FL Homeowner Shoots, Kills Teen Burglary Suspect. Now His Family Is Mad

That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about "protecting property". Killing someone who is not a threat to anyone, over "stuff".

Next time someone breaks into your home- stop and ask if they're a threat. I get that she caught him exiting, but who knows what this punk would have done had she been home.

You break into my home- you lose the benefit of the doubt.
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I'm among the few who wouldn't shoot him if I caught him escaping out the window.

Partly over potential legal ramifications, partly because catching him during the act of escaping and catching him while inside the house are two different things.

It's hard to say how you would react in that situation when you factor in adrenaline and the heat of the moment. But ideally if I was in that position I'd hope id have the constraint to get the burglar on the ground gun pointed at him letting him know if he makes one attempt to escape it's going to be fired and call the cops and tell them to hurry the hell up and arrest the idiot. Fear, adrenaline, and the heat of the moment don't always allow for thing to play out smoothly though.

That said, no sympathy for robbers who end up having the tables turned on them.

We can argue all day about if the homeowner overreacted by shooting him when he tried to escape. However you can't argue that when you decide to break in someone's house, you're valuing material items over your own life, and you run the risk of the robbery going bad. You might break into someone's house who can easily overpower you, shoot and torture you for fun if they see it fit. They might decide to shoot and kill you for fun once they catch you in their house. Any potential legal ramifications are irrelevant. They might get charged, that's not going to bring you back though and at the end of the day, this all would've been avoided if you didn't break and enter into someone's house.
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Call the police and let them do their job. You can't prevent all criminals, Batman.

Compelling argument. Cops rarely show up to home break-ins with lightning speed. Perfect example. This woman was able to beat an ENTIRE police squad at her time of need.

You probably think the police will also help you in a hit-and-run, right? Small time investigations.
I get that she caught him exiting, but who knows what this punk would have done had she been home.

There are no buts to it. She wasn't home. She clearly had choice.

If you feel like your life is danger, PROTECT yourself. That's not what is going on here.
Break ins aren't a priority for the cops. They'll take some notes, say they'll do an investigation, but unless the burglar completely screws up on a future robbery or when trying to sell the stuff they sold, its unlikely they get caught. Even if they do get caught, it's no guarantee you'll get your stuff back.
There are no buts to it. She wasn't home. She clearly had choice.

If you feel like your life is danger, PROTECT yourself. That's not what is going on here.

You're absolutely right. She should continue to let her home be broken into and cross her fingers that she's never home. She'll remain safe for the rest of her days.

Again- when you have someone break into your home - stop and politely ask if they pose a serious threat to you and your loved ones.
Yes they do :lol:

"He was gonna get away with my Fendi belt, I had to lay him out."

I get the whole concept of not being a mark.

But I don't see this scenario justifying him getting killed.

Why did she drive up?

:rofl:, He had my space jams I feared for the shoes lives.

Still can't feel too sorry for a kid who's going to try and hit a lick.
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Again- when you have someone break into your home - stop and politely ask if they pose a serious threat to you and your loved ones.
Where are you going with this? If someone actually breaks in my house while I'm home they are instantly a threat. Bam!

Personal property insurance is cheap as hell. I've had stuff stolen from my house before. And, I didn't have to circumvent the police and become a murderer to replace it.
Killing someone and murder are two different things though.

If you kill someone cuz you felt your life was in danger that's not murder. Killing in self defense is not murder.

Fl is different cuz of all their stand your ground crap and on top of that gun owners kinda feel that's a license to kill which is murder. So if you intend to do harm just to stop the burglar and they die that would be murder or involuntary manslaughter.
It's just how I see it. I would still feel like I murdered that person regardless of whether it was justified or not.
Well your feelings go contrary to the definition and the law.

I live in a small peaceful rural town with little to no crime so I don't really have to worry about burglary.
I have several rifles but in Belgium the gun laws were made much more strict in 2006 after a mass shooting so not many people have guns anymore. It's a whole lot of steps to (legally) acquire a gun and you must be a licensed hunter or member of a shooting club. Even as a licensed hunter or shooting club member you still have to pass several other criteria to get a gun license.
Lives in a small peaceful rural town yet you own a bunch of guns.

Again- when you have someone break into your home - stop and politely ask if they pose a serious threat to you and your loved ones.
Where are you going with this? If someone actually breaks in my house while I'm home they are instantly a threat. Bam!

Personal property insurance is cheap as hell. I've had stuff stolen from my house before. And, I didn't have to circumvent the police and become a murderer to replace it.

Have you had things stolen from your house where you see the burglary happening in real time? Probably not.

Your example has NOTHING to do with the situation at hand.

Keep moving the goalposts.
Next time theres a thread about a cop who kills some kid under questionable circumstances I don't wanna see none of you clowns in there complaining.
Next time theres a thread about a cop who kills some kid under questionable circumstances I don't wanna see none of you clowns in there complaining.
bruh...  you dont see the difference in someone in their own home chillin vs someone being paid to respond to a situation?

youre hopeless
Have you had things stolen from your house where you see the burglary happening in real time? Probably not.

Your example has NOTHING to do with the situation at hand.

Keep moving the goalposts.

It actually has everything to do with it. Which side of the statistics would you rather be on?
Something similar happened in SC to a white kid.

Manslaughter charge dropped in teen's gas theft shooting

By the Associated Press | March 13, 2016 | 11:25 PM EDT
CAMDEN, S.C. (AP) — A grand jury has refused to indict a man charged with voluntary manslaughter after shooting a teen running away after trying to steal gasoline from his pickup truck.

Kershaw County Sheriff Jim Matthews told media outlets that he wanted to see 49-year-old Jimmy Methe brought to trial so a jury could hear the whole case and decide if he was guilty or not.

Instead, the sheriff said a grand jury dropped the charge Thursday.

Authorities say Methe found 17-year-old Brandon Spencer and another man by his pickup truck in the middle of the night on Feb. 13. Methe told the suspects to stop, then fired at them as they ran.

Investigators say Spencer was shot in the back of the head from about 35 yards away.
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I own tons of things that I value more than the life of a thief

But I don't think burglary is a crime that's deserving of a citizen appointed death penalty either
Have you had things stolen from your house where you see the burglary happening in real time? Probably not.

Your example has NOTHING to do with the situation at hand.

Keep moving the goalposts.

It actually has everything to do with it. Which side of the statistics would you rather be on?

Having things stolen from his house doesn't mean he was there to catch the burglary going down. That's the difference.
It isn't. But it's a risk the thief disregarded when they decided to break in a house. You don't know what's behind that door and the mentality of the person behind that door.

The homeowner may shoot you or do something worse. Like I said, we can argue if the homeowner is right or wrong and both sides can make an argument. What you can't argue though is that even if the homeowner gets charged with murder because they did more than they had to do, whatever legal results happen, they're not going to bring the robber back alive. That's indisputable. When you break and enter into a house, you're gambling with your life.
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