Flyknit Chukka Thread

I can wait for the 20th, thanks for the help^^^. I called and they tell you the same thing.
hmm I can still add size 10 to cart... try again?

as far as the 20th... that's when these Fogs release?  Is FNL not shipping until then?
You'd think if they were b/o'd until the 20th it would say....
wasn't sure what ESLBC was getting at.. maybe he called and FNL told him not until the 20th?
damn. stupid finishline couldn't list the release date and drop this randomly. missed my size by the time i woke up.
size 12 ripped from me as i was checking out
i doubt that actually happened. it's probably been gone for awhile. they have one of the ****tiest site. they'll show a bunch of sizes available and let you add to cart, but won't let you check out.
^ thats what I thought might have happened to me when ordering on my phone earlier this morning so I went and did it on a lapper and got 2 confirmation emails shortly thereafter.

I know FNL seems to be quite a circus every release so won't get my hopes up until I get a live tracking #
Looks like all sizes have sold out of the midnight fogs, no sizes can be added through the mobile site.
Don't really need the fogs, but I should probably have tried to order this morning for 20 off and not sure if my WC here yet but 20 would be sweet.
yeah I'm getting tired of the white-soles.... they're great, don't get me wrong.  Just wish their was more a variety.  Had those "Beaches" not had the olive tongue things might have been alright.

Black tongue would've been game.set.match.
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