Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

She’s fine tho but yeah she’s Wilin’

She’s also Van der Wiel’s squeeze.
I'm moving out of my apartment at the end of November, so my landlord is having people come view it for when I leave. It's a 2-bedroom for $1800/month. Some dude just came over and the following conversation took place:

Landlord: So how many people were you looking to move in with?
Prospective Tenant: 5.
Landlord: Yeah that's not gonna fly. The Board of Directors MIGHT allow 4, but even that's pushing it.
Prospective Tenant: Okay. Would you consider lowering the rent to $1200?
Landlord: (long pause)...get out.
Lil man put the costume on like
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