Hate dark chocolate most of the time but these are delicious
The same type of crabs in a bucket mentality that keeps black folk down. When people realize its the super wealthy vs. Everyone else and not black vs white vs any other "race" we might get somewhere.
Quarter Pounder with Cheese fresh off of the steamer

Actually, the Quarter Pounder is the only burger McDonald's cooks to order. As soon as you're done paying for it, *ding*... the grill cook throws it down. Only burger that's true for. And if you order it in drive-through? The grill cook is wearing a headset and actually throws it down as soon as you speak the words. So if you change your mind, he/she is going to waste that patty. Drive through has to be quicker, so that's the reason why as soon as you say it the patty goes down before you pay for it.

That patty never sat in a steamer. Never sat... period.

Actually, the Quarter Pounder is the only burger McDonald's cooks to order. As soon as you're done paying for it, *ding*... the grill cook throws it down. Only burger that's true for. And if you order it in drive-through? The grill cook is wearing a headset and actually throws it down as soon as you speak the words. So if you change your mind, he/she is going to waste that patty. Drive through has to be quicker, so that's the reason why as soon as you say it the patty goes down before you pay for it.

That patty never sat in a steamer. Never sat... period.

Interesting, so when they pull those burger draws out is that for big macs, mcdoubles only?
Interesting, so when they pull those burger draws out is that for big macs, mcdoubles only?
Yep. Literally all other burgers/sammiches. McDoubles/hamburgers/cheeseburgers/Big Macs, those are all the same patty from one drawer. Fish filet drawer, grilled chicken drawer, fried chicken drawer, McRib drawer, chicken nuggets drawer... but there is no QPC drawer. Those are literally kept right on the side of the grill and thrown down upon order.

Yep. Literally all other burgers/sammiches. McDoubles/hamburgers/cheeseburgers/Big Macs, those are all the same patty from one drawer. Fish filet drawer, grilled chicken drawer, fried chicken drawer, McRib drawer, chicken nuggets drawer... but there is no QPC drawer. Those are literally kept right on the side of the grill and thrown down upon order.

So if i order a mcdouble with mac sauce am i essentially getting a bigmac minus one slice of bread?
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