Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


I do not condone the language in the caption :nerd:

**** this ....

A woman is a woman and a man is a man genetically at birth. The day a man that identify himself as a woman can have sexual relationships with a man and get pregnant, talk to me.

We aren't talking about hermaphrodites...

If they want to self identify as something else, so beat it.
bruh what?

one of the main reasons france aint poppin as a country. they dumb as rocks.
Anybody know if France is hiring, asking for a friend. LOL.

I do not condone the language in the caption :nerd:

DAMN they got Yul Brenner up here reciting the lords prayer to word that correctly.
whos the chick with the tiddies out?
Personally I would ask the question is that a chick first if she on the panel. Dude has had some questionable affiliations recently.
lmaoooo, Yoba like....oh ****...that is gay. Shouldn't have to spin it this much.

Assigned at birth? what? you can be female and not actually be female? cool.
:smh: Homie is now working it out in his head as he says it. Oh that is gay. :smh:
**** this ....

A woman is a woman and a man is a man genetically at birth. The day a man that identify himself as a woman can have sexual relationships with a man and get pregnant, talk to me.

We aren't talking about hermaphrodites...

If they want to self identify as something else, so beat it.
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LOL. Naw I am with you, I'm sure one of those movies Arnold wish he could take back.
Maaaannn look...I'll say this, I'll be a lot more open to the transgender community if they can scientifically prove they were born in the wrong body.
You're a hermaphrodite as a fetus, along the way things switch to a sex. But things get mixed up on the brain for the wrong one. Hence why some gay men or women have way more estrogen or testosterone than they're supposed too to

Essentially a glitch happened during birth

Saying they're normal tho, nah, but say what they are is wrong well they can't help what they are
Trans is a mental issue IMO.
I said this over a decade ago and this girl got mad salty. I still think it's some combination of chemical imbalance/spiritual issue that humans can't fully explain. that dude expecting people to use that 11-word description to refer to natural women is wyldin to the max. "there's nothin natural about that" ...what.
and that is a panel that you definitely need to question before admiring :lol: soon as i saw the topic i knew not to look at the bitties.
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You're a hermaphrodite as a fetus, along the way things switch to a sex. But things get mixed up on the brain for the wrong one. Hence why some gay men or women have way more estrogen or testosterone than they're supposed too to

Essentially a glitch happened during birth

Saying they're normal tho, nah, but say what they are is wrong well they can't help what they are
A fetus is a hermaphrodite??

What kind of BS biology class you attended?

Biologically a fetus is XX or YX.

Hermaphrodites (Intersex XXY) are sexual irregularities.

And no one is talking about gays or lesbians ... we are talking about transgender.
Trans is a mental issue IMO.

How you want to change gender but still identify as straight when you're smashing women as a woman
I agree. I think it belongs somewhere on the axis 2 personality disorder spectrum. It’s crazy that the basic archetypes of mental health diagnosis are so old and basic, yet they have worked for such a long time. The reason this isn’t on there yet is thing have and are changing so rapidly the old way of assessing hasn’t kept up. It will but then there will be something else they’re behind on.
The current sexuality climate, technology, weed.... there are a few things that have been taboo, but reality, but are becoming mainstream and evolving rapidly. Keeping them taboo has kept a lot of the research minimized and it’s created this weird nuance of a totally new and unfamiliar world regarding things that have existed in plain sight forever. Kind of a weird and exciting time. But still weird with the sexuality stuff. I don’t care how much the world changes, I will never be comfortable with the normalization of alternative sexual views.
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