Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

You and your oblivious hot dookie takes.

A cop is appointed to protect and serve the people. At no point in that video was the cop in imminent danger.

I'll give him a pass for not taking out the taser first, but to shoot even after you saw the person missing?

FOH ....

In addition, there are plenty of people that suffer from mental health issues. This dude at the very minimum should be fired ....

I get cops have a hard job, but they signed on to do that ****. Is not a badge to kill people.

**** we just saw an alleged murdered of 3 chase a cop, try to strangle a civilian and finally brought down without incidents.

Nope not buying he thought he was in danger.
Hop off I never said the cop was right. I even said they’re both wildin. I said the guy with the plank is wildin “just as much” so what do you think that means? Obviously shouldn’t have killed the guy he could’ve easily fired a warning shot or if he had to he could’ve shot his leg.
Hop off I never said the cop was right. I even said they’re both wildin. I said the guy with the plank is wildin “just as much” so what do you think that means? Obviously shouldn’t have killed the guy he could’ve easily fired a warning shot or if he had to he could’ve shot his leg.
Dookie takes ... period!!!!

Fire a warming shot?? You dont even know what you speak off.

Mental Illness + Shoots up School = Thoughts and Prayers.

Mental Illness + Swings on a Cop = Should know Better.
Do we know the guy is mentally ill? If so then I retract my statement but I’ve seen plenty of videos of people fighting with cops or resisting arrest. Does that make them mentally ill because they don’t know better than to fight an armed cop?
Pardon me while I suck the rest of the stuff you missed!
The comment and avi
Lol @ 'then the unthinkable happens..'

bruh...she walked to the edge of a you think was gon happen?

Sigh but why are you even that close. SMH.
Place probably smells like Pike Place Fish Market.
Damn that, probably smell like a gang of sea lions in their. I think I saw maybe 2 ***es in there, rest need to form up like Voltron to dorm a decent ***.
giphy (16).gif
Nephew really jumping the gun on the self driving cars, ain't no legit Johhny Cabs out yet.

Helluva day.

He’s not wrong. We just haven’t progressed our perspectives to really understand or internalize that concept.

Uber is simply the software / layer that allows you to give money to someone for a ride. It’s the equivalent of a payment processor in my eyes.

It’s like selling shoes to some random person on the webz, getting paid through paypal, and getting charged 3% fees for it. The seller is you and the person buying the shoes is the guy that pays you. All you needed was some socially acceptable way to make that transaction.

We’re blaming Uber but in reality we’ve adopted this employer employee framework in our mind. That’s changing. If we had great social benefits (like free healthcare / college / etc) being a gig economy self employed person is awesome. Unfortunately, our society isn’t setup that way and the people working these jobs are getting neither the benefits of self employment nor the benefits of employee employer protections.
I dont know man, they already on the road beta testing. On some stage 4 out of 5 ish
Oh I know they are but we still a few years away, I remembe when the self driving car crashed into a pole here in DC. It's coming but he makes it seem like they have a fleet of self driving cars just ready to hit the button on like some iRobot and they will be picking passengers up with no problems.

I'm guessing homie got a little to familiar to soon because he was sitting there the entire time.
He’s not wrong. We just haven’t progressed our perspectives to really understand or internalize that concept.

Uber is simply the software / layer that allows you to give money to someone for a ride. It’s the equivalent of a payment processor in my eyes.

It’s like selling shoes to some random person on the webz, getting paid through paypal, and getting charged 3% fees for it. The seller is you and the person buying the shoes is the guy that pays you. All you needed was some socially acceptable way to make that transaction.

We’re blaming Uber but in reality we’ve adopted this employer employee framework in our mind. That’s changing. If we had great social benefits (like free healthcare / college / etc) being a gig economy self employed person is awesome. Unfortunately, our society isn’t setup that way and the people working these jobs are getting neither the benefits of self employment nor the benefits of employee employer protections.
The only problem is that Uber imposes policies on drivers. In other words, they are more than just a software. In addition, their fees aren't fixed but always changing and at anytime they can deactivated you ("end their partnership").

So although they want to act like they aren't employing people their actions state different.

The only reason why Uber is fighting this is because all of the liabilities in employer titles comes with.
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