Food For Thought: Is there REALLY that much different between African Americans & Africans?

Originally Posted by StylishStef89

Africans look down on African Americans
African Americans look down on Africans
West Indian/Caribbean people look down on African Americans/Africans
Africans/African Americans look down on West Indian/Caribbean people

Its a wild cycle.

I didn't know about this until a few years. Really the whole thing is sad.
In reality though, we all humans and there should really be no differences between us. Yet, through the use of various mechanisms, we are and have beenrelegated to a state of question and assumption in regards to the basis of our humanity. It's just
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by kix4kix

You serious? Completely different.


Im like you OP i have Nigerian parents but i was born in raised in America.

First off African Americans are intolerant of Africans but they wont admit it. I cant tell you how many jokes about my name and my heritage i heard while i was growing up.
QFT my parents are both nigerian, but half the time I've seen that people can already tell if you are african from the way you look and theyget the predetermined notion that they really dont want to be cool wit you. Its funny I dont look like I'm african at all thats what a lot of my familytells me. Then they also make fun of your name which is
cuz u really cant defend that usually I just think of some smart %%@* to say toprove their ignorance and put them in their place. When i was a kid too I had mostly white friends because they are more accepting of African kids. Now Ireally dont care about what race my friends are, I've got friends that are african and african american and when i introduce them to one another its alllove(usually).

One more thing is how many of you african brothers have had like aunts and uncles tellin you they want you to marry a nigerian girl/girl of your race. thisalways gets me to
Originally Posted by Sidetrakkd

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

Originally Posted by Pmighty

african americans arent accepted in africa or america
go figure

Damn. thats real talk right there.

cosign... most hated on race in history no matter what! hey but i don't care love me or hate me I'ma still #!$+ me a girl in every race....
parada45 wrote:
As I kid I didn't think so

But as I got older I realized that they are completely different

I am Latino by the way

How are they different? You said you Latino. So for arguments sake lets say your Dominican. How are you physically different than a Puerto Rican? Food? The wayyou pronounce words? The music? All of these stem from being raised in a different location, it doesn't make you different people. Its fine to be proud ofwhere you come from but there has to be a point where you recognize that you are more alike than you are different.
The bottom line is this, If another race wakes up tomorrow and says " We're gonna wipe out every Black person" you better believe they comin for all of us

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

SuperAntigen wrote:
From my experience, African Americans always made an effort to make the distinction. I always interpreted it as them looking down of Africans simply because of the falsely perpetuated notion that Africans were "lacking" or "dirty" or "savage" as a consequence of a prejudiced media.

Essentially, African Americans always had their nose in the air and walked around with an "I'm better than you" attitude...
...of course, these were the young adults (middle school -- early in college)...but then again, children often times imitate the disposition of their parents so that's saying something...


That's unfairly placing the blame on one group when they are all equally at fault.

Africans look down upon African American just as much. I know, I'm African American and my landlord is African. There are stereotypical jokes that all the groups use towards one another.

The bottom line is this, If another race wakes up tomorrow and says " We're gonna wipe out every Black person" you better believe they comin for all of us

The key phrase in my OG post is "from my experience"...I said that because I AM AFRICAN--born and raised to African parents (Ghana). What I describedwas some of the stuff I personally experienced. From the "booty scratcher" jokes to the beliefs that I lived in a hut or lived in trees, didn'ttake showers, chased lions for fun, and consumed animal testicles. All of which are absolutely false.

And then there was that one time I was asked,"what are you...?", and then when I stated I was BLACK--which I am--I was corrected and told that"NO--you're African...don't play yourself..."...and everyone laughed. I laughed along with them but then again, what else could I do.

With that said, I am aware that Africans also make generalizations about African Americans. My parents often told me not to hang around "them", whenI was younger, because "they" were trouble makers. Clearly, that is an unfair assumption, but then again, the A.A kids and Jamaican kids around myneighborhood weren't exactly good kids and not exactly welcoming toward an African "booty-scratcher" like myself...

