Soft shell >>>>> hard shell

So why would we do that?
I am saying when ordering Tacos, ask for your (soft) "shelled" CORN tortillas to be "Extra Toasted" so they aren't WEAK and MUSHY Like I see most pictures of corn tortillas.

I don't even view Hard Tacos as a thing sold outside of grocery stores.
Taco Bamba
Downtown DC

(Ate Chicken)
Bottom Braised Goats
Above Chorizo

Well done tortillas. (Makes a WORLD of a difference)

Tomatillo, Jalepeno, Cilantro Salsa
With some Green el Yucatero


"Extra Toasted Please."

Adds a whole new world of texture to tacos man.

But yall can keep eating food on Default Settings.
To keep it 100, the only time I’ve ever encountered that phrase outside of this thread is during an interlude in the Fugee’s album The Score. I wasn’t sure if it was actually a thing outside of that.
Fried hard, cooked crispy, extra crispy and more are all qualifiers that shall be used at certain establishments
"Tell the cooks to cook them extra extra hard. Don't be afraid to burn them."

If and when I order wings because there have been times, telling them, "Well done" wasn't enough and I had to send them back.

I leave no doubts
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