You think thats wild? I had a celly this mfer had diabetes and he make this "drink"

Poured god knows how many of those generic brand kool aid packs you get from commissary into a jug, crush up jolly ranchers and numerous other hard candies and put it in this digusting mixture. **** would turn into some nasty type of syrup. He swore by it. Never touched it, thought my teeth would rot instantly.
You think thats wild? I had a celly this mfer had diabetes and he make this "drink"

Poured god knows how many of those generic brand kool aid packs you get from commissary into a jug, crush up jolly ranchers and numerous other hard candies and put it in this digusting mixture. **** would turn into some nasty type of syrup. He swore by it. Never touched it, thought my teeth would rot instantly.
Canada or merica?

Eating clean again today fellas.
I ain’t like how @enlightenedespot and @nawghtyhare was hatin on my Kraft cheese so I used real cheese today. On the bottom and top of the fries. Just didn’t take a pic of the cheese on top. They comments lit a fire in me like Lebron in Game 5 in the 2016 finals

Bacon, Egg, cheese, burrito with Rally’s fries


You, sir, are a ******* visionary.
There was a dude in my Bar Exam prep class who would kill a sixer of Diet Cokes during each 2.5 hour lecture. I would guess he probably had another six after class.
Ya straight garbage.

Generic cereal in the morning, some bull**** for lunch and then some more bull**** for dinner.

You wasnt hip to jail "breaks"?

I lived of commissary.

Canned chicken
Chicken ramen
Crushed up hot fries and cheez its

Put it in a bag and munch!

Some people liked to add pickles.
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