But like I stated previously in that OG post, these often times, were the "young adults" which i catergorized as middle school- early in college. Ifind that at a certain age, as adults, that stuff becomes unimportant when you find yourself in a college full of caucasians and all of a sudden, all eyes areon US as equally "BLACK" minorities. Like you said, when the "revolution" comes, word to Chris Rock, aint no such think as you'reAfrican and you're African American and you're Carribean (sp) African. It's you're all Naggers.

Too bad the younger generation, "thunder-cats", will never understand that. It is indeed a cycle.

Originally Posted by ballinamillion1

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by kix4kix


One more thing is how many of you african brothers have had like aunts and uncles tellin you they want you to marry a nigerian girl/girl of your race. this always gets me to
MAAAN this just hit the fan wit fam last night...There are ALOT of things that are just starting to hit the fan as i get older......the stuff isridiculous

I was raised that we all the same.....even when it came to educating the folks about my name in that we older, its not the case
SuperAntigen wrote:
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

SuperAntigen wrote:
From my experience, African Americans always made an effort to make the distinction. I always interpreted it as them looking down of Africans simply because of the falsely perpetuated notion that Africans were "lacking" or "dirty" or "savage" as a consequence of a prejudiced media.

Essentially, African Americans always had their nose in the air and walked around with an "I'm better than you" attitude...
...of course, these were the young adults (middle school -- early in college)...but then again, children often times imitate the disposition of their parents so that's saying something...


That's unfairly placing the blame on one group when they are all equally at fault.

Africans look down upon African American just as much. I know, I'm African American and my landlord is African. There are stereotypical jokes that all the groups use towards one another.

The bottom line is this, If another race wakes up tomorrow and says " We're gonna wipe out every Black person" you better believe they comin for all of us

The key phrase in my OG post is "from my experience"...I said that because I AM AFRICAN--born and raised to African parents (Ghana). What I described was some of the stuff I personally experienced. From the "booty scratcher" jokes to the beliefs that I lived in a hut or lived in trees, didn't take showers, chased lions for fun, and consumed animal testicles. All of which are absolutely false.

And then there was that one time I was asked,"what are you...?", and then when I stated I was BLACK--which I am--I was corrected and told that "NO--you're African...don't play yourself..."...and everyone laughed. I laughed along with them but then again, what else could I do.

With that said, I am aware that Africans also make generalizations about African Americans. My parents often told me not to hang around "them", when I was younger, because "they" were trouble makers. Clearly, that is an unfair assumption, but then again, the A.A kids and Jamaican kids around my neighborhood weren't exactly good kids and not exactly welcoming toward an African "booty-scratcher" like myself...

But like I stated previously in that OG post, these often times, were the "young adults" which i catergorized as middle school- early in college. I find that at a certain age, as adults, that stuff becomes unimportant when you find yourself in a college full of caucasians and all of a sudden, all eyes are on US as equally "BLACK" minorities. Like you said, when the "revolution" comes, word to Chris Rock, aint no such think as you're African and you're African American and you're Carribean (sp) African. It's you're all Naggers.

Too bad the younger generation, "thunder-cats", will never understand that. It is indeed a cycle.


I agree with you. I'm just saying from MY experience (being African American) often time when I would try and learn more about African culture some peoplewould react to my curiosity by taking a shot at me like "Well we don't eat fried chicken everyday like you." Its ignorance from all sides thatincreases the separation

REAL LIFE EXAMPLE: This is an part of my conversation with a blackberry messenger buddy about 5 mins ago;

Me- What nationality are you?

Girl- Haitian, me and my husband

Me- Random, question: would you have married an African?

Girl- Hell no!

Me- Why?

Girl- Just because I don't like them, they are not my type, Jamaicans either.

Me- You do realize your stereotyping? Not trying to come at you, just wondering if your aware. Whats the difference between a W. Indian man, and African manand an African American man?

Girl- I know that, I'm very picky, I wouldn't date a West Indian man either. Only Haitian

My- Haitians are West Indian......
Great thread.

I have been meaning to touch on this subject for a while now.

This is our main problem as a people....nationality, identity and self-knowledge.

The separation between "West Indian Blacks", "Black Africans" and " Black Americans" stems from personal experience and mediamisrepresentation.

