Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Argument: "Tongue kissing a dog is disgusting.”



“The vegetables you eat are fertilized with cow manure.”

“Y’all sharing blunts with people who got fever blisters and herpes bumps on their lips. And rancid breath :lol: :rofl:

“Y’all probably sleeping with women who wipe from back to front.”

“What about people sharing blunts that someone done spit on.... and some people don’t even brush they teeth. Strangers be toking off other people blunts and cigarettes.”


Ad Hominem Logical Fallacy

Ad Hominem (Abusive)

argumentum ad hominem

(also known as: personal abuse, personal attacks, abusive fallacy, damning the source, name calling, refutation by caricature, against the person, against the man)

Description: Attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making.

Logical Form:

Person 1 is claiming Y.

Person 1 is a moron.

Therefore, Y is not true.

Logical Fallacy Wilden

Short form: "I like tongue kissing dogs."

In summary: NT extremes
Oral herpes is different from the STD genital herpes, isn’t it? Not saying you should be smoking either someone who has oral herpes but when y’all say someone getting “herpes” without distinction, it can lead to confusion.

Or I can be wrong :lol:
Naw papi. Common sense should be use and know he's talking about mouth to mouth secondary contact.

Or do people not know cold sores are herpes????
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Naw papi. Common sense should be use and know he's talking about mouth to mouth secondary contact.

Or do people not know cold sores are herpes????

That’s the point I was trying to make. I think people are thinking of genital herpes. HSV2. Not cold sores :lol: I think I read that like 70% of the population has HSV1

Can't blame Pip for this tbh. The crib he rented out is listed for $10M and the family did a number on the place. He's recuperating about $200K+ in damage to some custom cabinetry, etc... I'm certain that the family is trying to demonize Pippen but the fact of the matter is that they did mess up the place.

I know people who've had bad experiences renting out places, at least he's wealthy enough to hire lawyers to go after the renters for damage. Most regular folk end up having to take the L. :smh::smh::smh:
Can't blame Pip for this tbh. The crib he rented out is listed for $10M and the family did a number on the place. He's recuperating about $200K+ in damage to some custom cabinetry, etc... I'm certain that the family is trying to demonize Pippen but the fact of the matter is that they did mess up the place.

I know people who've had bad experiences renting out places, at least he's wealthy enough to hire lawyers to go after the renters for damage. Most regular folk end up having to take the L. :smh::smh::smh:
Just saw this the other day in the news.:smh:
I would be killing people.

lmao they couldnt hold that lil frail dude back... and then the black chick randomly snaps on the people in the drive thru for watching? cmon now.... clownery all around

Just saw this the other day in the news.:smh:
I would be killing people.

who goes to a party, and steals from the home owner? o_O tf is WRONNNNNNNNNNNNG with people man? i hope they catch the thieves from the camera. and police are wilin for giving a citation but not getting that persons real info....
Just saw this the other day in the news.:smh:
I would be killing people.

I cant sympathize for dude. I get it if you have another rental property in which you dont live in, or even a totally separate living quarter. But he rented out his actual domain with all of his personal belongings to some complete strangers?

Nah fam, a few hundred bucks aint worth having complete strangers in my sanctuary.

Plus Jason Bourne lol.. come on man.
Just saw this the other day in the news.:smh:
I would be killing people.

If legit nice insurance policy for them to cover it all, I thought AirBNB would go the cheap route.
who goes to a party, and steals from the home owner? o_O tf is WRONNNNNNNNNNNNG with people man? i hope they catch the thieves from the camera. and police are wilin for giving a citation but not getting that persons real info....
Unfortunately slim chance since the video shows their back.
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