Whenever people completely dismiss an entire ethnicity as incapable of creating appetizing food I just assume there's some casual racism underlying their position.
I tend to prefer foods that highlight fresh flavors with less emphasis on dairy and heavy, fragrant spice. I even make recommendations using this method because genetics.
You were blessed with a fortunate childhood.
Really? Why you feel that way? Feel like I missed out on a lot.
My white *** wonderin wtf goin on in here. I wanna see some damn food

Almost ready.
It's different types of white folks of course. While you can say many can't handle seasonings there's also a large section of hipstery white folks who are into "ethnic" food.

Going to get Indian tonight, had Ethiopian this past weekend. Both will be with white people, albeit, not middle America white people.

Also, what are the percentiles on NT? I haven’t met one white person on here, and have met 50+ NTers.
Going to get Indian tonight, had Ethiopian this past weekend. Both will be with white people, albeit, not middle America white people.

Also, what are the percentiles on NT? I haven’t met one white person on here, and have met 50+ NTers.

Nobody knows so I'm gonna guess and say 50% black. 30% Asian. 15% white. 5% misc. Just my guess.
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