Ramen danbo in Vancouver. 6 pieces of pork, extra rich and thick broth
I like the addition of strawberries 👍 nice touch. I see you went with crunchy pb which works just fine as well. I need your opinion on it please...what did you think?
It was... interesting. I can't say it tasted terrible, though. It tasted... I don't know... confusing. 😂 If confusion was a sammich, that was it. If I had a restaurant, I would probably have that sammich on it and call it Beautiful Disaster.

It was... interesting. I can't say it tasted terrible, though. It tasted... I don't know... confusing. 😂 If confusion was a sammich, that was it. If I had a restaurant, I would probably have that sammich on it and call it Beautiful Disaster.


Would you eat it again
For the everything bagel seasoning gang, found this at Aldi today.


Also, I’m a doofus…
went to Trader Joe’s and thought I grabbed the everything bagel seasoning. I got home and realized I grabbed “everyday” seasoning instead lol.

the ingredients listed are sea salt, mustard seeds, black peppercorns, coriander, onion, garlic, paprika, chili pepper.
not a combination of spices I can say I’ve had before but sounds interesting…
Love the palak paneer. It looks so damn fresh. Samosas are on point too. Is that fried cauliflower I see in pic #2 with mint chutney? The prep & display of the food looks so similar to a restaurant here called Jassi's 👍
Yeah bro it was super fresh!

Yessir it's called Gobi Manchurian which is an Indo-Chinese dish. Fried cauliflower with onions, peppers, and chutney it's one of my favorite dishes ever
Wife has decided to start keto to help shed some baby weight. I’m gonna do it as well (for the most part). Still might need a cheat day once a week or so. Can’t just give up pizza/tacos. Like them way too much.
technically a cheat day will kick you out of ketosis proper, plus Keto is more unforgiving since the water weight (glycogen actually) you gain back that one day will often undo a whole week of progress. They make keto pizzas, keto breads, keto ice creams, pancake or biscuit mixes, sugar free sauces, etc. so you can satisfy certain tastes or cravings without going out plus there are channels dedicated to keto friendly recipes on Youtube.

It works though, try to do like a month straight without cheating or make your cheat day like say if you do 30 carbs a day baseline, allow yourself maybe 60 on a cheat day and you'll be able to not balloon up on that day and get right back into losing quickly. You can do it! Just don't go ham on a cheat day like Pizza Hut, Dairy Queen, McDonald's, alcohol, etc. I bet you can lose 20lbs or more in a month even with little exercise, like just walking
Saravanaa Bhavan
I'm gonna have to check out this spot next time I'm out in Hicksville.
I was actually thinking about this place last week. Only been there a couple of times and wondering if it was still around. Some of my high school friends went there a lot.
Was just by Witches Brew on Friday. I was hitting up Sam's Caribbean. Haven't been to WB in a minute but it always hits
The dough, the dough, the dough. First thing I noticed was how good the dough was. Both texture & taste. And that white pie was amazing.
That's wassup. I felt the same way when I had it- that dough is everything. Didn't try the white pie but it's going on the list. Frank Pinello knows his **** when it comes to 🍕. Would love to chat with em about pizza.

You planning on trying Dani's(Lefferts, Qnz)? They have a very distinct & delicious sweet sauce which I believe you'll appreciate.
I'm gonna have to check out this spot next time I'm out in Hicksville.

Was just by Witches Brew on Friday. I was hitting up Sam's Caribbean. Haven't been to WB in a minute but it always hits
Def try it man. Their food is so damn good. Lmk what you think when you go 👍. Witches Brew is top tier coffee house joint for me. Like you said it always hits. It's a great date spot too.
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