Food For Thought: Is there REALLY that much different between African Americans & Africans?

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS


domn Afreecons

there is a difference...same difference as Obama vs. Martin Luther King...these are men from two completely different places and lots of people think allblacks are the same. Im Nigerian and I don't feel we are the same as american blacks/southerners.
We just all have to combine and experience each other. My best friend is nigerian, and im african american. Through out our lives being friends since 5th gradeive seen mad differences in family. His parent were extremely strict which i believe now was for his own good, while mine were just do what ever you want. Hewas interested in school way more than i was, sports keep us really tight. Theres so many deviations when it comes to subjects like this, i know this onenigerian cat and his parents straight crazy, his mom threw like clorox at him while he was sleeping once. Dude almost went blind.

There a lot more to tell, because we have been close for 10 years. I hate typing so ill just leave it at that.

People that feel they are better than a person are just confused, all you have to do is learn. If i could id chill with every ethnicity on this planet son. lol
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

there is a difference...same difference as Obama vs. Martin Luther King...these are men from two completely different places and lots of people think all blacks are the same. Im Nigerian and I don't feel we are the same as american blacks/southerners.

Your getting caught up with the differences that stem from location. Of course people who spent hundreds of years in a desert climate are going to developdifferent customs and ways of life than someone who lives on a tropical island.
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

there is a difference...same difference as Obama vs. Martin Luther King...these are men from two completely different places and lots of people think all blacks are the same. Im Nigerian and I don't feel we are the same as american blacks/southerners.
And what exactly makes you different?
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

The bottom line is this, If another race wakes up tomorrow and says " We're gonna wipe out every Black person" you better believe they comin for all of us


EXACTLY what i was gonna the end of the day...we're all black....

and quick African AMERICAN..really a race? or maybe i worded it wrong..i hope sumbody gets what im trying to say
Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

The bottom line is this, If another race wakes up tomorrow and says " We're gonna wipe out every Black person" you better believe they comin for all of us

EXACTLY what i was gonna the end of the day...we're all black....

and quick African AMERICAN..really a race? or maybe i worded it wrong..i hope sumbody gets what im trying to say

There's no such thing as "race". "Race" is simply a social construct based on certain characteristics. It just doesn'texist.
yes there is, very big cultural differences, only thing thing we have in common is ancenstry
Originally Posted by Jumpshot

Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

The bottom line is this, If another race wakes up tomorrow and says " We're gonna wipe out every Black person" you better believe they comin for all of us

EXACTLY what i was gonna the end of the day...we're all black....

and quick African AMERICAN..really a race? or maybe i worded it wrong..i hope sumbody gets what im trying to say
There's no such thing as "race". "Race" is simply a social construct based on certain characteristics. It just doesn't exist.

maybe i meant to say ethnicity...smh @ me....FAIL @ my post lol
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

yes there is, very big cultural differences, only thing thing we have in common is ancenstry
Not true.

For some drums and see how West Indians, Black Americans and Black Africans react.
i believe the foundation is the same..but as u start to go up things start to change...
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

there is a difference...same difference as Obama vs. Martin Luther King...these are men from two completely different places and lots of people think all blacks are the same. Im Nigerian and I don't feel we are the same as american blacks/southerners.

Your getting caught up with the differences that stem from location. Of course people who spent hundreds of years in a desert climate are going to develop different customs and ways of life than someone who lives on a tropical island.

wait hold on, what does the climate have to do with this....i think you took what i said completely wrong. I'm speaking of traditions, beliefs, just theupbringing period.
And that foundation is whats most important.

The things at the top were mostly placed there by our slave masters/colonizers.

We need to understand and unify that foundation and rebuild the upper layers through a progressive and unified black identity.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

And that foundation is whats most important.

The things at the top were mostly placed there by our slave masters/colonizers.

We need to understand and unify that foundation and rebuild the upper layers through a progressive and unified black identity.
co-sign...but i dont think ppl will ever unify..ever...and im just being real..but u can open other ppls eyes...
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

yes there is, very big cultural differences, only thing thing we have in common is ancenstry
Not true.

For some drums and see how West Indians, Black Americans and Black Africans react.

I guess the only people that see that are the folks that experience both sides
vjetti wrote:

I'm indian, but I definitely have noticed through college and work, there seem to be more hard-working, successful ppl that have an African sounding name and originate from that continent than African Americans. In my years in investment banking, there were probably four times as many Africans than African Americans.

This is due to the castration of the Black American family structure. During slavery it was very common to take men away from their wives andchildren and move them around a lot. This in turn made some son's grow up thinking they didn't need their father or need to be in the lives of theirchildren. Their daughters would grow up thinking they wouldn't need a man and that they can raise their children on their own. This leads to thedestruction of the Black American family.

You cannot compare Black Americans and Africans in this sense. Africans are an established people with strong familial morals like any European or Asianpeoples.
Its amazing to see strong Black American families today and throughout history with a patriarch and matriarch intact. Teaching their children the importance ofschooling and other things.

Another factor is poverty. Can't worry about school if you can't eat. Africans that come over have to be in a somewhat fortunate situation to make itover.

Of course there are instances. Like an uneducated single mother that understands the importance of education and forces it on her children. But for the mostpart these are cycles that are almost impossible to break.

not even in the same category basically

I know if you call anybody in africa (notice i dont say african, cuz an ehtiopian will be bout ot murk yo @$% if you do that, and they talk down on the"africans") black they will be mad as hell at you, thats pretty offensive to them, it depends on ur fam and the chick, but they wont see each otheras of the same group most likely imo
Originally Posted by SlimK4

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

yes there is, very big cultural differences, only thing thing we have in common is ancenstry
Not true.

For some drums and see how West Indians, Black Americans and Black Africans react.

I guess the only people that see that are the folks that experience both sides
I would like to contribute that to genetics, most people who are African/African Descent have natural "Riddim"
other than this geek
� skip to 4:07

as for slim's comment trust I see both sides all the time. I have Afro-Latino family from myPanamanian side. I have African-American family from my dad's side and I have too many 1st generation African friends from Ghana, Somalia, Eritrea, Senegaljust to name a few. So trust I'm well educated with how each culture differs first hand.
In the future like a hundred/hundreds of years from now I believe they'll look at the African-American as a whole newrace, because its almost as if we are even now. Our facial structure is complete different due to mixing even for people who are darkly complected.We've had to completely create our own culture because our was taken away or forgotten. How many black people do you know that can trace their roots backto africa? Barely any, now you can get a DNA testing to see what region your ancestry is from but that's it.
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