Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Grine Grine

Funny how they can never answer the questions of

A. Why would a high earning man want YOU over the thousands of other women that he COULD have?

B. What do you bring to the table?
I think she’s looking at it with the wrong mindset. Your right, a 600k and above guy that’s around her age isn’t looking for a 36 year old woman who’s not stunningly gorgeous. I don’t really care much for KS but he’s right, the idea of the power couple where both people are businessman/woman and bringing huge bread to the table isn’t that realistic. You may see it with these 20 something white chicks who get a stock market bro but what’s she’s looking for is unrealistic. And move from expensive *** LA

Also it’s funny how she thinks power couples are always happy. To make lots of money you have to work a lot. How are you supposed to be happy if both y’all never around
I think she’s looking at it with the wrong mindset. Your right, a 600k and above guy that’s around her age isn’t looking for a 36 year old woman who’s not stunningly gorgeous. I don’t really care much for KS but he’s right, the idea of the power couple where both people are businessman/woman and bringing huge bread to the table isn’t that realistic. You may see it with these 20 something white chicks who get a stock market bro but what’s she’s looking for is unrealistic. And move from expensive *** LA

Also it’s funny how she thinks power couples are always happy. To make lots of money you have to work a lot. How are you supposed to be happy if both y’all never around
Folks too caught up on them fake social media relationships thats why. The see the “boss” couples on IG and everything looks good on the surface. They don’t understand that none of that **** is real.
Folks too caught up on them fake social media relationships thats why. The see the “boss” couples on IG and everything looks good on the surface. They don’t understand that none of that **** is real.
Nope. Totally fake.

Also how is she gonna be an entrepreneur and have 2-3 kids. Building a business takes all of your time
Nope. Totally fake.

Also how is she gonna be an entrepreneur and have 2-3 kids. Building a business takes all of your time

Entrepreneur through Primerica; “Regional VP”.

Kevin kept saying “worthless degree.” Oh man..

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To this day I still cant find the logic behind the fact that Samuels is hated by so many.

Jer. 5:21 (King James version): "Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not." "There are none so blind as those who will not see."

Plato: “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.”
These fake overly woke pseudo self “conscious” negros be getting on my nerves… :lol:

Bruh just doesn’t want to deal with all that maintenance work with growing our hair out.

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican
You ain't lyin. People live to find something to criticize online. For attention. Might have to limit my internet usage to just the first weekend of the month.
You ain't lyin. People live to find something to criticize online. For attention. Might have to limit my internet usage to just the first weekend of the month.

As someone said, “…focusing on obstacles as the interesting and charismatic thing that we, as Black, people can dwell upon each other, gets us nowhere.”
To this day I still cant find the logic behind the fact that Samuels is hated by so many.

Jer. 5:21 (King James version): "Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not." "There are none so blind as those who will not see."

Plato: “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.”
Well KS has a schtick that can come off as mean spirited and insulting at times. Like you call chicks running backs trying to hit the gap.

You can call women delusional without being mean spirited and demeaning
You can call women delusional without being mean spirited and demeaning

Like this?

"Why should being big stop a high value man from wanting me?"

believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

IMHO Samuels wasn't mean spirited or demeaning in any way.

Demeaning basically means shaming.

If the truth shames you then you should be ashamed.

NFL Full Back

Avg. Height: 6 feet Avg. Weight: 244.43 lbs


Height: 5'7" Weight: 240 pounds

I dunno about you fam but for me entitled and delusional women should be willing to take everything that comes with being entitled and delusional.

Not sure a man who says "Why should being broke keep beautiful women from wanting me" would receive sympathy from the masses.


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