The same misguided behavior that Black Americans see and say "we need to do better", immigrants see and say "we are better than them". Themedia then further strengthens this divide by showing starving/warring Africans living in squalor and Black Americans as thugs and degenerates....both sidesfind solace in the white agenda and the oppressors manufactured identities, giving them further reason to remain divided and uphold ignorant stereotypes,keeping us all down in the long run.

We need to re-embrace the Pan-African spirit, the spirit of Black has been purposely crushed since the early 90's and this new generationis close to being totally lost to the white mans system. No knowledge of self.

Americans think Lil Wayne started locks, Caribbeans think 50 cent is the prototypical Black American and Many African's are practicing the same colonialmentality that allowed the slave trade to flourish in the first place.

Garvey united Blacks across the world, Malcolm X followed in his footsteps, the Black Power movement did the same, the African Independence struggle showed ysall what it really takes to be free and Hip-Hop was the most powerful medium of expression and unity that we have ever has now been hi-jacked. Whatare we going to do?

I beg y'all to read, I beg y'all to re-evaluate your identities and see that we are the same people...I beg y'all to see that we are fighting thesame problems put in place by the same enemy.

The enemy is still there causing all of these problems....y'all just running to him now, instead of running away from him. Making his job that much easierand our problems that much worse.

Analyze the situation with educated logic my people....and let us act in unity. Our freedom all across the globe is still on the line.
I grew up in Africa up until the age of 18, then came to the States to go to college. Here is my take on the issue:

It all relates back to misinformation as a few people have pointed out already. The typical African is looking at images of America from the media and gets thenotion that African Americans have access to free education, ample infrastructure (water, roads, electricity, health care), and limit less businessopportunities, but do not take full advantage of it all. This is where the negative stereotypes originate from.

The fact of the matter is that it is one thing to see it on TV and its a completely different thing to live in America as a black man of any origin. Being onground here in the States for an extended period of time will clue anyone in on the struggles African Americans have had to endure for decades. There is kindof a constant feeling of being watched and judged, how is anyone supposed to live up to their potential with that kind of feeling hanging over ones head???

Its easy to judge African Americans and come up with all sorts of negative stereotypes from afar, but living here as a black person will change perceptionsquickly.
HueyP in LouieV wrote:
Great thread.

I have been meaning to touch on this subject for a while now.

This is our main problem as a people....nationality, identity and self-knowledge.

The separation between "West Indian Blacks", "Black Africans" and " Black Americans" stems from personal experience and media misrepresentation.

The same misguided behavior that Black Americans see and say "we need to do better", immigrants see and say "we are better than them". The media then further strengthens this divide by showing starving/warring Africans living in squalor and Black Americans as thugs and degenerates....both sides find solace in the white agenda and the oppressors manufactured identities, giving them further reason to remain divided and uphold ignorant stereotypes, keeping us all down in the long run.

We need to re-embrace the Pan-African spirit, the spirit of Black has been purposely crushed since the early 90's and this generation close to being totally lost to the white mans system. No knowledge of self. Americans think Lil Wayne started locks, Caribbeans think 50 cent is the prototypical Black American and Many African's are practicing the same colonial mentality that allowed the slave trade to flourish in the first place.

Garvey united Blacks across the world, Malcolm X followed in his footsteps, the Black Power movement did the same and Hip-Hop was the most powerful medium of expression and unity that we have ever has now been hi-jacked. What are we going to do?

I beg y'all to read, I beg y'all to re-@%#!% your identities and see that we are the same people...I beg y'all to see that we are fighting the same problems put in place by the same enemy.

The enemy is still there, causing all of this problems....y'all just running to him now, instead of running away from him.

Analyze the situation with educated logic my people.

Dude came in and dropped serious knowledge, but I'd expect no less from a dude with the founder of the Panthers as his avy.
Surprised through this whole thread that there hasn't been one mention of OBAMA, example of a highly successful Black African right?

I'm indian, but I definitely have noticed through college and work, there seem to be more hard-working, successful ppl that have an African sounding nameand originate from that continent than African Americans. In my years in investment banking, there were probably four times as many Africans than AfricanAmericans.

Man I miss my old roommate from Zimbabwe, he had the funniest accent and stories..
I know plenty of Africans who look down on African-Americans.

