Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

it's gonna be terrible if they dilute/water down their product because of her dumb

They'll give her shut up money.

Nothing major but even their lawyer fees to even attempt to fight this would be a loss.

If they counter sue, what money they gettin?

Give her 5-10k and move along.
They'll give her nothing. Which is what she deserves. She's better off starting a go fund me.
They'll give her nothing. Which is what she deserves. She's better off starting a go fund me.

Then they lose.

They'll just drag this through the court of public opinion and their brand will have negative pub.

Lawyers probably running 4 figures by the day.

Just pay her to go away.

I can't even be mad at him, I miss her on Undisputed. I wonder why she left, I certainly don't recall her looking so "ethnic" on Undisputed.

Jose Canseco got knocked the f out. Anything for a check I guess. 🥊💀

Jose no...
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Perhaps she's been watching too many Sanford & Son reruns during lockdown life because they always came up with lamebrain schemes to get rich quick that always backfired. This is reminiscent of that.

I've used Gorilla Glue to restore shoes myself, specifically sole separation issues. It should be common sense not to put that 💩 on any anatomical part.
Sanford & Son slander won't be tolerated. Don't remember a ton of get rich quick schemes. Fred and Lamont were just living life.
Good riddance if accurate

This reminds me of that case where an even bigger idiot killed her boyfriend with a handgun for a 'youtube prank' where her boyfriend would be getting shot.
They thought a 'thick book' would be enough to stop a Desert Eagle. Obviously the bullet went straight through the book and the boyfriend then died from the gunshot wound to his chest. Absolute morons.
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