Right now the budget allows for generic great value mac and cheese.
The 50 cent kind, that stuff is horrible man. If you're ever in Target they frequently do the $1 deals on Annie's. That stuff is way better that Kraft's & that generic stuff that taste like powder.
You wasnt hip to jail "breaks"?

I lived of commissary.

Canned chicken
Chicken ramen
Crushed up hot fries and cheez its

Put it in a bag and munch!

Some people liked to add pickles.
Oh ya commissary was the way to go, if your books not straight you stuck eating mystery meat sandwiches and "soup" that may or may not have been peed in and using that generic toothpastes cats use to glue their kids pics on the wall
Ok, I see we have another Mariko and dude with the Futbol player as an avatar.

Too many gimmick characters at once. :lol:
So b/c you and the some self described "foodie" elitist in here don't like what I eat it's a "gimmick?"

"Where's the char?"
"You ate it just like that?"
"Not enough sour cream, use the whole tub."
"Straight garbage eh."
"Yada yada trolling."
Something, something, living in poverty."
"Ooooh a spoon."
"Ooooh a fork."


Cooked up some marinated chickens and veggies and made fajitas.

Tortillas toasted strong.

Nawghty salute

Excuse the trash plate, just moved dinnerware, cutlery, and knives experiencing rona delays
So b/c you and the some self described "foodie" elitist in here don't like what I eat it's a "gimmick?"

"Where's the char?"
"You ate it just like that?"
"Not enough sour cream, use the whole tub."
"Straight garbage eh."
"Yada yada trolling."
Something, something, living in poverty."
"Ooooh a spoon."
"Ooooh a fork."


:lol: Talk to em!

You aint lying.
Rice and peas look dry as **** but them plantains look fire

I come in peace

Good amount of plantains too.

Got me craving them. Might hook up take out from a Cuban spot by me that’s still doing take our.
Good amount of plantains too.

Got me craving them. Might hook up take out from a Cuban spot by me that’s still doing take our.
What Cuban spots are there worth going to out here? Don't think I've ever come across any.
What Cuban spots are there worth going to out here? Don't think I've ever come across any.

I’m talking about a chain called Versailles. There’s one on Venice Boulevard by me. One on LaCienega in the mid-city area and one in the Valley. Garlic Chicken is their most popular dish, but I think the Plaintains, Beans and Rice are all pretty good.

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