Know a lot of Jamaicans who do as well.
Originally Posted by MissKickBack

I know that afro caribbeans consider themselves different from black americans and africans and therefore interact with them differently. So im guessing the same goes for black americans and africans.

I've heard black americans tell hard working africans to go back to their country all out of ignorance, and I know some africans look down on black americans. This girl in my english class, who is nigerian, said africans tend to have a better work ethic and consider education to be more important than black americans so they feel like black americans are lazy and ignorant.

damn are you in my english class.. we just had this discussion too. its basically all stereotypical. this was interesting to me
My somalian home girl said when she came here with her family they told her not to socialize with the blacks cause they are no good. This was said by animmigration official.
Originally Posted by tramond

Originally Posted by MissKickBack

I know that afro caribbeans consider themselves different from black americans and africans and therefore interact with them differently. So im guessing the same goes for black americans and africans.

I've heard black americans tell hard working africans to go back to their country all out of ignorance, and I know some africans look down on black americans. This girl in my english class, who is nigerian, said africans tend to have a better work ethic and consider education to be more important than black americans so they feel like black americans are lazy and ignorant.

damn are you in my english class.. we just had this discussion too. its basically all stereotypical. this was interesting to me
That vid is real talk right there
of ourse there is a MAJOR difference. 400+ years of difference. no disrespect to any africans, but they feel like they are better than us. they do this in asub-conscious and many times conscious effort to identify themselves with the white man. we have all been taught from the beginning that the white man issuperior, but the opposite is actually the truth. global society still tells everyone we are the lowest of the low. again, in the US constitution we are still3/5 of a man. this has penetrated the minds of all nations on the globe. there are those that know the truth, but it is really shared publicly.

Originally Posted by Pmighty

african americans arent accepted in africa or america

go figure

this is a VERY important point here. the question is WHY is this the case?? anyone care to take a stab at the answer before i answer??

i'll just add, and this is generally speaking of course, one of the reasons white ppl hate blacks is due to their melanin defficiency. their lack ofmelanin is actually a curse (might sound a little crazy, but it's the truth). like leprocy. ever wonder why white ppl live in tanning salons and are alwayson the beach trying to tan, or spray painting themselves all in an attempt to get DARKER??? hmmm?

melinin defficiency isn't the main reason they've always hated us tho. but is does tie in nicely. just for the record, this is in no way meant tooffend anyone.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

of ourse there is a MAJOR difference. 400+ years of difference. no disrespect to any africans, but they feel like they are better than us. they do this in a sub-conscious and many times conscious effort to identify themselves with the white man. we have all been taught from the beginning that the white man is superior, but the opposite is actually the truth. global society still tells everyone we are the lowest of the low. again, in the US constitution we are still 3/5 of a man. this has penetrated the minds of all nations on the globe. there are those that know the truth, but it is really shared publicly.

Originally Posted by Pmighty

african americans arent accepted in africa or america

go figure

this is a VERY important point here. the question is WHY is this the case?? anyone care to take a stab at the answer before i answer??

i'll just add, and this is generally speaking of course, one of the reasons white ppl hate blacks is due to their melanin defficiency. their lack of melanin is actually a curse (might sound a little crazy, but it's the truth). like leprocy. ever wonder why white ppl live in tanning salons and are always on the beach trying to tan, or spray painting themselves all in an attempt to get DARKER??? hmmm?

melinin defficiency isn't the main reason they've always hated us tho. but is does tie in nicely. just for the record, this is in no way meant to offend anyone.
I think its all because of the stereo types......

Being born from Nigerian parents and born and raised in america, im a product of the ever clashing identies. If I go back to Nigeria right now and try to makeit out on my own......will I be accepted when I dont speak the native tounge? They will go on ahead and treat me as an African American (which i am) and sayits because "I lost the culture"

They also have a mentality that in america, money is plentiful so if you cant make it successful like (100,000+) salaries, then u aint doing #+#!

Its all a identity issue because in the states, when hanging or meeting new folks, I got it broken down to me that I dont understand how it is to be a Blackman in America....or that "WOW you dont look African!"
......Or assume if they saw my last name that im 'musty'......I thought we get looked at all the same at the end of the day.....
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