial killers. Stay on track fam. Burglars steal stuff, what stuff do you own more important than a life?

Maybe burglars shouldn't assume the risk. Simple as that. Don't assume that the person whose house they're breaking in to isn't prepared to protect their property.

Make better life-choices and you're still breathing.
We're talking about burglars not serial killers. Stay on track fam. Burglars steal stuff, what stuff do you own more important than a life?

Im one of the ones who said they wouldnt have killed the kid.

BUT if someone breaks into my house and they hear that thang pop off how are you supposed to know they aren't holdin somthin either.
There are cases where people break in and kill the people in there.

Again tho.......in this particular situation i wouldn't kill anyone.
Im one of the ones who said they wouldnt have killed the kid.

BUT if someone breaks into my house and they hear that thang pop off how are you supposed to know they aren't holdin somthin either.
There are cases where people break in and kill the people in there.

Again tho.......in this particular situation i wouldn't kill anyone.

Yes, if you or family's life is in danger you NEED to do whatever it takes to protect them. But, that's not what's going on in here. People like the poster above you are taking the opportunity to murder someone, then absolving themselves by blaming the burglar.
Yes, if you or family's life is in danger you NEED to do whatever it takes to protect them. But, that's not what's going on in here. People like the poster above you are taking the opportunity to murder someone, then absolving themselves by blaming the burglar.

I mean its a situation by situation decision of course.

But yea in this situation. Naw.

I dont think you should take his life away.
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He deserved to be shot, no sympathy for that. Did he deserve to die? Nah..
:rofl: How you sound. Any time you get shot there's a high chance you will die from bullet wound. This aint like she aimed at his feet, winged his arm, clipped his ear. Most ppl don't know how or where to shoot you for it to be a through and through.

If you own a gun, you take shooting lessons and you're always taught to shoot for center mass. Depending on the caliber of bullets you get shot in the center mass you on death's door unless there's immediate help from EMTs to keep you stable and surgery to save your ***.

Sad to hear he died but maybe this will deter the next scumbag from breaking and entering.
It won't.

He shouldn't have been shot but just playing Devil's Advocate here.

"On Thursday, police say Johnson burglarized a home south of 79th Street near I-95 — just blocks away from where he lives."


So if the kid's family is trying to excuse the kid because he's from the hood, couldn't the shooters action's be attributed to "hood" behavior as well?
Seems like the shooter is an old white lady. So doubt there's any hood behavior on her part :lol:

I doubt I'll ever have to deal with a breaking and entering but I'm not sure what I'd do in such a case. I have several rifles and a shotgun but I doubt I could get away with shooting a burglar in my country. I don't think shooting a man is as easy as it sounds either.
If I would feel the need to shoot in order to defend myself I'd go for the kneecaps or something to lessen the odds of him dying. I don't want to have murder on my conscience, regardless of whether it was justified or not.
Either way I'd go to jail 100% guaranteed if I shot someone regardless of the circumstances so it'd have to be an absolute last resort option.
Are you such a crack shot that you can hit a moving target in the knee caps? You also gotta factor in fear, adrenaline, etc. in a situation like that.

Easier said than done for a gun owner who claims they don't want to kill.
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Im one of the ones who said they wouldnt have killed the kid.

BUT if someone breaks into my house and they hear that thang pop off how are you supposed to know they aren't holdin somthin either.
There are cases where people break in and kill the people in there.

Again tho.......in this particular situation i wouldn't kill anyone.

Yes, if you or family's life is in danger you NEED to do whatever it takes to protect them. But, that's not what's going on in here. People like the poster above you are taking the opportunity to murder someone, then absolving themselves by blaming the burglar.

Again....you're not even addressing the assumed risk that's involved when breaking into someone's home. Burglar isn't the victim here...especially since this bamma was burglarizing houses blocks away from where he lived. He kept rolling the dice, but he messed with the wrong one.
I read the other post saying that. Like I said they eager to shoot :lol:

It says a lot though that her security notified her of a break-in as well as the cops but she managed to get home shoot dude as he is climbing out the window before the cops even show up.

just my 2 cents...i agree with that point wholeheartedly. in no way was this kid innocent, and should be help accountable for his actions. but to kill a child over some theft of property? america sure loves guns and using them on its own population i swear.
I don't get this sentiment of "kill a child" that seems to be arbitrarily applied when things like this go down. You really think this lady was thinking I'm about to kill this child for stealing my stuff??

No. She saw a black guy trying to climb out her window with her belongings after some dispute before the shooting that probably involved her saying stop or telling him to drop her things/give it back and him either saying nothing or cursing her out or w/e.

This wasn't some 10 yr old kid she caught dipping out her window. You add that in with the fear/anger of being robbed and catching the burglar in the act on top of being a gun owner it's not a surprise. These ppl want to use their guns and even more so if they feel justified about it.

