Jimmy Buffett
|l New Jeni’s pickups:

Let us know what you think! The long weekend ****ed with my schedule/routine. I didn’t get to go grocery shopping prior to today so I have to eat some civilian ice cream tonight |l Bout to start copping two at a time like you - one to rock (eat) and one to stock - so I’m good in case of emergencies
That brambleberry crisp sounds right up my alley
They have them at Whole Foods you say 🤔

Yeah, I saw it there when I went two weeks ago. Comparison also recommended the Brown Butter Brittle as “his favorite easily accessible flavor” so that might be worth a try at WF as well. They had the Gooey Butter Cake too which makes me wonder what flavors aren’t easily accessible :lol:
storm2006 storm2006


Doesn't cost 16 per meal

First off, I was talking about a $11-13 range which was the same price as a cafeteria meal or entree or Chipotle. Not $16.

Second, I never said all home brought meals are in that tier. Mine just happen to me. Regardless, similar to fitness, I respect everyone’s lunchtime decisions. I am thankful that I have a multitude of options at my disposal.
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