I wonder why that is the case? Chickens aren't respected as much?

Couldn't tell you.
Seems pork is the most produced meat as well.
From someone on Quora:
The Chinese people are historically farmers, instead of hordes or fishermen and throughout the Chinese history, the emphasis of agriculture has always been (until recent years) about ensuring the production of rice, wheat and other grain products. In turn, livestock like cows and sheep can not be simultaneous raised in any easy way. Pigs and chickens, on the other hand, can be conveniently fed with human leftovers and have thus become the dominant sources for meat in China, historically. And through the years, the habit of eating pork sticks around.

Similar reasoning for the Philippines I suppose
I barely eat carbs as it is but I am never able to shake the negative feeling after eating a bad (good) meal.

I am in shape as well. I don't know, it is a mental block

You've been eating close to 20 years one way so its gonna take time to adjust. It's hard to let go rice and potatoes but everything else for me was pretty easy.
While we're on the subject, is cheese an item used often in Asian cuisine?

Hardly ever see it at any restaurants?
Moms went from 150 to 120 in like 2 years by cutting rice out of her diet.

If yall tryna lose weight, you should try it.
While we're on the subject, is cheese an item used often in Asian cuisine?

Hardly ever see it at any restaurants?

Traditional dishes? Nah, not really.

I wonder why that is the case? Chickens aren't respected as much?

Pork is popular in Taiwanese food, but wouldn't say it's more popular than other meats.

I'd say my experience with Korean food is about the same as well.
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While we're on the subject, is cheese an item used often in Asian cuisine?

Hardly ever see it at any restaurants?

Don't think so. Dairy in general is scarce for Asians given a large percentage of the population is lactose intolerant.

It's damn near instaneous too.

Yup, I cut rice (carbs in general, though I cheated sometimes) from September - December.

Went from 200 to ~165.

I'm eating normally now though, been hovering around 170 for the last couple months.
I cut back on rice for a while. The trick is to not cook it at home. If you have enough food options in your area you won’t miss it.
Sandwiches, tacos, and pizza are extremely hard for me to just give up, but I have been able to cut out rice, potatoes, and pasta for the most part...
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