Went to San Diego for a day. Don’t see the hype about In n Out. Taste like Sonic burgers. Is there a sauce I was supposed to get? Fill me in.

I’ve never used a rice cooker. Just doesn’t seem like a necessary device given how easy it is to cook in a pot.
I’ve never used a rice cooker. Just doesn’t seem like a necessary device given how easy it is to cook in a pot.

I felt the same way but I found one on sale for $20 and just bought it. I rejected the idea because I was like, "I'm not a sucka, I know how to cook rice."

But it is cool to just set it and forget it.
What's your favorite fast food burger spot?

I’ve never used a rice cooker. Just doesn’t seem like a necessary device given how easy it is to cook in a pot.

It is easy, but a rice cooker is super convenient, set it, follow the measurements and leave it, no watching necessary, leaves space on the stove if you're doing multiple items. Got a Tiger from Costco and it's been great.
I’ve never used a rice cooker. Just doesn’t seem like a necessary device given how easy it is to cook in a pot.
if you eat rice often, it’s very necessary.
cooks perfect every time (better than the stove) and can keep it warm for hours

there’s a reason every restaurant has a rice cooker
if you eat rice often, it’s very necessary.
cooks perfect every time (better than the stove) and can keep it warm for hours

there’s a reason every restaurant has a rice cooker
I mean I feel like a restaurant having a rice cooker is a tad different :lol:

But I also recognize that I’m definitely not eating as much rice as some other folks. Probably make like 2-3 cups a week.

The stovetop space argument is definitely legit though. I get it.
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