Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

These types of folks literally JUST discovered their blackness. Now they trying to kick game, expeditiously. Like y’all been in the dark for sooooooooo long :lol:


im trying to unlock your mind brothas and sistas. yall wanna watch the lion king, but wont call out the white man for lyin, king. your 3rd eye needs to be woke my brotha

:lol: oh lord big facts.

Shorty caught a pro-black lecture on youtube and now she into Garveyism and Pan-Africanism.

Heaven forbid she read some literature on the subject instead of some bs from

"reconsider! read some literature on the subject.... you sure? **** it"
She’s using an APP, service provider, and phone, created and operated by white people...... :lol:

I’m as pro-black as they come but c’mon

exactly. At the end of the day, she's using the white man's social media platform and bringing the white man profits. How deep does she wanna go with this pro-black stuff? :lol:

Even black owned businesses that become large enough to become publicly traded end up answering to White shareholders. I miss pro black as the next black guy but we need to be realistic here
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the funniest thing about chicks like that is they come up with all these reasons why men aren't good enough for them when in reality it's just to cope with the fact ain't nobody, black white or purple tryna get at her musty ***

so you convince yourself the reason you dont have a man is because they're all gay woman beaters who hate themselves

naaaaah shorty it's you, you're toxic babygirl and all the "woke" tweets in the world wont fix that
She got ran through in her youth, because she was a follower or “victim” of peer pressure. Is having regrets. She feels like damaged goods + just got in touch with her culture. She feels ashamed and miserable.

And y’all know, misery loves company and scorned women don’t want to see ANYONE happy :lol: :rofl:

Lastly I bet she was a follower of the Kardashian tribe, and she also watches love/hip-hop and basketball wives. Can’t make this up :lol:
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