Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

:rofl:Everybody’s going to hell :evil::rofl:

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As someone that grew up poor and white, I can ALMOST understand the frustration. My dad noped out early in my life and I was raised by a single mom in my grandfather's house. She supported 2 kids on roughly $35K/year. I didn't get to partake in a lot of the same activities of my peers because my mom couldn't afford any of that. The only luxury purchases I had in my life were skateboards/skate shoes which my mom didn't mind purchasing because she knew I was using them every day. I ended up doing well for myself, but it certainly wasn't because of nepotism or networking. I had to pay my way through community college and onward because my mom couldn't afford higher education for my brother or myself.

Poor whites have their share of struggles, but other minorities have those same struggles and then some. The worst I've had to deal with is getting the evil-eye because my Salvadorian ex-girlfriend wanted empanadas and pupusas in a predominantly hispanic neighborhood, but relied on me because I spoke better Spanish than she did. She definitely had some self-hatred, but that's a discussion for another day.

From homie in the fatigue jacket getting absolutely CROWNED with a bottle over his head - to the guy behind the counter trying to baste his friend.

:lol::rofl::lol: my man wanted NO MORE...he didn't even want to go over there in the first place but once his homies swung the legs out in unison I guess he had to.

I wonder what that cartoon *** sound effect sounded like from the inside of his head, sounded like a Super Smash item..."crowned" is the perfect word.

Oh man, after further review - my guy w/o the shirt is NOT the one to mess around with

I ran it back myself after reading this and hell no he is not to be fooled with in any fashion...other dude did nothing, Shirtless had a plan of attack just laid out.

how you get rushed by three guys and get the job done with nothing but kitchen supplies. this ain't his first restaurant brawl.

maybe use a lighter like everyone else, idjit.

...and this thread has the wrong tone right now, we need some music in here.

Real talk, what would you guys do in either situation?

You get caught sleeping with someone’s wife or you walk-in on wifey getting her back blown out?

Y’all reacting emotionally or rationally?
Real talk. Id watch extreme taser ball every friday at 10 if it came on.
They gotta turn them tasers allllllll the way up tho, take the giant beach ball out and use a XFL ball.... also make it co-ed.
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