Chicken tikka masala dog
Props for bringing that Christian Pulisic Christian Pulisic feeling back to the thread.
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lawdog1 lawdog1 have you tried that spot?

No. I keep meaning to because it’s pretty close to me, but haven’t got there yet. I definitely will and report back when I do.

I used to get Frankies from a place on Pico in West LA called Bombay Cafe, but it closed down a couple years ago:frown:
I've never heard the term "Frankie" (I'm Indian :lol: ) but there's a spot in Berkeley called Viks I've been going to since I was a kid that has wraps with paratha bread and chicken that are amazing. All the food there is on point but it's usually busy at all times.
I've never heard the term "Frankie" (I'm Indian :lol: ) but there's a spot in Berkeley called Viks I've been going to since I was a kid that has wraps with paratha bread and chicken that are amazing. All the food there is on point but it's usually busy at all times.

Yeah, I always assumed “Frankie” was just an Americanized nickname for them and they’re called something else in India. But I’m aware of three different places in LA that call them that.
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I feel like arguing today:

Midwesterners...mainly you 👉🏽 Illinois people who are now residents in the SOUF!!!! Stop bringing this down here......THIS IS NOT A MEAL! This is NOT what we do with catfish, suh!!!! This is 2 different ....VERY different meals. If y’all don’t know how to cook grits JUST SAY THAT and we’ll help you. Catfish go with either grits, fries and slaw or AS JESUS TOLD YALL, 5 loaves of BREAD. Please walk in righteousness!!! I love everybody 💕


I feel like arguing today:

Midwesterners...mainly you 👉🏽 Illinois people who are now residents in the SOUF!!!! Stop bringing this down here......THIS IS NOT A MEAL! This is NOT what we do with catfish, suh!!!! This is 2 different ....VERY different meals. If y’all don’t know how to cook grits JUST SAY THAT and we’ll help you. Catfish go with either grits, fries and slaw or AS JESUS TOLD YALL, 5 loaves of BREAD. Please walk in righteousness!!! I love everybody 💕

If that plate of food was posted by any of the regulars here, I would think of hitting it with a sad face, but then refrain due to trying not to be culturally insensitive. And that’s all I have to say about that.

I feel like arguing today:

Midwesterners...mainly you 👉🏽 Illinois people who are now residents in the SOUF!!!! Stop bringing this down here......THIS IS NOT A MEAL! This is NOT what we do with catfish, suh!!!! This is 2 different ....VERY different meals. If y’all don’t know how to cook grits JUST SAY THAT and we’ll help you. Catfish go with either grits, fries and slaw or AS JESUS TOLD YALL, 5 loaves of BREAD. Please walk in righteousness!!! I love everybody 💕

Obnoxious and pointless.

I feel like arguing today:

Midwesterners...mainly you 👉🏽 Illinois people who are now residents in the SOUF!!!! Stop bringing this down here......THIS IS NOT A MEAL! This is NOT what we do with catfish, suh!!!! This is 2 different ....VERY different meals. If y’all don’t know how to cook grits JUST SAY THAT and we’ll help you. Catfish go with either grits, fries and slaw or AS JESUS TOLD YALL, 5 loaves of BREAD. Please walk in righteousness!!! I love everybody 💕

Odd. I'm in Chicago. I've never seen that combo before. JJ Fish is the biggest catfish chain in Chicago and they definitely don't serve spaghetti. Looks like it might have originated in the south.

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I feel like arguing today:

Midwesterners...mainly you 👉🏽 Illinois people who are now residents in the SOUF!!!! Stop bringing this down here......THIS IS NOT A MEAL! This is NOT what we do with catfish, suh!!!! This is 2 different ....VERY different meals. If y’all don’t know how to cook grits JUST SAY THAT and we’ll help you. Catfish go with either grits, fries and slaw or AS JESUS TOLD YALL, 5 loaves of BREAD. Please walk in righteousness!!! I love everybody 💕

Looks good to me. Minus the bread, don't need the extra carbs.
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