Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Thats never going to happen :lol:

Its the "not expect any consequences" part...

"never hit women" ≠ equality

"never hit anyone" = equality

Men know better because of the consequences. Most act accordingly. Those that don't are considered foolish.

Cultural conditioning / social constructs are evolving such that women no longer have the expectation of impunity.
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Its the "not expect any consequences" part...

Past: "never hit women" ≠ equality

Present: "never hit anyone" = equality
That's the thing though. People pick and choose when they want to follow these rules and that's why I just don't see it happening.

He get the cake and the weed that's a win. Nah just make sure you skeet in the condom for full effect
See below
edibles could put him in the hospital though like a certain nter you might now
have him thinking someone put a voodoo curse
Exactly. Put an insane amount and he would never know what hit him. I’ve had 50 mg doses that have made me reevaluate life.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

1. She’s not even a $650K woman. :smh:

2. Seriously she has daddy issues and really need to seek therapy. Marriage will not resolve those issue but only prolong and enables it.

3. Some of these women and their self entitlement is what going to keep them single.

4. As a high value man myself, I wouldn’t give the of day of attention to this woman. It’s a certain type of personality that will fit the lifestyle I’ve created for myself. I don’t think women realize that - **** your accolades, looks, education, etc. It’s more to it.
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These women wouldn’t know a high value man if they were standing in front of them.

Kevin is right, unless you come from some sort of elite family - or within that circle or network, the chances of you even meeting a Black top 2-3% financial status man is slim.

What is wrong with just an average man? I never understood this. I have a homey who makes 65K with no debt and living his best life. Works 9-5. Happy and stress free. Travel. Etc. Yet, this is not good enough for these women?

As much as I support and love Black Love and support the need of Black families, I can understand why Black men seek foreign women as mate. I’m not talking about white women.
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