Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


Did I just watch a man die?

Word! What was that!? Bruh came out of nowhere and then went limp hella fast.

I'm not gonna lie tho, I laughed at how the music coordinated with his fall "you've been hit by..." :smh:

Hope dude is alright tho. Savages in the crowd. Didn't even flinch.

Only a few came out after to help. And SMDH at his weak *** mans that couldn't even hold the chair in place!
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When I was a tutor years ago I had a unique handshake with one of my kids and he ate that **** up. It's really not that special that any one person can claim it. 

Word. I teach/coach and I've had personal handshakes with a few of my players for a few years. The kids seems to enjoy it and tend to develop a better trust when you do something they view as "cool".
That dude died doing that backflip btw. He probably died when they moved him. You're not supposed to move anyone with a spinal injury like that
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