Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Teacher is frail.

Shouldn't have taken lil mans phone.

Teachers stay on a power trip, kick him out of class etc, but the moment you start touching someone else's property you open yourself up to **** like this.
-_- what.

16 is not too old for the finely stretched leather. and showing him jail because he slams a teacher isnt a solution. from what i see, he just wants to impress people. he wants a rep as the tough guy. as the real n***a. that combined with his lack of respect for elders is dangerous. They need to throw half the book at him, and he also needs some REAL discipline from his parents. but thats asking alot because obviously his parents dont really do discipline, otherwise this wouldn't have happened to begin with. but let him get that STRONG slap on the wrist. 200hrs community serv, misdemeanor charge, suspension from school. any further violation of conduct = serious consequences. 

that should turn him from young thug into a family man.
I was joking about the jail thing, and I agree with your suggestions like community service, but he is to old and big for a whooping, come on now. He threw his teacher around easily and was willing to to fight just for his phone. You think he is going to just lay on his moms lap and take a spanking? You mention his parents probably don't do real discipline, if this is true don't you think it's a little late to start with the whoopings? He would look at them like WTF are you doing after the first strike. 
Teacher is frail.

Shouldn't have taken lil mans phone.

Teachers stay on a power trip, kick him out of class etc, but the moment you start touching someone else's property you open yourself up to **** like this.
My grandmother is a teacher for 30 years and my mom is a middle school principal and I was a substitute teacher while I was in college. Of course I had no trouble then because my brother was still in school at the time (star LB for the football team) and my mom was the assistant principal at the time and she is the strict one, so they knew if I had to call her they would be in for it.

He only tried it because he knew he would get away with it. If it were a younger ("cooler" in their eyes) teacher, he probably wouldn't have even tried him to that extent because he probably would know that they wouldn't be a push over.

Even though some schools allow phones for use after school for pickups and stuff and not in the classroom. If the teacher asked him to turn it on silent or to get off the phone during lesson, and he was still on it, then he has that right to ask for the phone or take it from the desk until the end of the class and then return it. Hell when I was in school, they still weren't allowed and they would take it and make the parent come to the school and get it back.

You sound like those young parents that come up to the schools and defend their child's every move even though they are bad as hell and everyone knows and acknowledges it but you. Ain't no way you can defend what that student did in that video.
nah but its wrong tho wright. u cant take a kids property no matter what. if they stay on their phone, either write em up...or fail em for the day. throw a pop quiz that everyone who paid attention would know. but u cant just take someones stuff. 
Teacher is frail.

Shouldn't have taken lil mans phone.

Teachers stay on a power trip, kick him out of class etc, but the moment you start touching someone else's property you open yourself up to **** like this.
nah but its wrong tho wright. u cant take a kids property no matter what. if they stay on their phone, either write em up...or fail em for the day. throw a pop quiz that everyone who paid attention would know. but u cant just take someones stuff. 


By all means discipline dude throw a Pop quiz, kick em out, call the principal if he refuses to get off the phone but what sense does it make to make it not only a bigger scene but to open yourself up to nonsense like this, if he shoves the kid off him ( and rightfully so) and the kid falls now it's on the teacher.

Gotta be smarter but too many teachers hit that power trip and want to flex.
My grandmother is a teacher for 30 years and my mom is a middle school principal and I was a substitute teacher while I was in college. Of course I had no trouble then because my brother was still in school at the time (star LB for the football team) and my mom was the assistant principal at the time and she is the strict one, so they knew if I had to call her they would be in for it.

He only tried it because he knew he would get away with it. If it were a younger ("cooler" in their eyes) teacher, he probably wouldn't have even tried him to that extent because he probably would know that they wouldn't be a push over.

Even though some schools allow phones for use after school for pickups and stuff and not in the classroom. If the teacher asked him to turn it on silent or to get off the phone during lesson, and he was still on it, then he has that right to ask for the phone or take it from the desk until the end of the class and then return it. Hell when I was in school, they still weren't allowed and they would take it and make the parent come to the school and get it back.

You sound like those young parents that come up to the schools and defend their child's every move even though they are bad as hell and everyone knows and acknowledges it but you. Ain't no way you can defend what that student did in that video.

When did I defend the kid?

