Kobe Beef, Hyogo:
bagels are something I have no problem being a snob about.

Agree with this sentiment whole heartedly.

Anyone that eats Sara Lee, Panera, Einstein Bros, Noah's or Corner Bakery bagels is a terrorist.

I have a muti-step process to determine how I decide upon a bagel:

1. It's always either everything or egg everything.
2. Since those are the two most popular choices, I tend to choose whichever has more in the basket because that means they're usually fresher.
3. If the baskets are filled to the top odds are they're still warm. Still warm=no toast.

I straight up watched the dude from the back bring out a fresh batch of everything bagels, so that was a no-toast for me.

A sound and well thought out process no doubt.

But if the bagel has to be toasted it's an easy pass for me.

Similar to cold eggs or french fries. Do you really want to put yourself through that? Reheating, throwing off the crust to chew thank you.

The relationship between bagels and people not in NY is parallel to Plato's Allegory of the Cave.

People outside of NY live in the bagel cave. All they know is darkness.

This used to be true. People outside of NY now grow up unchained, exposed to more than just the shadows on the cave's walls.

The unique crusty, chewy, perfect NYC bagel (along with that "special" NYC municipal water) has been cloned and exported to other locales, namely Los Angeles, believe it or not.

I lived in Brooklyn for a while and I moved back home to LA around 2013. At that point there were no TRULY legitimate bagel spots in the city. A few worthy imitators made strong efforts, but they weren't that bagel spot between 1st and Avenue A in Manhattan, Essa Bagel, Black Seed Bagels, Tompkins Square bagels (before the rainbow cream cheese fiasco), or that spot in Park Slope ironically run by East Africans etc, etc.

Now in LA you can go to Maury's or a handful of other places and get bagels in the same class as NYC's finest. And people are lined up for them.

When I think about bagels I think about that Bane quote: " I didn't see the light until I was already a man; by then, it was nothing to me but blinding!"

This explains so much

I hate that I laughed so hard at this.
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