I had a homie that would take the train downtown for cheesesteak.

Hit him like whats good for the day?

Going downtown.

Word whats the flex whos rollin?


Sometimes it be like that. Used to hit the train into NYC for diff foods all the time. One used to be like a fast food steak spot? Wish I could remember what it was.
Pastrami bacon. Hometown BBQ.


This and the skin on pernil have to be the most unhealthy things I consume. But of course, they’re also among the most delicious.
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Shake Shack's Introduces Korean-Style Fried Chick’n Stateside

Shake Shack knows whats up
Decided to make this one of my cheat foods for the week:

Overall impression is lackluster. Chicken was crispier than I thought it would be despite being completely slathered in sauce. Sauce itself was kind of whatever. More sweet than anything with no significant spice to it. Kimchi slaw was kind of bland and soft, so it really didn't provide a ton of contrast. Sesame seeds were negligible. I love Martin's potato rolls, but not my first choice for a sandwich like this. They could have stayed in the Martin's brand and used a Big Marty's, which I think would have worked a lot better.

Definitely worst of the 3 versions of their chicken sandwich. Edible, but would not purchase again. 6/10.
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