Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

With her fine brown self.. :smokin

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cmon fool u aint say doing it if you thought she was doing it

so it aint a stretch to think you were callin her a fool
Honoring those that have passed due to unnecessary police violence on a prom dress ain't the wave. It's just as bad as "in memory of" bumper stickers. It's just tacky.
agree to disagree, i dont think its tacky and i dont see how in memory of bumper sticker is bad either 

for all we know she may got family killed by police so im not gonna just call her tacky
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i think the wife introduced the girlfriend

so they will probably marry

and eventually kick him out and live with each other and the kids

or **** him

Yeap .. Is a plot ... Both of them pictures show the wife in the middle . by the looks of it he is just the side dude. I wouldn't be surprise they divorce he marries chick gives legal rights to the kids then she also doveroce the females marry leaving his old *** along and stuck with the child support.
Russ is about to go fishing in 4 more minutes... I hope he wins the regular season MVP tho.. 
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No one but Russ deserves MVP. Dude singlehandedly carried this team and he still hasn't gave up
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