you're good...we got the #weakstomachgang and #frailmetabolismbois in here shaming us for carbs and sugar...

Lamb Zurbian

Lentil Soup

Some Cookies & Blondies
Yup, my bro buys this one. My sister and I are the only ones who can still drink regular milk without a problem but the rest of the fam can’t do it. They’re always telling me how much the miss milk/cheese.
Nice you guys are still able to consume regular milk...some people as they get older their bodies can't digest it anymore. Same with me I grew up on regular milk & still drink 1% almost daily but try to switch it up to plant based milk once in a while. Bet they miss it.
I don't know what I'd do if I was Lactose Intolerant. Ice Cream & Pizza is too good to avoid.
Facts! I can give up a lot of things but pizza...NEVER!
I don't know what I'd do if I was Lactose Intolerant. Ice Cream & Pizza is too good to avoid.
Same, bro. I’d be heated if those two weren’t in my life. It’s not like I have it all the time but I like having many options.

Bet they miss it.

Facts! I can give up a lot of things but pizza...NEVER!
They do man, they tell me all the time. My bro is the one who doesn’t mind suffering from time to time. Yeah, just had pizza yesterday. He had one slice as well.
Adding a little bit of brown sugar to the sauce does wonders when you want to cut the acidity. Not more than a tbsp or 2.

Yes its best to add to homemade sauce or the canned san marzano tomatoes, and not them premade joints.

But i really ride with Rao’s sensitive marinara. **** all their sauces are legit good without much to add.
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