Kids obviously a knucklehead, which would mean this probably isn't their first issue, so why disrupt class and feed into some childishness? Because you on a power trip and want to prove a point? Seems dumb to me have the lil dude removed from class and carry on.

And actually my kid behaves in school but he also knows dad don't play that foolishness, I spank my kids we don't have issues like these.

And how you bragging about using your brother as an enforcer for high school kids :lol:
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And actually my kid behaves in school but he also knows dad don't play that foolishness, I spank my kids we don't have issues like these.
word Bird. When i have my own little whippersnappers I'm going to teach them right from wrong EARLY on. then imma teach em tht they dont have to impress the crowd by wildin out. try to PREVENT those problems. and then...teach them to fear the spank. cuz the spank will come with an almighty wrath. These hands will impart fear on my child, the G-force from my backhand alone will send chills down his AND my own spine. the fury behind a spanking would be a marvelous tragedy. that fear... plus their own good sense, should eliminate any foreseeable problems for a while.

but mercy upon their soul if i must spank. 
When did I defend the kid?

Kids obviously a knucklehead, which would mean this probably isn't their first issue, so why disrupt class and feed into some childishness? Because you on a power trip and want to prove a point? Seems dumb to me have the lil dude removed from class and carry on.

And actually my kid behaves in school but he also knows dad don't play that foolishness, I spank my kids we don't have issues like these.

And how you bragging about using your brother as an enforcer for high school kids
So if your child had a phone in class and was disrupting the class with said phone, and the teacher took would see it as the teacher on a power trip and not your son not following the teacher's rules/request to put it away? I just think so say the teacher was on a power trip because he took his phone is a bit much.....BUT.....if he was trying to strong arm the kid and rip it out his hands, now we have a different scenario going on. He still shouldn't have done that, but you are right, no teacher is going to touch my child either in that sense. Ask for the phone and if he is not responding to you, send him to the office and have them call me or mom, so we can come give him the proper act right that he will have coming.

I didn't brag about my brother being there
. I knew all the kids anyways since I am the older sibling, when they came over the house or played sports growing up, I had known them for years in that manner, so I was fine. In school, the kids that he didn't hang with just knew that he was my brother and would ask me if I went to school their older brother/sister/aunt/uncle since it was the same school that I went to growing up. The better deal is having the strict principal as your mom and she would randomly pop up unannounced. Hearing those kids "Ms. xxxx is coming down the hallway," was

Having her and your grandmother as teachers though growing up & pair that with all the old ladies in the school went to my church

I remember my mom bringing me the classwork that she had her kids doing in her classes that was different from mine when I was in the same grade and I had to do hers as well. Spring break started on different days another year and I had to go to school on my spring break day off and go to school with her
I hate spanking my kids but I firmly believe it has to happen at times, especially raising a son dude has to have respect and understand your actions have repercussions.

And honestly after a while just the threat of a spanking or them catching that stare of death they straighten up.

When I was coming up the thought of my pops kicking my *** kept me out of so much ****.
word Bird. When i have my own little whippersnappers I'm going to teach them right from wrong EARLY on. then imma teach em tht they dont have to impress the crowd by wildin out. try to PREVENT those problems. and then...teach them to fear the spank. cuz the spank will come with an almighty wrath. These hands will impart fear on my child, the G-force from my backhand alone will send chills down his AND my own spine. the fury behind a spanking would be a marvelous tragedy. that fear... plus their own good sense, should eliminate any foreseeable problems for a while.

but mercy upon their soul if i must spank. 
Parents and grandparents had me down to the stare and/or whisper in the ear...."do we need to go to bathroom real quick?"

I would tighten up real quick

I think by 5th grade, I had had my last spanking/belt/switch.

Now my brother previously took him until like 7th-8th grade to get it together. They could threaten me and I would get right. You had to prove it to my brother that you were being serious.

My grandmother had this shaggy green housecoat and threatened that if he didn't get it together she was going to put rollers in her hair and wear that housecoat to the school and embarrass him. He cut up and she actually went through with it
. Again, grandmother was a teacher in the county too, so all the kids knew her and told her where she could find my brother that period. She said when she walked in the classroom, all he could do was drop his head.
Teacher is frail.

Shouldn't have taken lil mans phone.