Don't get the "own population" part either. Aint a whole lot of home invasions from criminals that hail from Germany or Ghana b. When it comes to being burglarized it's a us vs. them mentality. Not Americans first.
We're talking about burglars not serial killers. Stay on track fam. Burglars steal stuff, what stuff do you own more important than a life?

Bruh. You know people get tied up and raped etc during breaking and entering crimes? Why should anyone have to wait and find out what their plan is.

You lost your right to live when you kicked in someone's door. You know what the risk is. If they get shot so be it, even if they wanted only cash no one needs to wait and find out if they're only there to rob them. Bottom line is your in someone's crib without permission.

There is a dude around here following girls home and breaking in and raping them. He's still out here now. Don't want to get shot don't break into houses. It's that simple.
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Again....you're not even addressing the assumed risk that's involved when breaking into someone's home. Burglar isn't the victim here...especially since this bamma was burglarizing houses blocks away from where he lived. He kept rolling the dice, but he messed with the wrong one.

I stated before that he was in the wrong. He was definitely a dirt bag criminal who took advantage of his own community. But, none of what he did was a capital offense. She murdered him in cold simply because she could. Judge, jury, executioner...
Only time I'd ever shoot someone is if I felt my life was at serious risk. I don't feel bad for the burglar in that article being shot but murder isn't something I want on my conscience and I'd go to jail guaranteed for shooting someone. Tbh I probably wouldn't even go downstairs if I heard a robber in my house. I'd rather lose some stuff than end up having to shoot someone or get shot, stabbed or whatever myself.
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He was fleeing the house right?
I dont think death is the penalty for burglary. ...i mean dudes in prison for burglary dont get the death penalty.

Now if he WAS INSIDE wen she got there then i believe death is a penalty of home invasion adding to the fact that u dont know wat a criminal cornered will do.

but again.....if hes running away.....what did she kill him for?

like i said its a very specific situation
Again....you're not even addressing the assumed risk that's involved when breaking into someone's home. Burglar isn't the victim here...especially since this bamma was burglarizing houses blocks away from where he lived. He kept rolling the dice, but he messed with the wrong one.

I stated before that he was in the wrong. He was definitely a dirt bag criminal who took advantage of his own community. But, none of what he did was a capital offense. She murdered him in cold simply because she could. Judge, jury, executioner...

Let's think how all of this could have been avoided...
BUT if someone breaks into my house and they hear that thang pop off how are you supposed to know they aren't holdin somthin either.
There are cases where people break in and kill the people in there.

That's a point when they're breaking in - not in this case though when the kid was running away.

Anyway, that's not a reason to allow these laws which enable you to shoot someone - it's an argument for better gun control.

You know why I know if someone who breaks into my house isn't armed? Because private handgun ownership is almost zero. A bunch of kids were shot in a school here 20 years ago and the government banned that type of weapon. It hasn't happened since and in my city of 1m there are a handful of shootings a year - and they're almost all basically pellet guns.
Only time I'd ever shoot someone is if I felt my life was at serious risk. I don't feel bad for the burglar in that article being shot but murder isn't something I want on my conscience and I'd go to jail guaranteed for shooting someone. Tbh I probably wouldn't even go downstairs if I heard a robber in my house. 
Killing someone and murder are two different things though.

If you kill someone cuz you felt your life was in danger that's not murder. Killing in self defense is not murder.

Fl is different cuz of all their stand your ground crap and on top of that gun owners kinda feel that's a license to kill which is murder. So if you intend to do harm just to stop the burglar and they die that would be murder or involuntary manslaughter. It's just a different form of legalized murder in this country.

As far as your conscience well that's how it should be for any human being when it comes to taking the life of another.
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Possibly our opinions are swayed by our area.

Guns ....licensed or not....are very prevalent where im from.

If someone breaks into my home....its just natural for me to assume they have a pistol
Killing someone and murder are two different things though.

If you kill someone cuz you felt your life was in danger that's not murder. Killing in self defense is not murder.

Fl is different cuz of all their stand your ground crap and on top of that gun owners kinda feel that's a license to kill which is murder. So if you intend to do harm just to stop the burglar and they die that would be murder or involuntary manslaughter.
It's just how I see it. I would still feel like I murdered that person regardless of whether it was justified or not.

I live in a small peaceful rural town with little to no crime so I don't really have to worry about burglary.

I have several rifles but in Belgium the gun laws were made much more strict in 2006 after a mass shooting so not many people have guns anymore. It's a whole lot of steps to (legally) acquire a gun and you must be a licensed hunter or member of a shooting club. Even as a licensed hunter or shooting club member you still have to pass several other criteria to get a gun license.
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