Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

I'm with kingkoopa kingkoopa
You dudes are terrible.[emoji]128169[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Sometimes just enjoy the goddamn sunset and leave it at that.

I have a question for you guys?

So would it be better if he never made that effort?
Is grades the only development in school that matters? (Because social skills and development is also a big one fellas)
Are you only down playing it because you felt the news coverage is unnecessary?

And most importantly....

What the hell you done lately for our youth?

glad you asked that question for our young black youth I sponsor sports teams in Newport News, VA. Coat drives, turkey drives, toy drives, secret santas, had 3 "little brothers" ex wife had a "little sister" and also make my 7 year old daughter volunteer at the Y in Hampton, VA with me. Therefore, I think I have done some positive while its truly not enough I have given my time to my young black youth. While I get the interaction that is going to the kids like someone has pointed out, all i asked is what else did these kids learn. I didnt grown up with all of the resources that my daughter has and im blown away at what she is learning in school(public school). None of those things are special handshakes. I dont care about the news coverage so much because everyone wants to go viral and these kids seeing themselves on tv can help with self esteem, I just simply asked a question. what else did they learn? Also, to homeboy who said I havent learned much Ill have my MBA in December. :smile:
They should a documentary on those kids and see where they end up. Then we can see what kind of impact personalized handshakes have.
Lebrons, but the color everyone was hype beasting for wasn't there. I was camping last night when some footlocker employee came out and told me so, so I left. So essentially, nothing came out, except homies hand out that *** [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
That white teacher coming out the woodwork with the handshake video :smh:

We can never have anything to ourselves :smh:

She gonna end up on ellen or some **** and get $20K for her class :smh:
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