Teachers stay on a power trip, kick him out of class etc, but the moment you start touching someone else's property you open yourself up to **** like this.

Or maybe the kid should have put away his phone and not been on it like he should have, then none of this mess would have happened.

But that makes too much sense right
I hate spanking my kids but I firmly believe it has to happen at times, especially raising a son dude has to have respect and understand your actions have repercussions.

And honestly after a while just the threat of a spanking or them catching that stare of death they straighten up.

When I was coming up the thought of my pops kicking my *** kept me out of so much ****.

Those were thoughts that I always had about growing up. Pops never beat me, but he was held with so respect that he could talk to me and damn near break me down. Now mom and grandma were different breeds.

That is the one thing about having a boy, I am going to make sure happens. He is going to respect me and mom and he is going to know that we don't play. We can cut up and joke, but you know that if you do something foolish, you might as well be prepared for the punishment when you get home.

Cash how old is your son if you don't mind? Have you had to start preparing for him feeling himself and trying you yet?
So if your child had a phone in class and was disrupting the class with said phone, and the teacher took would see it as the teacher on a power trip and not your son not following the teacher's rules/request to put it away? I just think so say the teacher was on a power trip because he took his phone is a bit much.....BUT.....if he was trying to strong arm the kid and rip it out his hands, now we have a different scenario going on. He still shouldn't have done that, but you are right, no teacher is going to touch my child either in that sense. Ask for the phone and if he is not responding to you, send him to the office and have them call me or mom, so we can come give him the proper act right that he will have coming.

I didn't brag about my brother being there :lol: . I knew all the kids anyways since I am the older sibling, when they came over the house or played sports growing up, I had known them for years in that manner, so I was fine. In school, the kids that he didn't hang with just knew that he was my brother and would ask me if I went to school their older brother/sister/aunt/uncle since it was the same school that I went to growing up. The better deal is having the strict principal as your mom and she would randomly pop up unannounced. Hearing those kids "Ms. xxxx is coming down the hallway," was :lol: .

Having her and your grandmother as teachers though growing up & pair that with all the old ladies in the school went to my church :smh: .

I remember my mom bringing me the classwork that she had her kids doing in her classes that was different from mine when I was in the same grade and I had to do hers as well. Spring break started on different days another year and I had to go to school on my spring break day off and go to school with her :x

Him not following directions is obvious, I'd expect the teacher discipline him, taking his property isn't discipline its theft.

You can't talk on your cell phone in the car, but the police don't take your phone they write you a ticket.

Those were thoughts that I always had about growing up. Pops never beat me, but he was held with so respect that he could talk to me and damn near break me down. Now mom and grandma were different breeds.

That is the one thing about having a boy, I am going to make sure happens. He is going to respect me and mom and he is going to know that we don't play. We can cut up and joke, but you know that if you do something foolish, you might as well be prepared for the punishment when you get home.

Cash how old is your son if you don't mind? Have you had to start preparing for him feeling himself and trying you yet?

He's about to be 6 so not really but I can see the signs already :lol: he can tell he's getting bigger and stronger now so he'll try shooting lil looks and stuff he's smart tho and realizes dad is bigger than most other grown ups so I think I'll be good. Was the same thing with me I never really thought about trying my pops till I was grown :lol: dude 6'6 and 350lbs I realized real early I had no shot,
I hate spanking my kids but I firmly believe it has to happen at times, especially raising a son dude has to have respect and understand your actions have repercussions.

And honestly after a while just the threat of a spanking or them catching that stare of death they straighten up.

When I was coming up the thought of my pops kicking my *** kept me out of so much ****.
EXACTLY. and thats the point they gotta be at. Gotta give em a spank to remember early on. the fear alone will keep em straight. a lil tough love early on, makes for smooth sailing for the rest of the time. i got kept out of SOOOOOOO much trouble knowing the consequences would be ridiculous at home, especially since my mom was a teacher. She over-sympathized with teachers. I already knew what time it was. I remember once, I almost got in trouble for being a jokester one day, teacher was about to write me a referral and i straight up moved my desk into the corner in front of everyone and said "if i say another word today, you can write me up" PLEASE believe i shut up lol
Parents and grandparents had me down to the stare and/or whisper in the ear...."do we need to go to bathroom real quick?"

