Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

.. I wouldn't want a daughter either though 
MAN! he was talking about hurting some punk kid....not...that. 
This particular woman was only a day away from starting her brand spankin' new job, but screwed it up because she just had to let everyone know she wasn't that into it.

EW, I START THIS !@#$ !@# JOB TOMORROW. (sorry, had to take the pic out.)

It probably wasn't so much her sentiment as it was the actual language used that terminated her employment. Or maybe it was the amount of thumbs down that really annoyed her almost-new boss. Regardless, he made sure to let her know that not only he saw her message, but also delivered one of his own.

And….no you don’t start that FA job today! I just fired you! Good luck with your no money, no job life!

Think he was annoyed? Before this back and forth went viral, the employer's (Robert Waple) twitter was public but it looks as though he himself has learned a lesson as well and protected his account by not making it public.

After the loud-mouthed, now jobless employee was fired, she made sure to let her followers know she wasn't sweating it too much. Although now since the story is everywhere, it might be tough for this girl to get any sort of job in the future with anyone who has an internet connection.


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Yea I say as of now, that I am not prepared to deal with having a daughter in this day in age. My wife really wants one though, so we might try 1-2 more times. If we have a 2nd boy, she going to have to really think about if she wants to have 3 boys :lol:

Her dad was 1 of 5 boys, but her mom was 1 of 6 girls :x
Her sister had a girl, so I am hoping that means we having the boys :nthat:

It is still something about having daddy's little girl though :wow:
quick tip ...

Male sperms are sprinters
Females are marathoners

You wanted boys, make sure to put the female in a position you can cum deep.

You want females you make sure you are most of the way out.
quick tip ...

Male sperms are sprinters
Females are marathoners

You wanted boys, make sure to put the female in a position you can cum deep.

You want females you make sure you are most of the way out.
The funny thing is, an old man at work said this same exact thing a couple years ago....maybe he was on to something and not some random old man saying this

He actually said it along the lines of, let her be on top because the mail soldiers are stronger/faster and will get there and the female ones won't

I asked him what the hell technique did he use then because he had TWIN GIRLS?!
I ended up with a little boy last year


Yea DJ, you like 4.5 hours late with the Craig posting from Buzzfeed. I posted it halfway down on the page right before you. That's why I just put the link and not the tweets.

All good though.
Man I watched at 2 McDonald's when I was 16 and those places were wilding. We had managers beating up drunk people who would come in late at night and start trouble.

But one time o almost did go off like home girl up there. The managers refused to give me my check and had me wait 3 hours to get it. Only after I caused a scene did they finally go get it
:lol:  my bad peeps.

Damn misinterpreting what I wrote :smh: I ain't a sick person, but I guess you must be since that's the first thought that came to your hear.

At least Tek and Based know what I meant. People need to stop digging deep for a reaction when it wasn't meant that way.

Either way it comes down to the fact that people are way too trusting of social media. I'm happy that snapchat wasn't around when I was in undergrad. My best friend's little bro shows us some of the **** that these undergrads send its just smh. How can you be so dumb, but hey it's not my life you're ruining

I look at these teenagers and undergrads as competition that I won't have to worry about when I apply and switch jobs in the future :lol: . Background checks are becoming more and more thorough and they'll datamine everything and anything they can get their hands on.
quick tip ...

Male sperms are sprinters
Females are marathoners

You wanted boys, make sure to put the female in a position you can cum deep.

You want females you make sure you are most of the way out.

Heard this in a college course. But in a more proper way. I go balls deep in dat. That's why I got a son. Next time im gonna shoot it from half court so I have a girl.
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