


Need to start planning out toppings more :lol: but the mushrooms are good

These were bigger pies than I'm used to making
Going back to old boy saying Keith Lee got a child's taste buds, I don't think it's him, it's his fans. What are some of these basic *** places they're recommending? Asian chipotle?
Going back to old boy saying Keith Lee got a child's taste buds, I don't think it's him, it's his fans. What are some of these basic *** places they're recommending? Asian chipotle?
I guess his M O is to help struggling restaurants but at some point you have to realize the restaurant is likely struggling due to quality or service of the place.
Why is cheesecake there?
Big back trap. A true big back gonna do that algebra and try to figure that cheesecake in as a dessert. I sho did. A lot of these depends on the protien. I dont want any hush puppies unless we frying fish and I dont want a baked potatoe with fried chicken.

2 orders of green beans
1 broccoli
1 (good)mac and cheese
1 baked potato
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