I would tighten up real quick 

My grandmother had this shaggy green housecoat and threatened that if he didn't get it together she was going to put rollers in her hair and wear that housecoat to the school and embarrass him. He cut up and she actually went through with it 
. Again, grandmother was a teacher in the county too, so all the kids knew her and told her where she could find my brother that period. She said when she walked in the classroom, all he could do was drop his head. 
YUP! that stare? ITS A WRAP! Its so funny now seeing it in public tho. See a lil kid misbehaving or cuttin up. Mom leans in his ear and whispers something and those tears and screams come to a screeching halt. LMAOOOOOOOOOOo
nah but its wrong tho wright. u cant take a kids property no matter what. if they stay on their phone, either write em up...or fail em for the day. throw a pop quiz that everyone who paid attention would know. but u cant just take someones stuff. 
I have no problem if a child in class is visibly disrupting class and not getting the lesson themselves due to the phone, if the teacher takes the phone until the end of the period. You telling your 13-17 year old that no teacher can take their phone is not the right thing to do. At that age, THEY will have the power trip and act like an untouchable in the classroom because they know their parent is going to come up there and be on their side regardless. 

My mom tells so many stories about kids and the parents coming up there defending their kids. The status quo now is that "the teacher picks on my child," when parents come to the school a lot of the time these days. These kids are not being held accountable or their parents let them get away with far too much with this generation
That's that if you miss the shot y'all stay over ****

That's that if you miss the shot y'all stay over ****

Lol she space jammed that son.

She gave homie that Vince Carter on Alonzo dunk, cocked it back after contact and then stared him down after. He would never hear the end of that one if he was my boy. Type of dude that cant even get loud in arguments any more because it would just bring this back up. 

The slam dunk contest is back


Him not following directions is obvious, I'd expect the teacher discipline him, taking his property isn't discipline its theft.

You can't talk on your cell phone in the car, but the police don't take your phone they write you a ticket.
Ehh....that is kind of a reach for me to compare, but I see where you going with it. Calling it theft though? Come on man

Although, I am pretty sure that was one of the catalyst for them changing the cell phone rule in school when I was there.

Firstly, was that so many kids had/have them now that you can't police them like that with it. Just tell them turn it off during class and you can have it during lunch and after school or something. I remember hearing parents straight heated that the kid got their phone taken away and now they had to go out their way to go to the school and talk to the principal and get it back

He's about to be 6 so not really but I can see the signs already
he can tell he's getting bigger and stronger now so he'll try shooting lil looks and stuff he's smart tho and realizes dad is bigger than most other grown ups so I think I'll be good. Was the same thing with me I never really thought about trying my pops till I was grown
dude 6'6 and 350lbs I realized real early I had no shot,
Yea that's that little mischievous age right there

Your pops was huge
. I would want no parts of that spanking. He probably had a crazy heavy hand to put to work at that size!
Yeah every place I have been, they are allowed to take your phone for the rest of the class or the day etc. parents could come complain but it's pretty much stated everywhere that they were prohibited in class and could be confiscated.

now they couldnt snatch it out of your hand forcefully, but they could ask for it( most of the time the kids just gave it up). If they refused they got sent to the office.
I have no problem if a child in class is visibly disrupting class and not getting the lesson themselves due to the phone, if the teacher takes the phone until the end of the period. You telling your 13-17 year old that no teacher can take their phone is not the right thing to do. At that age, THEY will have the power trip and act like an untouchable in the classroom because they know their parent is going to come up there and be on their side regardless. 

My mom tells so many stories about kids and the parents coming up there defending their kids. The status quo now is that "the teacher picks on my child," when parents come to the school a lot of the time these days. These kids are not being held accountable or their parents let them get away with far too much with this generation :smh:

Just because we don't co-sign taking the kids property doesn't mean I'm gonna be on his side.

I had a teacher take a hat from me in high school my mothers first words were I shouldn't have had the hat out in the first place but she also told the teacher don't take anything she didn't pay for.

I didn't get in trouble about a hat again, not because the teacher became powerless but because once my moms got on me I didn't do it again.
I just feel like you don't want to jump down the rabbit hole of taking kids property it's a slippery slope.

There's too many other ways to address the issue that have no shot at turning into a physical confrontation is all I'm saying.
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